To confirm that this problem is occurring, you can use the
WbemTest.exe tool that is provided with Microsoft Windows Server 2003. To use
the WbemTest.exe tool, follow these steps:
- Click Start, click Run,
type Wbemtest, and then click OK.
- In Windows Management Instrumentation Tester, click
- In the Namespace box, type
root\cimv2, and the click
- Click Enum Classes.
- In the Enter superclass name box,
type Win32_Perf, click Recursive, and
then click OK.
- In Query Results, you will not see results
for the counters that are not transferred to WMI.
For example, the counter object for Exchange Server 2003 routing
OBJECT_SDSMTP_ROUTING_009_NAME=SMTP Routing. If this counter does not exist, you will not see the following
lines in
Query Results:
- Win32_PerfFormattedData_SDSMTPROUTING_SMTPRouting
- Win32_PerfRawData_SDSMTPROUTING_SMTPRouting