Microsoft Access includes many components. Each component
supplies its own set of objects. The object library of a component contains
information about its objects, its properties, and its methods. These objects
are available to Microsoft Office Access 2003 only if the Access 2003
application contains references to the corresponding object
To view the list of available references for an Access 2003
database application, follow these steps:
- Start Microsoft Office Access 2003.
- Open the Access 2003 database that you want.
- On the Tools menu that is in the Database
window, point to Macro, and then click Visual Basic
- On the Tools menu that is in Visual Basic
Editor, click References.
The References -
Database Name dialog box appears. The
references appear in the Available References list in this
dialog box.
Note The selected library references that appear in the
Available References list are available for use in the current
database application.
By default, following references are selected when you create a
new Microsoft Access database in Access 2000 format by using Microsoft Office
Access 2003:
- Visual Basic for Applications
- Microsoft Access 11.0 Object
- OLE Automation
- Microsoft ActiveX Data Objects 2.1
- Microsoft DAO 3.6 Object
By default, following references are selected when you create a
new Microsoft Access database in Access 2002 - 2003 format by using Microsoft
Office Access 2003:
- Visual Basic for Applications
- Microsoft Access 11.0 Object
- OLE Automation
- Microsoft ActiveX Data Objects 2.5
- Microsoft DAO 3.6 Object
That Are Included with Object Libraries
The following are important object libraries that are available
for use in a Microsoft Office Access 2003 database application and the objects
that are included in these object libraries.
Visual Basic for Applications Library Reference (Vbe6.dll)
The Visual Basic for Applications Object Library includes the
following objects:
- Debug object
- ErrObject object
- Collection object
Microsoft Access 11.0 Object Library Reference (Msacc.olb)
The Microsoft Access 10.0 Object Library includes the following
objects and collections:
- Application object
- Form object and Forms collection
- Report object and Reports collection
- Control object and Controls collection
- Module object and Modules collection
- Reference object and References collection
- DoCmd object
- Screen object
OLE Automation Library Reference (Stdole2.tlb)
The OLE Automation Object Library includes the following objects:
- StdFont object
- StdPicture object
Microsoft ActiveX Data Objects 2.1 Library Reference (Msado21.tlb)
The Microsoft ActiveX Data Objects 2.5 Library includes the
following objects and collections:
- Command object
- Connection object
- Error object and Errors collection
- Field object and Fields collection
- Parameter object and Parameters collection
- Property object and Properties collection
- Recordset object
Microsoft ActiveX Data Objects 2.5 Library Reference (Msado25.tlb)
The Microsoft ActiveX Data Objects 2.5 Library includes the
following objects and collections:
- Command object
- Connection object
- Error object and Errors collection
- Field object and Fields collection
- Parameter object and Parameters collection
- Property object and Properties collection
- Recordset object
- Record object
- Stream object
Microsoft ADO Extensions 2.5 for DDL and Security Library Reference (Msadox.dll)
The Microsoft ADO Extensions Library includes the following
objects and collections:
- Catalog object
- Column object and Columns collection
- Group object and Groups collection
- Index object and Indexes collection
- Key object and Keys collection
- Procedure object and Procedures collection
- Property object and Properties collection
- Table object and Tables collection
- User object and Users collection
- View object and Views collection
Microsoft Jet and Replication Objects 2.5 Library Reference (Msjro.dll)
The Microsoft Jet and Replication Objects Library includes the
following objects and collections:
- Filter object and Filters collection
- JetEngine object
- Replica object
Microsoft DAO 3.6 Object Library (Dao360.dll)
The Data Access Object (DAO) object library includes the following
objects and collections:
- DBEngine object
- Workspace object and Workspaces collections
- Error object and Errors collection
- Database object and Databases collection
- TableDef object and TableDefs collection
- Field object and Fields collection
- Index object and Indexes collection
- QueryDef object and QueryDefs collection
- Parameter object and Parameters collection
- Relation object and Relations collection
- Recordset object and Recordsets collection
- Group object and Groups collections
- User object and Users collection
- Container object and Containers collection
- Document object and Documents collection
- Properties collection
Note The DAO 3.6 type library removes the support for obsolete
objects, methods, and properties. Therefore, if you reference the DAO 3.6 type
library and you use the unsupported constructs, you may notice compile errors
in your code.
Microsoft Office 11.0 Object Library Reference (Mso.dll)
Microsoft Office Access 2003 also includes the Microsoft Office
11.0 Object Library. This object library is included for users who want to use
the objects that Microsoft Office provides.
