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KB 858264 - How to add purchase order notes to the POP Purchase Order Blank Form in Report Writer in Microsoft Dynamics GP

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This article describes how to add purchase order notes to the POP Purchase Order Blank Form in Report Writer in Microsoft Dynamics GP.

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To add purchase order notes to the POP Purchase Order Blank Form, follow these steps.

Step 1: Back up the report

  1. If you have any modified Microsoft Dynamics GP reports, back up the Reports.dic file. To locate the Reports.dic file, follow these steps:
    1. In Microsoft Dynamics GP, point to Tools on the Microsoft Dynamics GP menu, point to Setup, point to System, and then click Edit Launch File.
    2. If you are prompted, type the system password.
      • In Microsoft Dynamics GP 10.0 and in Microsoft Dynamics GP 9.0, click Microsoft Dynamics GP in the Edit Launch File window.
    3. Note the path that appears in the Reports box.
    4. Click OK to close the Edit Launch File window.

Step 2: Open the report

  1. In Microsoft Dynamics GP 10.0, point to Tools on the Microsoft Dynamics GP menu, point to Customize, and then click Report Writer.

    In Microsoft Dynamics GP 9.0 and in earlier versions, point to Customize on the Tools menu, and then click Report Writer.
  2. Use the appropriate step:
    • In Microsoft Dynamics GP 10.0 and in Microsoft Dynamics GP 9.0, click Microsoft Dynamics GP in the Product list, and then click OK.
    • In Microsoft Business Solutions - Great Plains 8.0 and in Microsoft Business Solutions - Great Plains 7.5, click Great Plains in the Product list, and then click OK.
  3. Click Reports.
  4. In the Original Reports area, click POP Purchase Order Blank Form, and then click Insert.
  5. In the Modified Reports area, click POP Purchase Order Blank Form, and then click Open.

Step 3: Create a calculated field

  1. Click Layout.
  2. In the Toolbox window, click Calculated Fields in the Resources list, and then click New.
  3. In the Name field, type PO Note 1.
  4. In the Result Type list, click String.
  5. In the Expression Type area, click Calculated.
  6. Click the Functions tab, and then click User-Defined.
  7. In the Core list, click System.
  8. In the Functions list, click RW_GetNoteText, and then click Add.
  9. Click the Fields tab, and then click Purchase Order Work in the Resources list.
  10. In the Field list, click PO Note ID Array.
  11. Click Add, type 1 when you are prompted to enter the array index, and then click OK.
  12. Click the Constants tab, and then click Integer in the Type list.
  13. Type 50 in the Constants field, and then click Add.
  14. Type 1 in the Constants field, and then click Add.
  15. The following expression appears:
    FUNCTION_SCRIPT(RW_GetNoteTextPOP_PO.PO Note ID Array[1]501)
    Note This information is the first line of the note. To print the other lines of the note, you have to create additional calculated fields. These additional calculated fields will be the same except for the last constant. To print the second line, change the "1" in the calculated field to a "2." To print the third line, change the "1" in the calculated field to a "3." To print other lines, change the "1" to number of the line that you want to print. For example, to print the second line, the calculated field resembles the following:

    FUNCTION_SCRIPT(RW_GetNoteTextPOP_PO.PO Note ID Array[1]502)
  16. Click OK.

Step 4: Add the new fields to the report

  1. In the Toolbox window, click Calculated Field in the Resources list, and then click PO Note 1.
  2. Drag the PO Note 1 field to the Report Header section of the report.
  3. Click any other calculated fields that you created, and drag them to the same section.

Step 5: Save the modified report

  1. Close the report. Click Save when you are prompted to save your changes.
  2. In the Report Definition window, click OK.
  3. Use the appropriate step:
    • In Microsoft Dynamics GP 10.0 and in Microsoft Dynamics GP 9.0, click Microsoft Dynamics GP on the File menu.
    • In Microsoft Business Solutions - Great Plains 8.0 and in Microsoft Business Solutions - Great Plains 7.5, click Microsoft Business Solutions - Great Plains on the File menu.

Step 6: Assign security permissions to the modified report

Method 1: By using Microsoft Dynamics GP security in Microsoft Dynamics GP 10.0

  1. On the Microsoft Dynamics GP menu, point to Tools, point to Setup, point to System, and then click Alternate/Modified Forms and Reports.
  2. In the ID box, type the user ID of the user who will print this modified report.
  3. In the Product list, click Microsoft Dynamics GP.
  4. In the Type list, click Reports.
  5. Expand the Purchasing folder.
  6. Expand the POP Purchase Order Blank Form folder.
  7. Click Microsoft Dynamics GP (Modified).
  8. Click Save.

Method 2: By using the Advanced Security tool in Microsoft Dynamics GP 9.0 and in earlier versions

  1. On the Tools menu, point to Setup, point to System, and then click Advanced Security.

    NoteIf you are prompted, type the system password.
  2. Click View, and then click by Alternate, Modified and Custom.
  3. Use the appropriate step:
    • In Microsoft Dynamics GP 9.0, expand Microsoft Dynamics GP.
    • In Microsoft Business Solutions - Great Plains 8.0 and in Microsoft Business Solutions - Great Plains 7.5, expand Great Plains.
  4. Expand the following nodes:
    • Reports
    • Purchasing
    • POP Purchase Order Blank Form
  5. Use the appropriate step:
    • In Microsoft Dynamics GP 9.0, click Microsoft Dynamics GP (Modified).
    • In Microsoft Business Solutions - Great Plains 8.0 and in Microsoft Business Solutions - Great Plains 7.5, click Great Plains (Modified).
  6. Click Apply, and then click OK.

    NoteBy default, when you start the Advanced Security tool, the current user and the current company are selected. Any changes that you make are only for the current user and for the current company. However, you can select additional users in the User area of the Advanced Security window. You can select additional companies in the Company area of the Advanced Security window.

Method 3: By using Microsoft Dynamics GP security in Microsoft Dynamics GP 9.0 and in earlier versions

  1. On the Tools menu, point to Setup, point to System, and then click Security.

    NoteIf you are prompted, type the system password.
  2. In the User ID list, click the user ID of the user who will access the report.
  3. In the Type list, click Modified Reports.
  4. In the Series list, click Purchasing.
  5. In the Access List box, double-click POP Purchase Order Blank Form, and then click OK.

    NoteAfter you click OK, an asterisk appears next to the report name.

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Keywords: kbnosurvey, kbentirenet, kbexpertiseinter, kbinfo, kbhowto, kbmbspartner, kbmbsmigrate, kb

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Article Info
Article ID : 858264
Revision : 2
Created on : 2/9/2018
Published on : 2/9/2018
Exists online : False
Views : 394