Per-Attachment Size Limits
The Common Data Service defaults to a per-annotation (attachment) size limit of 5MB, but this can be changed by a CDS environment administrator. To raise this limit:
1. Environment admins should go to the Power Platform Admin center and select the environment that they want to manage.
2. Select "Settings" from the command bar.
3. Select "Email"
4. In the "Attachments" section update the maximum size in kilobytes.
Please see this link for more information about the Common Data service setting that controls this.
Error Code: CdsApiAttachmentSizeLimitExceeded
Users will see this failure message in flow runs if this limit is being exceeded:
Attachment file size limit exceeded. Please contact your admin to make sure the limit is properly configured (The default is 5MB).'.
The attachment is too large for your CDS instance. The default size is 5MB per file, but this can be configured by database administrators as mentioned above.
Attachment File Type Restrictions
CDS restricts certain file types by extension from being created for security and privacy concerns. It restricts the following file extensions by default:
This can be customized by:
1. Environment admins should go to the Power Platform Admin center and select the environment that they want to manage.
2. Select "Settings" from the command bar.
3. Select "Security + Privacy"
4. Under "Blocked Attachments" add or remove file extensions from the semi-colon delimited listed.
Error Code: CdsApiAttachmentBlockedFileExtension
Users will see this failure message in flow runs if an attachment with a restricted file extension was passed to the Approvals action:
'Attachment file extension is blocked. Please contact your admin if changes need to be made to the block list.'.
An administrator in your organization has blocked attachments of the specified type.