When you set the VaryByControl attribute of the @ OutputCache
directive to DropDownList in an ASP.NET page, the AutoPostBack property of
the DropDownList control may not work as expected.
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You can use the @ OutputCache directive attribute VaryByControl to cache multiple versions of user control output, based on a GET query
string or on form POST parameters. However, after the user control is cached, the
__doFormPost method is not generated for postback.
Registration of the postbackscript occurs on the OnPreRender method. However, the OnPreRender method of the cached control is not called when you cache the
user control. Therefore, when
the user control is cached, the __doFormPost method is not generated.
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To work around this problem, call the
GetPostBackEventReference method in the
Page_Load event of an ASPX page. To work around the
problem that is discussed in the "More Information" section, modify the code of the
Page_Load event as follows:
Visual C# .NET Sample Code
public void Page_Load()
DateTime Created = DateTime.Now;
CreatedStamp.InnerHtml = Created.ToString("r");
Visual Basic .NET Sample Code
Public Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
Dim Created As DateTime
Created = DateTime.Now
CreatedStamp.InnerHtml = Created.ToString("s")
End Sub
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Steps to Reproduce the Behavior
- Start Microsoft Visual Studio .NET.
- Use Microsoft Visual Basic .NET or Microsoft Visual C#
.NET to create a new ASP.NET Web
Application project. By default, WebForm1.aspx is created.
- In Design view, right-click WebForm1, and
then click View HTML Source.
- Replace the existing code with the following sample code to add
DropDownList and user control registration.
Visual C# .NET Sample Code<%@ Register TagPrefix="Fragment" TagName="Simple" Src="fragmentCache_byControl.ascx" %>
<%@ Page %>
<Script Language="C#" runat="server">
public void Page_Load()
DateTime Created = DateTime.Now;
CreatedStamp.InnerHtml = Created.ToString("r");
// Uncomment the following line to work around the problem:
// GetPostBackEventReference(this);
<body MS_POSITIONING="GridLayout">
<FONT size="6">Fragment Cache VaryByControl example:</FONT>
<HR SIZE="1">
<form id="MyContainer" method="post" runat="server">
<FRAGMENT:SIMPLE id="UserCon1" runat="server"></FRAGMENT:SIMPLE>
<HR size="1">
<Font size="6">This page was created at
<Font color="red"><B id="CreatedStamp" runat="server"> </B></Font>
Visual Basic .NET Sample Code<%@ Page %>
<%@ Register TagPrefix="Fragment" TagName="Simple" Src="fragmentCache_byControl.ascx" %>
<Script Language="vb" runat="server">
Public Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
Dim Created As DateTime
Created = DateTime.Now
CreatedStamp.InnerHtml = Created.ToString("s")
' Uncomment the following line to work around the problem:
' GetPostBackEventReference(Me)
End Sub
<body MS_POSITIONING="GridLayout">
<Font size="6">Fragment Cache VaryByControl example:</Font>
<HR size="1">
<form id="MyContainer" method="post" runat="server">
<Fragment:simple id="UserCon1" runat="server" />
<HR size="1">
<Font size="6">This page was created at <Font color="red">
<B id="CreatedStamp" runat="server"></B></Font>
- In Solution Explorer, right-click your project
name, point to Add, and then click Add New
- Click Web User Control under
Templates, and then name the control FragmentCache_byControl.ascx.
- In Design view, right-click WebForm1, and
then click View HTML Source.
- Replace the existing code with the following sample code:
Visual C# .NET Sample Code<%@ OutputCache Duration="20" varybyparam="none" VaryByControl="Category"%>
<%@ Control Language="C#" AutoEventWireup="true" %>
<Script runat="server">
public void Page_Load()
// Get the Date and Time. This should not change after the first run.
DateTime NowTime = DateTime.Now;
DateTime Expires = NowTime.AddSeconds(60);
CreatedStamp.InnerHtml = NowTime.ToString("r");
ExpiresStamp.InnerHtml = Expires.ToString("r");
<asp:DropDownList id="Category" AutoPostBack="True" runat="server">
<asp:ListItem Value="business">psychology</asp:ListItem>
<asp:ListItem Value="psychology">business</asp:ListItem>
<asp:ListItem Value="literature">literature</asp:ListItem>
<Font size="3"><B id="CategoryItem" runat="server"></B>
Fragment Cache created: <Font color="red"><B id="CreatedStamp" runat="server"></B></Font>
Fragment Cache expires: <Font color="red"><B id="ExpiresStamp" runat="server"></B></Font>
Visual Basic .NET Sample Code<%@ Control Language="vb" AutoEventWireup="true" %>
<%@ OutputCache Duration="20" varybyparam="none" VaryByControl="Category"%>
<Script runat="server">
Public Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
Dim NowTime As DateTime
Dim Expires As DateTime
NowTime = DateTime.Now
Expires = NowTime.AddSeconds(60)
Dim Created As DateTime
CreatedStamp.InnerHtml = Created.Now.ToString("s")
ExpiresStamp.InnerHtml = Expires.ToString("s")
End Sub
<asp:DropDownList id="Category" AutoPostBack="True" runat="server">
<asp:ListItem Value="business">psychology</asp:ListItem>
<asp:ListItem Value="psychology">business</asp:ListItem>
<asp:ListItem Value="literature">literature</asp:ListItem>
<Font size="3"><B id="CategoryItem" runat="server"></B>
Fragment Cache created: <Font color="red"><B id="CreatedStamp" runat="server"></B></Font>
Fragment Cache expires: <Font color="red"><B id="ExpiresStamp" runat="server"></B></Font>
- On the Debug menu, click
Start to save and then run the project.
- Click the first item in the drop-down list box. Notice that a new
fragment cache time stamp is created.
- Click the second item in the drop-down list box. Notice that a
different fragment cache time stamp is created.
- Repeat steps 9 and 10.
- Notice that the time stamps do not change, regardless
of the item that you select in the drop-down list box.
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For additional information,
click the following article numbers to view the articles in the Microsoft
Knowledge Base:
INFO: ASP.NET Caching Overview
308378 HOW TO: Perform Fragment Caching in ASP.NET by Using Visual C# .NET
308645 HOW TO: Perform Fragment Caching in ASP.NET by Using Visual Basic .NET
For more information, visit the following
visit the following Microsoft Web site:
information about ASP.NET caching and samples of ASP.NET caching from the ASP.NET QuickStart
guides, visit the following Microsoft Web site:
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