Instructions for installing the customization:
  1. Copy the TxRolDN.CNK file to your current Dynamics directory of each of your client machines.
  2. Launch Dynamics GP You will receive a question about the following:

    Do you want to include new code....

  3. Choose Yes to this question, and it will install the new code for this product.

Instructions for Using the Customization: With this customization installed, it changes the behavior of the Tax Schedule ID in SOP Entry.
  1. If the Tax Schedule ID is changed in the Sales Customer Detail Entry, when pressing OK to return back to SOP Entry, the newly selected Tax Schedule ID is rolled down to the individual line items and taxes recalculated for the document. If the user exits the window by using Cancel, no changes will occur.
  2. When adding new line items to a SOP Document in which the default tax schedule has been changed, normally the Tax Schedule will be pulled from the Customer ShipTo Address. With this customization, the Tax Schedule ID will always be forced to use the Tax Schedule ID that the main SOP Document is using.