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Poland: JPK_V7M replacing JPK_VAT (SAF VAT) from October 1, 2020 in Dynamics 365 Finance

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On July 4, 2019 the Act on Tax on Goods and Services, binding from September 1, 2019 introduces the obligation to report in an electronic document that consist of Standard Audit File VAT declaration with registers (JPK_V7M). Requested new electronic document includes both VAT records (a set of information on purchases and sales, which results from the entrepreneur's VAT records for a given period), as well as a VAT declaration (VAT-7 and VAT-7K declaration). The obligation is applied to the reporting period starting from October 1, 2020. From this date taxpayers settling VAT monthly will be required to send JPK_V7M by the deadline appropriate for submitting the declaration, i.e. by the 25th day of the month following the VAT period.

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This article explains how to set up and work with Dynamics 365 Finance to report JPK_V7M (here and further “JPK_VDEK”).

The report is supported in following or later versions of Finance:

Dynamics 365 Finance version

Build number







The solution to support the JPK_VDEK reporting is based on the Electronic messaging functionality. This functionality provides a flexible approach for setting up and supporting reporting processes.

This article contains the following parts:

  • Set up Finance to report JPK_VDEK
  • JPK_VDEK reporting

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These tasks will prepare Finance to reporting JPK_VDEK:

  • Import and set up Electronic reporting (ER) configurations.
  • Set up application-specific parameters.
  • Import a package of data entities that includes a predefined electronic message setup.
  • Set up General ledger parameters.
  • Electronic messaging Executable class parameters.
  • Set up security roles for electronic message processing.
  • Set up Office code for electronic message processing.

Import and set up Electronic reporting (ER) configurations

To prepare Finance for JPK_VDEK reporting, you must import the following or higher versions of ER configurations:

ER configuration name



Standard Audit File (SAF-T)



Standard Audit File model mapping

Model mapping


JPK_VDEK XML format (PL)

Format (exporting)


Import the latest versions of these configurations. The version description usually includes the number of the Microsoft Knowledge Base (KB) article that explains the changes that were introduced in the configuration version.

Note: After all the ER configurations from the preceding table are imported, set the Default for model mapping option to Yes for “Standard Audit File model mapping” configuration.

For more information about how to download ER configurations from Microsoft Dynamics Lifecycle Services (LCS), see Download Electronic reporting configurations from Lifecycle Services.

Set up application-specific parameters

There are some elements in JPK_VDEK report values of which can be defined for reporting purposes depending on tax transactions data. Transactional data must be sufficient to define values of these elements. Setup Sales tax codes, Sales tax groups and Item sales tax groups enough to differentiate tax transactions for all the parameters (elements) introduced in JPK_VDEK. JPK_VDEK XML format (PL) format includes Application-specific parameters to define values of these elements in the report.
  1. Select Standard Audit File (SAF-T) > JPK_VDEK XML format (PL) in Electronic reporting workspace and click Configurations > Application specific parameters > Setup on the Action pane.
  2. On the left side of the page select version of the format for which you want to setup Application specific parameters..
  3. On the Conditions FastTab, define which Tax codes must correspond to which “Lookup result” (related value in JPK_VDEK report).

Goods and services supplying types (GTU_**)


Label (En)

Label (Pl)

Description (En)

Description (Pl)


Delivery and provision of services

Dostawy i świadczenia usług

Indication regarding the delivery and provision of services

Oznaczenie dotyczące dostawy i świadczenia usług

This Lookup field defines which Sales tax codes from the current company’ data base will result as a mark “1” of the corresponding element from the list of designations relating to the supply of goods and services under <SprzedazWiersz> tag. Several designations can be marked for the same output VAT record. This means that if a company must report different designations, separate Sales tax codes must be used.

Lookup results (designations) for “ServiceDeliveryIndication”:


Label (En)

Label (Pl)

Description (En)

Description (Pl)


Supply of alcoholic beverages

Dostawa napojów alkoholowych

Supply of alcoholic beverages - ethyl alcohol, beer, wine, fermented beverages and intermediate products as defined in the provisions on excise duty

Dostawa napojów alkoholowych - alkoholu etylowego, piwa, wina, napojów fermentowanych i wyrobów pośrednich, w rozumieniu przepisów o podatku akcyzowym


Goods referred to in art. 103 item 5aa

Dostawa towarów, o których mowa w art. 103 ust. 5aa

Delivery of goods referred to in art. 103 item 5aa of the Act

Dostawa towarów, o których mowa w art. 103 ust. 5aa ustawy


Supply of heating oil

Dostawa oleju opałowego

Supply of heating oil within the meaning of the provisions on excise duty and lubricating oils, other oils with CN codes from 2710 19 71 to 2710 19 99, excluding products with CN code 2710 19 85 (white oils, liquid paraffin) and plastic greases falling within the CN code 2710 19 99, lubricating oils of CN code 2710 20 90, lubricating preparations of CN heading 3403, excluding plastic lubricants of this heading

