The installation fails on the Desired State Configuration (DSC) installation service, and you receive the following error message:
level=error msg="Failed to discover OS information for onboarding" Error="Ver command output error: Microsoft Windows
level=info msg="Log file available at C:\\ProgramData\\AzureConnectedMachineAgent\\Log\\azcmagent.log"
level=debug msg="Resource Name was not specified. Setting it to HostName of machine" New Resource Name=Web-01
level=info msg="Onboarding Machine. It usually takes a few minutes to complete. Sometimes it may take longer depending on network and server load status."
level=debug msg="Starting client connection on: \\\\.\\pipe\\himds"
level=debug msg="Awaiting status message from agent..."
level=debug msg="Status Message received"
level=debug msg="Get Agent Status Response" level=debug msg="Getting Authorization Token"
level=debug msg="Successfully acquired Authorization Token"