To work around this issue, use one of the following methods.
Wait for a public folder to be created by public folder store maintenance
During routine public folder store maintenance, if a new OAL is found without a corresponding public folder, a new public folder is created. The default public folder store maintenance cycle is 12:00 am to 6:00 a.m.
Note You can change scheduled time for running the folder store maintenance process. The folder store maintenance process performs other tasks besides creating a public folder. It is best not to change the scheduled time for running the maintenance process to create a public folder for an OAL.
Create a public folder
If you want a public folder to be created immediately and not wait for the public folder to be created automatically during the public folder store maintenance process, you can dismount and remount the public store in ESM. To do this, follow these steps:
- Create a new OAL. To create a new OAL, follow these steps:
- In ESM, expand Recipients.
- Right-click Offline Address Lists, click New, and then click Offline Address List.
- Type a name for the new OAL in the Offline address list name box.
- Type the name for the OAL server in the Offline address list server box or click Browse to locate an OAL server.
- Click Next.
- If you want to add the default global address list to the new OAL, click Default Global Address List in the Address lists list, and then click Add.
Note Click Remove, if you do not want to add the default global address list to the new OAL. - Click the address list that you want to make available offline, and then click Add.
- Click Next.
- A warning message is displayed to indicate that the public folder containing the new OAL object will be created at the next store maintenance interval and the OAL will not be available to clients until that time.
- Click Next.
- Click Finish to create the new OAL object.
- Wait for the public folders, for the public folder hierarchy objects, and for the caching mechanism in Active Directory to be updated. This process may take about thirty minutes.
- Dismount and remount the public store. To do this, follow these steps:
- Expand the Server container.
- Click the server containing the public folder store that you want to dismount.
- Expand the storage group containing the public folder store.
- Right-click the public folder store and then click Dismount Store.
- When the public folder store is successfully dismounted, click Mount Store.
- To populate the new OAL, rebuild the OAL. To do this, follow these steps:
- In ESM, expand Recipients, and then click Offline Address Lists.
- On the right pane, right-click the Offline address list that you want to rebuild, and then click Rebuild.