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Equation 3.1 and Organization Chart do not appear on the Create New tab of Word 2003, PowerPoint 2003 or Excel 2003.

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When you click Object on the Insert menu, neither Microsoft Equation 3.1 nor MS Organization Chart appears on the Create New tab.

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Some OLE programs, like Microsoft Equation 3.1, do not appear on the Create New tab when the program is set to Install on first use. This behavior may occur if you did an Upgrade Now or a Typical install. MS Organization Chart does not appear on the Create New tab because it has been incorporated in the program as a diagram.

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Microsoft Equation 3.1

Run Setup to install Microsoft Equation 3.1. To do this, follow these steps:
  1. Quit all Microsoft Office 2003 programs.
  2. Click Start, and then click Control Panel.
  3. Double-click Add or Remove Programs.
  4. In the Currently installed components list, click Microsoft Office 2003, and then click Change.
  5. Click Add or Remove Features, and then click Next.
  6. Click Choose advanced customization of applications, and then click Next.
  7. Expand Office Tools.
  8. Click Equation Editor, and then click Run from My Computer.
  9. Click Update.

MS Organization Chart

To insert an organization chart in a document, follow these steps:
  1. In your Office 2003 program, click Insert, and then click Diagram.
  2. In the Diagram Gallery dialog box, click to select the Organization Chart check box.
  3. Click OK to close the Diagram Gallery dialog box.
For more information about working with an organization chart, type organization chart in the Search box of your program Help file.

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More information

In the programs that are listed in the "Applies to" section, most features appear on the menus even if the feature is not installed. This function enables you to see that a feature is available but permits the initial installation of your program to be completed more quickly than it would be if all the features were installed during Setup.

Note Help states that Microsoft Equation is version 3.0. The actual installed version of Microsoft Equation is 3.1

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Keywords: KB826858, kbprb, kbPubTypeKC, kbarchive, kbnosurvey

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Article Info
Article ID : 826858
Revision : 3
Created on : 1/10/2015
Published on : 1/10/2015
Exists online : False
Views : 325