Dostawa oleju opałowego w rozumieniu przepisów o podatku akcyzowym oraz olejów smarowych, pozostałych olejów o kodach CN od 2710 19 71 do 2710 19 99, z wyłączeniem wyrobów o kodzie CN 2710 19 85 (oleje białe, parafina ciekła) oraz smarów plastycznych zaliczanych do kodu CN 2710 19 99, olejów smarowych o kodzie CN 2710 20 90, preparatów smarowych objętych pozycją CN 3403, z wyłączeniem smarów plastycznych objętych tą pozycją


Supply of tobacco products

Dostawa wyrobów tytoniowych

Supply of tobacco products, dried tobacco, liquid for electronic cigarettes and innovative products within the meaning of the provisions on excise duty

Dostawa wyrobów tytoniowych, suszu tytoniowego, płynu do papierosów elektronicznych i wyrobów nowatorskich, w rozumieniu przepisów o podatku akcyzowym


Delivery of waste

Dostawa odpadów

Delivery of waste - only those specified in item 79-91 of Annex 15 to the Act

Dostawa odpadów - wyłącznie określonych w poz. 79-91 załącznika nr 15 do ustawy


Supply of electronic devices

Dostawa urządzeń elektronicznych

Supply of electronic devices as well as parts and materials for them, exclusively specified in item 7-9, 59-63, 65, 66, 69 and 94-96 of Annex 15 to the Act

Dostawa urządzeń elektronicznych oraz części i materiałów do nich, wyłącznie określonych w poz. 7-9, 59-63, 65, 66, 69 i 94-96 załącznika nr 15 do ustawy


Supply of vehicles

Dostawa pojazdów

Supply of vehicles and car parts with codes only CN 8701 - 8708 and CN 8708 10

Dostawa pojazdów oraz części samochodowych o kodach wyłącznie CN 8701 - 8708 oraz CN 8708 10


Delivery of precious and base metals

Dostawa metali szlachetnych oraz nieszlachetnych

Delivery of precious and base metals - only those specified in item 1-3 of Annex 12 to the Act and in item 12-25, 33-40, 45, 46, 56 and 78 of Annex 15 to the Act

Dostawa metali szlachetnych oraz nieszlachetnych - wyłącznie określonych w poz. 1-3 załącznika nr 12 do ustawy oraz w poz. 12-25, 33-40, 45, 46, 56 i 78 załącznika nr 15 do ustawy


Supply of medicines and medical devices

Dostawa leków oraz wyrobów medycznych

Supply of medicines and medical devices - medicinal products, foodstuffs for particular nutritional uses and medical devices covered by the notification obligation referred to in Art. 37av section 1 of the Act of 6 September 2001 - Pharmaceutical Law (Journal of Laws of 2019, item 499, as amended)

Dostawa leków oraz wyrobów medycznych - produktów leczniczych, środków spożywczych specjalnego przeznaczenia żywieniowego oraz wyrobów medycznych, objętych obowiązkiem zgłoszenia, o którym mowa w art. 37av ust. 1 ustawy z dnia 6 września 2001 r. - Prawo farmaceutyczne (Dz. U. z 2019 r. poz. 499, z późn. zm.)


Supply of buildings

Dostawa budynków

Supply of buildings, structures and land

Dostawa budynków, budowli i gruntów


Provision of services - gas emission

Świadczenie usług w - gazów cieplarnianych

Provision of services in the scope of transferring greenhouse gas emission allowances referred to in the Act of 12 June 2015 on the greenhouse gas emission allowance trading system (Journal of Laws of 2018, item 1201 and 2538 and of 2019 items 730, 1501 and 1532)

Świadczenie usług w zakresie przenoszenia uprawnień do emisji gazów cieplarnianych, o których mowa w ustawie z dnia 12 czerwca 2015 r. o systemie handlu uprawnieniami do emisji gazów cieplarnianych (Dz. U. z 2018 r. poz. 1201 i 2538 oraz z 2019 r. poz. 730, 1501 i 1532)


Provision of intangible services

Świadczenie usług o charakterze niematerialnym

Provision of intangible services - exclusively: consulting, accounting, legal, management, training, marketing, head offices, advertising, market and public opinion research, in the field of scientific research and development works

Świadczenie usług o charakterze niematerialnym - wyłącznie: doradczych, księgowych, prawnych, zarządczych, szkoleniowych, marketingowych, firm centralnych (head offices), reklamowych, badania rynku i opinii publicznej, w zakresie badań naukowych i prac rozwojowych


Transport services and storage management

Usług transportowych i gospodarki magazynowej

Provision of transport services and storage management - Section H PKWiU 2015 symbol ex 49.4, ex 52.1

Świadczenie usług transportowych i gospodarki magazynowej - Sekcja H PKWiU 2015 symbol ex 49.4, ex 52.1






Note: It is important to add “Inne” (Other) which must collect data by “other cases” as the last in the list. The Line value must be the last in your table. Define *Not blank* in Tax code column for “InneLookup result.

