The following issues are fixed in this hotfix package:
- Optimization of the KiInsertQueueApc function if the current thread is the target.
Description: This hotfix modifies the KiInsertQeueueApc function so that it does not require the Dispatcher Lock if the deferred procedure call (DPC) runs on the same CPU as the thread that an asynchronous procedure call (APC) is inserted into. - Numa mask truncation (Kernel32.dll).
Description: Without this hotfix, the top 32 bits of the 64-bit non-uniform memory access (NUMA) KAFFINITY mask that is returned to user applications are truncated to 0.
Note The "top 32 bits" refers to bits 32 through 63. - Allocation of large pages with coloring support.
Description: Without this hotfix, application node affinity is not considered for memory allocations.
Note Application node affinity is also known as page coloring. - WIN64 HalpDefaultInterruptAffinity truncation.
Description: Without this hotfix, the top 32 bits of the default HAL 64-bit NUMA KAFFINITY mask are truncated to 0. This action causes Hardware Abstraction Layer (HAL) functionalities that use this parameter to ignore processors that are numbered higher than 31.