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Availability of Windows XP COM+ 1.5 Rollup Package 6

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This article lists the Microsoft COM+ bugs that are fixed in Microsoft Windows XP COM+ 1.5 Rollup Package 6. Each package contains all the fixes that were released in the previous Windows XP COM+ 1.5 rollup packages.

Issues that are fixed in this rollup package

The following issue is fixed in this rollup package:
  • 319007 COM+ application stops responding on idle shutdown if you configure application as Queued and Listening
The following issues are also fixed in this rollup package but were not previously documented in a Microsoft Knowledge Base article:
  • Services Without Components (SWC) are not fully supported in Windows XP.
  • The queued components (QC) Exception class does not appropriately handle messages that cannot be sent.
  • A memory leak occurs when you use the ICrmLogControl::WriteLogRecordVariantsCRM Compensating Resource Manager (CRM) interface.
  • The OnMethodCall event, the OnMethodReturn event, and the OnMethodException event are not generated for managed components.
  • When you set up a new single-threaded apartment (STA) context, a deadlock may occur during the reuse of synchronization properties.
  • When you create COM+ components and increase the initial pool size for the components, the additional components that you create are removed and cleaned up from the Microsoft .NET managed component pool after 5 minutes of inactivity. However, the unmanaged components remain.
  • TCP sends data to the client after the disconnect is completed in a race condition.
  • Conflicts between two modems are caused by the Impersonate user right.
  • The CDllHost::DllGetClassObject function must verify parameters.
  • You may not receive notification of the transaction outcome managed code.
  • The DCOMCNFG utility does not return a valid authentication level value into the
    registry subkey.
  • When you cannot find the default authnsvc parameter for the OXIDEntry internal structure in the server's OXID binding, you pick the first authnsvc parameter from the server's bindings.
  • A memory leak may occur when you create a COM+ 1.0 server application.
  • When an access violation in the COM+ QC Dead Letter Queue Listener occurs, the IPlaybackControl::FinalClientRetry function may not be called.
  • A Microsoft Distributed Transaction Coordinator (MSDTC) deadlock occurs in the UTSemReadWrite design.
  • An access violation in the comsvcs!CNonRootTransactionStream::LeaveFillBuffer function occurs.
  • An exception in the OLE32.DLL!CObjectContext::InternalRelease function causes Windows Error Reporting to report bucket 22606892.
  • MSDTC shuts down after the timer object disappears.
  • Microsoft Windows Installer Setup that is exported from Microsoft Windows XP fails on a computer that is running Microsoft Windows 2000.
  • The Design Change Request (DCR) to enhance the ContextUtil named property extensions was implemented.
  • The AccessCheck cache based remote procedure call (RPC) connections should deny or allow connections.
  • Indoubt transactions do not immediately disappear from the list of indoubt transactions.
  • When you use a dynamically loaded assembly to call the SetComplete method for a Microsoft .NET Enterprise Services component, the transaction may end.
  • The Remote Procedure Call Server service (RPCSS) loops in the PingServer procedure because the ping may return 0x5.
  • The EqualAuthInfo parameter is required to work well with the ANSI version of the COAUTHIDENTITY structure.
  • The CheckLocalSecurity procedure may crash on a null context handle in the RPCSS.
  • The ole32!CRemoteUnknown::DoCallback function is called from within the same process.
  • When a race condition occurs, a multithreaded apartment (MTA) that is actually not shutting down becomes incorrectly marked as shutting down.
  • When you use the global interface table (GIT) from different threads, a memory leak may occur.
  • When a DCOM client has lost a callback connection, the object returns the RPC_E_DISCONNECTED value.
  • When you install an application proxy that has a newer DLL version, the COMPLUS\{GUID} folder is not overwritten.
  • The Mtxoci.dll file unloads before all threads are finished.
  • When the COM+ catalog stores a user name as a string, the string may be in a different language on a Multilingual User Interface (MUI) system after you apply the hotfix that is described in the following Microsoft Knowledge Base article:
    281454 You cannot apply local security settings with MUI
  • When one subscriber unregisters a subscription, a race condition causes valid subscribers to no longer receive all events.
  • The AuthenticationCapability application property may reject some valid EOAC_ values.
  • The CComCatalog::GetProcessInfoInternal function may not use the passed in flags as keys that cause the 32-bit surrogate activations to fail.
  • When the COM+ event system detects a corrupted IEventSubscription object, many erroneous events are logged in the event log.
  • A memory leak in the txfaux!TYPEINFOVTBL structure occurs.
  • A MSDTC crash may cause queued component (QC) messages to become lost.
  • A COM+ process may crash after you apply Windows 2000 Post-Service Pack 3 COM+ Hotfix Rollup 22.