(!) Click "Save" button when you complete the setup for ServiceDeliveryIndication lookup field and going to setup next lookup field.

Please note, in scope of future update #419521 "PL - JPK_VDEK supplemented pack I" it is planned to consider potential extension of the “ServiceDeliveryIndication” lookup field with “Item sales tax group” criteria additionally to “Tax code” criteria.

Procedural markings


Label (En)

Label (Pl)

Description (En)

Description (Pl)


Procedural markings

Oznaczenia dotyczące procedur

Designations relating to the procedures

Oznaczenia dotyczące procedur

This Lookup field defines which Sales tax codes from the current company’ data base will result as a mark “1” of the corresponding element from the list of designations relating to the procedures under <SprzedazWiersz> tag. Several designations can be marked for the same output VAT record. This means that if a company must report different designations, separate Sales tax codes must be used.

Setup of Sales tax codes for <P_65> and <P_67> Lookup results affects related elements under <Deklaracja> tag of the report only, no elements under <SprzedazWiersz> tag are affected by setup for these Lookup results.

Setup of Sales tax codes for <MR_UZ> affects related element under <SprzedazWiersz> and <P_64> under <Deklaracja> tag as well.

Setup of Sales tax codes for <MR_T> affects related element under <SprzedazWiersz> and <P_63> under <Deklaracja> tag as well.

Setup of Sales tax codes for <ZakupVAT_Marza> affects related element under <ZakupWiersz> and <P_64> under <Deklaracja> tag as well.

Lookup results (designations) for “ProceduralMarkings”:


Label (En)

Label (Pl)

Description (En)

Description (Pl)


Mail-order sale

Sprzedaży wysyłkowej

Delivery as part of the mail-order sale from the territory of the country, referred to in art. 23 of the Act

Dostawa w ramach sprzedaży wysyłkowej z terytorium kraju, o której mowa w art. 23 ustawy



Usług telekomunikacyjnych

Provision of telecommunications, broadcasting and electronic services referred to in art. 28k of the Act

Świadczenie usług telekomunikacyjnych, nadawczych i elektronicznych, o których mowa w art. 28k ustawy


Links between the buyer and the supplier

Istniejące powiązania między nabywcą a dokonującym

Existing links between the buyer and the supplier of the goods or service provider referred to in art. 32 section 2 point 1 of the Act

Istniejące powiązania między nabywcą a dokonującym dostawy towarów lub usługodawcą, o których mowa w art. 32 ust. 2 pkt 1 ustawy


Intra-Community acquisition as part of a three-party transaction

Wewnątrzwspólnotowe nabycie w ramach transakcji trójstronnej

Intra-Community acquisition of goods by the second most-taxable person as part of a three-party transaction under the simplified procedure referred to in Chapter XII, Chapter 8 of the Act

Wewnątrzwspólnotowe nabycie towarów dokonane przez drugiego w kolejności podatnika VAT w ramach transakcji trójstronnej w procedurze uproszczonej, o której mowa w dziale XII rozdziale 8 ustawy


Delivery of goods outside of Poland as part of a thri-party transaction

Dostawa towarów poza terytorium kraju w ramach transakcji trójstronnej

The supply of goods outside the territory of the country by the second  VAT payer under a tri-party transaction under the simplified procedure, referred to in chapter 8 of section XII of the VAT Act

Dostawa towarów poza terytorium kraju dokonana przez drugiego w kolejności podatnika VAT w ramach transakcji trójstronnej w procedurze uproszczonej, o której mowa w dziale XII rozdziale 8 ustawy


Tourism services taxed on the basis of a margin

Usług turystyki opodatkowane na zasadach marży

The provision of tourism services taxed on the basis of a margin in accordance with art. 119 of the Act

Świadczenie usług turystyki opodatkowane na zasadach marży zgodnie z art. 119 ustawy


Second-hand goods, art, antiques

Towarów używanych, dzieł sztuki, antyków

Supply of second-hand goods, works of art, collectors' items and antiques, taxed on the basis of a margin in accordance with art. 120 of the Act

Dostawa towarów używanych, dzieł sztuki, przedmiotów kolekcjonerskich i antyków, opodatkowana na zasadach marży zgodnie z art. 120 ustawy


Customs procedure 42 (import)

