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Error message if you try to select a purchase order in the Purchasing Invoice Entry window in Microsoft Dynamics GP: "You cannot receive against unauthorized purchase orders”

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If you try to select a purchase order in the Purchasing Invoice Entry window in Microsoft Dynamics GP, you receive the following error message:

          You cannot receive against unauthorized purchase orders.

Additionally, you cannot mass approve the purchase orders that are in the Purchase Order Enhancements Entry window.

This problem occurs if one of the following scenarios is true:

• When you activate a purchase order, you deactivate a purchase order, and then you reactivate a purchase order, the activation process does not correctly update the approval status of the purchase orders. For you to successfully enter or match invoices, purchase orders must have a status of Approved .
• Canceled purchase orders or some canceled line items in purchase orders remain in the CPO10110 table. Canceled line items must not appear in this table.

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To resolve this problem, try method 1. If method 1 does not resolve the problem, try method 2.

Note Before you follow the instructions in this article, make sure that you have a complete backup copy of the database that you can restore if a problem occurs.


Method 1

1. Make sure that purchase orders have a status of Approved in the POA40003 table. To do this, run the following statements against the company database in Microsoft SQL Query Analyzer. To start SQL Query Analyzer, click Start , point to Programs , point to Microsoft SQL Server , and then click Query Analyzer .
a. Run the following SELECT statement to locate the purchase order and the DEX_ROW_ID value for the record.

Note Replace xxx with the purchase order number..
b. Run the following UPDATE statement to set the purchase order status to Approved by using the DEX_ROW_ID value for the record as the condition.
Notes • In this statement, replace yyy with the actual DEX_ROW_ID value of the record.
• The value of 2 is represents a status of Approved .


Method 2

1. Update purchase order line items that have a status of Canceled . Change the status to Change Order , and then change the status back to Canceled to remove the line items from the CPO10110 table. To do this, follow these steps:
a. Click Transactions , point to Purchasing , and then click Edit Purchase Orders .
b. Click the Lookup button next to PO Number . Then open the purchase order that you want to update.
c. Locate the specific line items that have a status of Canceled . Then click Change Order in the Status list for those items.
d. Click Process .
e. Run the following SQL statement, and notice the ORD value for the Change Order line items.
SELECT ORD, * FROM POP10110 where PONUMBER = <xxx>
Notes • In this statement, replace xxx with the actual purchase order number.
• By default, the ORD value for the first line item is always 16384. The ORD value always increments by 16384. Therefore, the value for the second line item is 32768, and the value for the third line item is 49152, and so on.

f. Click Transactions , point to Purchasing , and then click Edit Purchase Orders .
g. Click the Lookup button next to PO Number . Then open the purchase order that you want to update.
h. Locate the specific line items that have a status of Change Order . Then click Canceled in the Status list for those items.
i. Click Process .
j. Verify that the purchase order line item is not in the CPO10110 table. To do this, insert the ORD value from step e in the following SQL statement, and then run the statement in SQL Query Analyzer.
SELECT * FROM CPO10110 where PONUMBER = <xxx> and ORD = <zzz>
Notes • In this statement, replace xxx with the actual purchase order number.
• In this statement, replace zzz with the actual order of the line item number.
• This statement should not return any record because canceled line items or canceled purchase orders do not appear in this table.

k. Reconcile the purchase order. To do this, on the Microsoft Dynamics GP menu, click  Tools , point to Utilities , point to Purchasing , and then click Reconcile Purchasing Documents .
l. In the Reconcile Purchasing Documents window, click Reconcile and Print Report , and then click Process .
m. Make sure that all users are logged out of Microsoft Dynamics GP.
n. On the Microsoft Dynamics GP menu, click  File , point to Maintenance , and then click Purchase Order Enhancements .
o. Click to select the Reconcile check box to reconcile the Purchase Order Enhancements tables and records. Then click Process .

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Keywords: kb, kbnosurvey, kbtshoot, kbprb, kberrmsg, kbMBSMigrate, kbMBSPartner, BemisKB855877, kbEntireNet

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Article Info
Article ID : 855877
Revision : 2
Created on : 2/28/2017
Published on : 2/28/2017
Exists online : False
Views : 335