To check on local computer:�
You can use the following methods:
- Connecting to Remote Registry Service
- Using a script
The first method is easy but includes a lot of efforts. You can navigate to the following location in registry after connecting to remote registry:
The above registry key includes the following values in right pane:
��� LogPath������ REG_EXPAND_SZ��� %SystemRoot%\SchedLgU.Txt
��� TasksFolder REG_EXPAND_SZ��� %SystemRoot%\Tasks
To check on a Remote Computer:�
You can use the below script to check the LogPath and Tasks Folder on a remote computer:
@echo off
Echo Computer Name, Log Path, Tasks Folder >> Result.csv
SET Log_Path=
SET Task_Fold=
For /F �Tokens=*� %%a In (%srvlist%) Do (
Set Comp_name=%%a
Set RegQry=�\\%%a\HKLM\Software\Microsoft\ShcedulingAgent�
REG.exe Query %RegQry% > CheckCC.txt
Find /i "LogPath" < CheckCC.txt > StringCheck.txt
FOR /f �Tokens=3� %%b in (CheckCC.txt) DO SET Log_Path=%%b
Find /i �TasksFolder� < CheckCC.txt > StringCheck.txt
FOR /f �Tokens=3� %%b in (CheckCC.txt) DO SET Task_Fold=%%b
Echo %Comp_name, %Log_Path%, %Task_Fold% >> Result.csv
The above script will check remote computer for two registry entries for Log Path and Tasks Folder and the results will be saved in a CSV format file.