Procedury celnej 42 (import)

Intra-Community supply of goods after importation of these goods under customs procedure 42 (import)

Wewnątrzwspólnotowa dostawa towarów następująca po imporcie tych towarów w ramach procedury celnej 42 (import)


Customs procedure 63 (import)

Procedury celnej 63(import)

Intra-Community supply of goods after importation of these goods under customs procedure 63 (import)

Wewnątrzwspólnotowa dostawa towarów następująca po imporcie tych towarów w ramach procedury celnej 63 (import)


Transfer by art. 8a paragraph 1 of the VAT Act

Transfer z art. 8a ust. 1 ustawy

Transfer of a single-purpose voucher made by a taxpayer acting on his own behalf, taxed in accordance with Art. 8a paragraph 1 of the Act

Transfer bonu jednego przeznaczenia dokonany przez podatnika działającego we własnym imieniu, opodatkowany zgodnie z art. 8a ust. 1 ustawy


Goods and services to which the single-purpose voucher relates (Article 8a paragraph 4 of the VAT Act)

Dostawa towarów oraz świadczenie usług (art. 8a ust. 4 ustawy)

Supply of goods and provision of services to which the single-purpose voucher relates to a taxable person who issued the voucher in accordance with Article 8a paragraph 4 of the Act

Dostawa towarów oraz świadczenie usług, których dotyczy bon jednego przeznaczenia na rzecz podatnika, który wyemitował bon zgodnie z art. 8a ust. 4 ustawy


Brokering services of multi-purpose vouchers

Usług pośrednictwa o transferu bonu różnego przeznaczenia

Provision of brokering services and other services related to the transfer of multi-purpose vouchers, taxed in accordance with art. 8b paragraph 2 of the Act

Świadczenie usług pośrednictwa oraz innych usług dotyczących transferu bonu różnego przeznaczenia, opodatkowane zgodnie z art. 8b ust. 2 ustawy


Activities mentioned in art. 122

Czynności o których mowa w art. 122 ustawy

The tax payer performed the activities mentioned in art. 122 of the VAT Act. Tax exemption for the supply, import and purchase of investment gold.

Podatnik wykonywał w okresie rozliczeniowym czynności, o których mowa w art. 122 ustawy


Tax liability reduction

Obniżenie kwoty zobowiązania podatkowego

The tax payer benefits from tax liability reduction mentioned in art. 108d of the VAT Act

Podatnik korzysta z obniżenia zobowiązania podatkowego, o którym mowa w art. 108d ustawy


Input VAT - margin

Podatek VAT - marża

The amount of purchases of goods and services purchased from other tax payers for the direct benefit of the tourist and of second-hand goods, works of art, collectors' items and antiques connected with sales taxed on the basis of a margin in accordance with art. 120 of the VAT Act

Kwota nabycia towarów i usług nabytych od innych podatników dla bezpośredniej korzyści turysty, a także nabycia towarów używanych, dzieł sztuki, przedmiotów kolekcjonerskich i antyków związanych ze sprzedażą opodatkowaną na zasadzie marży zgodnie z art. 120 ustawy






Note: It is important to add “Inne” (Other) which must collect data by “other cases” as the last in the list. The Line value must be the last in your table. Define *Not blank* in Tax code column for “InneLookup result.

(!) Click "Save" button when you complete the setup for ProceduralMarkings lookup field and going to setup next lookup field.

Find more information specifically about “MPP” (Split payment) marker in Implementation details section of this KB.

Please note, in scope of future update #419521 "PL - JPK_VDEK supplemented pack I" it is planned to consider potential extension of the “ProceduralMarkings” lookup field with “Customer account ID”, “Customer group”, “Supplier account ID”, “Supplier group” criteria additionally to “Tax code” criteria.

Import transactions


Label (En)

Label (Pl)

Description (En)

Description (Pl)




Designation concerning input tax on imports of goods, including import of goods taxed in accordance with art. 33a of the VAT Act

Oznaczenie dotyczące podatku naliczonego z tytułu importu towarów, w tym importu towarów rozliczanego zgodnie z art. 33a ustawy

This Lookup field defines which Sales tax codes from the current company’ data base will result as a mark “1” of <IMP> element under <ZakupWiersz> tag. Several Sales tax codes can be selected.

Lookup results for “ImportTransaction”:


Label (En)

Label (Pl)

Description (En)

Description (Pl)




Designation concerning input tax on imports of goods, including import of goods taxed in accordance with art. 33a of the VAT Act

Oznaczenie dotyczące podatku naliczonego z tytułu importu towarów, w tym importu towarów rozliczanego zgodnie z art. 33a ustawy






Note: It is important to add “Inne” (Other) which must collect data by “other cases” as the last in the list. The Line value must be the last in your table. