Assume that you deploy Microsoft Exchange Server 2019 in Windows Server 2019. You use the Manage-MetaCacheDatabase.ps1 script to enable MetaCacheDatabase (MCDB).
For example:
In the results, you find that the solid state drive (SSD) is not formatted as expected, and the MCDB status is "Offline". Additionally, not all designated SSDs are formatted, and mount points are not created as expected.
Manage-MCDB -DagName TestDag1 -ServerAllowMCDB $false -ServerName "exhs-5046" -ForceFailover $true
Then, you use the Get-MailboxDatabaseCopyStatus cmdlet to view the health and status information for the database copies.
For example:
Get-MailboxDatabaseCopyStatus | Fl name, *meta*Name : DB01\Server01MetaCacheDatabaseStatus : OfflineMetaCacheDatabaseStatusMessage : Partition not attached in active Store worker process.MetaCacheDatabaseFilePath : C:\ExchangeMetaCacheDbs\DB01\DB01.mcdb\DB01-mcdb.edbMetaCacheDatabaseLastReset :
This example returns the status for the copy of database DB01 on Mailbox server Server01.