Heartbeat telemetry sends Skype for Business client usage statistics to Microsoft once per 24 hours. Microsoft collects this information for basic client usage.
Heartbeat telemetry sends the following information to Microsoft:
Device Id: random GUID identifying the device
Processor Architecture: x64/x86/ARM/Itanium
Test Environment: Microsoft test build flag. Empty for production.
OS Name: e.g. Microsoft Windows
OS Version: e.g. 10.0.10240
OS Locale: e.g. en-us
Time Zone Bias: current local time - UTC, in minutes, e.g. -420
App Name: e.g. Skype for Business Client 2016
App Version: e.g. 16.0.6201.1000
App Locale: e.g. en-us
Installation Type: C2R/MSI/<empty> if unknown
Deployment Info: Online/Onprem/<empty> if unknown
Authentication Protocol: OrgId/ADAL/<empty> if onprem or unknown
Federation Provider: Global/Gallatin/BlackForest/<empty> for pure on-premises
Federation Partner: e.g. microsoft.com, or AzureAD for pure online (non-federated), <empty> for pure on-premises
Lync Server Name: e.g. sippoolbn10M03.infra.lync.com:443
LyncServerVersion: e.g. RTC/6.0
Anonymized User Name: e.g. USERNAME@microsoft.com, where USERNAME is actual value sent and domain matches user's actual domain
Telemetry Tier: e.g. Tier 1-3
Sign in State: e.g. signed in, signed out
Offline IM Enabled: e.g. True/False
SMS Enabled: e.g. True/False
List of HRESULTS with count: e.g. S_OK:200, E_UNEXEPCTED:300, etc...
Application Start Counter: Application starts e.g. 300
Application Stop Counter: Application stops e.g. 300
View Based Subscription Status: Internal settings for UI behavior, e.g. True/False