- CommandBar object
- FileSearch object
- Assistant object
How to Set a Reference to
Other Applications
You can also set references to object libraries that other
applications or components provide if you want to use objects that are in those
libraries for Automation operations in Microsoft Access. The following table
lists some of the applications and the object libraries that you can reference:
Application Reference
Microsoft Excel 2000 objects Microsoft Excel 9.0 Object Library (Excel9.olb)
Microsoft Excel 2002 objects Microsoft Excel 10.0 Object Library (Excel.exe)
Microsoft Office Excel 2003 objects Microsoft Excel 11.0 Object Library (Excel.exe)
Microsoft Word 2000 objects Microsoft Word 9.0 Object Library (Msword9.olb)
Microsoft Word 2002 objects Microsoft Word 10.0 Object Library (Msword.olb)
Microsoft Office Word 2003 objects Microsoft Word 11.0 Object Library (Msword.olb)
Microsoft Graph 9.0 objects Microsoft Graph 9.0 Object Library (Graph9.olb)
Microsoft Graph 10 objects Microsoft Graph 10.0 Object Library (Graph.exe)
Microsoft Graph 11 objects Microsoft Graph 11.0 Object Library (Graph.exe)
Microsoft Office Outlook 2003 objects Microsoft Outlook 11.0 Object Library (Msoutl.olb)
Microsoft PowerPoint 2002 Microsoft PowerPoint 10.0 Object Library (Msppt.olb)
Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2003 objects Microsoft PowerPoint 11.0 Object Library (Msppt.olb)
Microsoft Office Publisher 2003 objects Microsoft Publisher 11.0 Object Library (Mspub.tlb)
How to Set a Reference to DAO
for Different Versions of Microsoft Access
If you have more than one version of Microsoft Access installed on
your computer, Microsoft recommends that you reference different versions of
the Microsoft DAO Object Library as specified in the following list:
Version of Microsoft Access Version(s) of DAO
Microsoft Access 1.0 Microsoft DAO 2.5/3.0 Compatibility
Microsoft Access 1.1 Microsoft DAO 2.5/3.0 Compatibility
Microsoft Access 2.0 Microsoft DAO 2.5/3.0 Compatibility
Microsoft Access 7.0 Microsoft DAO 3.0 Object Library
Microsoft Access 97 Microsoft DAO 3.5 Object Library
Microsoft Access 2000 Microsoft DAO 3.6 Object Library
Microsoft Access 2002 Microsoft DAO 3.6 Object Library
Microsoft Office Access 2003 Microsoft DAO 3.6 Object Library
How to Set a Reference to DAO
for Other Applications That Use Microsoft Access
If you use applications that communicate with different versions
of Microsoft Access, verify that the version of DAO that is in the application
can communicate with the version of DAO that is in Microsoft Access. The
following list specifies the version (or the versions) of DAO that other
applications use:
Application DAO
Visual Basic 4.0 (16-bit) Microsoft DAO 2.5/3.0 Compatibility
Visual Basic 4.0 (32-bit) Microsoft DAO 3.0 Object Library
Visual Basic 5.0 Microsoft DAO 3.5x Object Library
Visual Basic 6.0 Microsoft DAO 3.5x Object Library
Microsoft IIS 3.0/4.0 Microsoft DAO 3.5x Object Library
Microsoft Excel 97 Microsoft DAO 3.5x Object Library
Microsoft Excel 2000 Microsoft DAO 3.6 Object Library
Microsoft Excel 2002 Microsoft DAO 3.6 Object Library
Microsoft Office Excel 2003 Microsoft DAO 3.6 Object Library
Microsoft Word 97 Microsoft DAO 3.5x Object Library
Microsoft Word 2000 Microsoft DAO 3.6 Object Library
Microsoft Word 2002 Microsoft DAO 3.6 Object Library
Microsoft Office Word 2003 Microsoft DAO 3.6 Object Library
Microsoft Project 4.1 Microsoft DAO 3.0 Object Library
Microsoft Project 95 Microsoft DAO 3.0 Object Library
Microsoft Project 2000 Microsoft DAO 3.6 Object Library
Microsoft Project 2002 Microsoft DAO 3.6 Object Library
Microsoft Office Project 2003 Microsoft DAO 3.6 Object Library
Microsoft PowerPoint 2002 Microsoft DAO 3.6 Object Library
Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2003 Microsoft DAO 3.6 Object Library