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More information

Hotfix information

A supported hotfix is available from Microsoft. However, this hotfix is intended to correct only the problem that is described in this article. Apply this hotfix only to systems that are experiencing this specific problem. This hotfix might receive additional testing. Therefore, if you are not severely affected by this problem, we recommend that you wait for the next software update that contains this hotfix.

If the hotfix is available for download, there is a "Hotfix download available" section at the top of this Knowledge Base article. If this section does not appear, contact Microsoft Customer Service and Support to obtain the hotfix.

Note If additional issues occur or if any troubleshooting is required, you might have to create a separate service request. The usual support costs will apply to additional support questions and issues that do not qualify for this specific hotfix. For a complete list of Microsoft Customer Service and Support telephone numbers or to create a separate service request, visit the following Microsoft Web site: Note The "Hotfix download available" form displays the languages for which the hotfix is available. If you do not see your language, it is because a hotfix is not available for that language.


To apply this rollup package, you must have Windows XP installed on the computer.

Restart information

You must restart the computer after you apply this rollup package.

Bugs that are fixed in the Windows XP COM+ 1.5 rollup packages are cumulative. For more information about the previous rollup packages, click the following article numbers to view the articles in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:
  • 317926 Availability of Windows XP COM+ Hotfix Rollup Package 1
  • 330227 Availability of Windows XP COM+ Hotfix Rollup Package 5

Registry information

You do not have to create or modify any registry keys to activate any hotfixes that are contained in this rollup package.

File information

This rollup package contains only those files that you must have to correct the issues that this article lists. This rollup package may not contain all the files that you must have to fully update a product to the latest build.

