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Error message when you try to print a batch of checks in Payables Management in Microsoft Dynamics GP: "Errors have been found in this check batch. Please correct the errors before printing"

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When you try to print a batch of checks in Payables Management in Microsoft Dynamics GP, you may receive the following error message:

Errors have been found in this check batch. Please correct the errors before printing.

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This problem occurs because the batch of checks includes a vendor that has the Hold check box selected in the Vendor Maintenance window.

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To resolve this problem, click to clear the Hold check box for the vendor or release the vendor that has the Hold check box selected from the batch. After you do this, you can print the check batch successfully.


Method 1

Click to clear the Hold check box for the vendor. To do this, follow these steps:
1. On the Cards menu, point to Purchasing , and then click Vendor .
2. In the Vendor ID field, type a vendor ID or select a vendor by using the lookup window.
3. Click to clear the Hold check box.
4. Click Save .

Method 2

Release the vendor that has the Hold check box selected from the batch. To do this, follow these steps:
1. On the Transactions menu, point to Purchasing , and then click Edit Check Batch .
2. In the Batch ID field, type a batch ID or select a batch by using the lookup window.
3. Click to clear the Vendor ID check box to remove the vendor from the batch.
4. Click OK .


To work around this problem, print an edit list of the check batch. To do this, follow these steps:
1. On the Transactions menu, click Purchasing , and then click Batches .
2. In the Payables Batch Entry window, enter or select a batch ID in the Batch ID field.
3. Click the printer icon in the upper-right corner, and then specify the report destination.
4. Verify that the report contains errors.
5. Note the errors and transactions that are included in the batch.


Steps to reproduce the problem

1. Create a batch of checks for several vendors in the Select Payables Checks window. To open this window, point to Purchasing on the Transactions menu, and then click Select Checks .
2. Add a vendor that has the Hold check box selected in the Vendor Maintenance window to the batch that you created in step 1. To open the Vendor Maintenance window, point to Purchasing on the Cards menu, and then click Vendor .

Print a batch of checks by using one of the following windows:

• The Payables Transaction Entry window: To open this window, point to Purchasing on the Transactions menu, and then click Transaction Entry .
• The Manual Payment Entry window: To open this window, point to Purchasing on the Transactions menu, and then click Manual Payments .
• The Print Payables Checks window: To open this window, point to Purchasing on the Transactions menu, and then click Print Checks .

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Keywords: kb, kbnosurvey, kberrmsg, kbprb, kbtshoot, kbMBSPartner, kbMBSMigrate, BemisKB854239

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Article Info
Article ID : 854239
Revision : 1
Created on : 3/1/2017
Published on : 3/1/2017
Exists online : False
Views : 272