The English version of this hotfix has the file attributes (or later file attributes) that are listed in the following table. The dates and times for these files are listed in Coordinated Universal Time (UTC). When you view the file information, it is converted to local time. To find the difference between UTC and local time, use the Time Zone tab in the Date and Time tool in Control Panel.
Windows XP, 32-bit versions
   Date         Time   Version          Size       File name
   04-Oct-2003  08:01  2001.12.4414.51    225,280  Catsrv.dll       
   04-Oct-2003  08:01  2001.12.4414.51    594,944  Catsrvut.dll     
   04-Oct-2003  08:01  2001.12.4414.51    110,080  Clbcatex.dll     
   04-Oct-2003  08:01  2001.12.4414.51    498,688  Clbcatq.dll      
   04-Oct-2003  08:01  2001.12.4414.51     64,512  Colbact.dll      
   04-Oct-2003  08:01  2001.12.4414.51    187,392  Comadmin.dll     
   04-Oct-2003  08:01  2001.12.4414.51  1,189,376  Comsvcs.dll      
   04-Oct-2003  08:01  2001.12.4414.51    498,688  Comuid.dll       
   04-Oct-2003  08:01  2001.12.4414.51    225,280  Es.dll           
   03-Oct-2003  00:24  2001.12.4414.51      6,656  Migregdb.exe     
   04-Oct-2003  08:01  2001.12.4414.51    365,056  Msdtcprx.dll     
   04-Oct-2003  08:01  2001.12.4414.51    975,360  Msdtctm.dll      
   04-Oct-2003  08:01  2001.12.4414.51     82,432  Mtxoci.dll       
   04-Oct-2003  08:01  5.1.2600.1301    1,175,552  Ole32.dll        
   04-Oct-2003  08:01  5.1.2600.1301      532,480  Rpcrt4.dll       
   04-Oct-2003  08:01  5.1.2600.1301      263,168  Rpcss.dll        
   04-Oct-2003  08:01  2001.12.4414.51     97,280  Txflog.dll
Windows XP, 64-bit version
   Date         Time   Version          Size       File name      Platform
   20-Oct-2003  17:04  2001.12.4414.51    695,808  Catsrv.dll     IA-64
   20-Oct-2003  17:04  2001.12.4414.51  2,126,848  Catsrvut.dll   IA-64
   20-Oct-2003  17:04  2001.12.4414.51    360,960  Clbcatex.dll   IA-64
   20-Oct-2003  17:04  2001.12.4414.51  1,549,312  Clbcatq.dll    IA-64
   20-Oct-2003  17:04  2001.12.4414.51    204,288  Colbact.dll    IA-64
   20-Oct-2003  17:04  2001.12.4414.51    478,720  Comadmin.dll   IA-64
   20-Oct-2003  17:04  2001.12.4414.51  3,566,080  Comsvcs.dll    IA-64
   20-Oct-2003  17:04  2001.12.4414.51  1,817,088  Comuid.dll     IA-64
   20-Oct-2003  17:04  2001.12.4414.51    734,720  Es.dll         IA-64
   13-Oct-2003  23:21  2001.12.4414.51     12,800  Migregdb.exe   IA-64
   20-Oct-2003  17:04  2001.12.4414.51  1,499,136  Msdtcprx.dll   IA-64
   20-Oct-2003  17:04  2001.12.4414.51  3,474,432  Msdtctm.dll    IA-64
   20-Oct-2003  17:04  2001.12.4414.51    286,720  Mtxoci.dll     IA-64
   20-Oct-2003  17:04  5.1.2600.1309    4,312,576  Ole32.dll      IA-64
   20-Oct-2003  17:04  5.1.2600.1309    2,309,120  Rpcrt4.dll     IA-64
   20-Oct-2003  17:04  5.1.2600.1309      751,104  Rpcss.dll      IA-64
   20-Oct-2003  17:03  2001.12.4414.51    345,088  Txflog.dll     IA-64
   20-Oct-2003  17:21  2001.12.4414.51    225,280  Wcatsrv.dll    x86
   20-Oct-2003  17:21  2001.12.4414.51    594,944  Wcatsrvut.dll  x86
   20-Oct-2003  17:21  2001.12.4414.51    110,080  Wclbcatex.dll  x86
   20-Oct-2003  17:21  2001.12.4414.51    498,688  Wclbcatq.dll   x86
   20-Oct-2003  17:21  2001.12.4414.51     64,512  Wcolbact.dll   x86
   20-Oct-2003  17:21  2001.12.4414.51    187,392  Wcomadmin.dll  x86
   20-Oct-2003  17:21  2001.12.4414.51  1,189,376  Wcomsvcs.dll   x86
   20-Oct-2003  17:21  2001.12.4414.51    225,280  Wes.dll        x86
   20-Oct-2003  17:21  2001.12.4414.51    365,056  Wmsdtcprx.dll  x86
   20-Oct-2003  17:21  2001.12.4414.51     82,432  Wmtxoci.dll    x86
   20-Oct-2003  17:21  5.1.2600.1309    1,175,552  Wole32.dll     x86
   14-Oct-2003  12:18  5.1.2600.1309      508,416  Wrpcrt4.dll    x86
   20-Oct-2003  17:20  2001.12.4414.51     97,280  Wtxflog.dll    x86

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For more information about the terminology that Microsoft uses when Microsoft corrects software after it is released, click the following article number to view the article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:
824684 Description of the standard terminology that is used to describe Microsoft software updates

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Keywords: kbautohotfix, kbhotfixserver, kbqfe, kbbug, kbfix, kbhotfixrollup, kbqfe, KB828758

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Article Info
Article ID : 828758
Revision : 8
Created on : 12/5/2007
Published on : 12/5/2007
Exists online : False
Views : 538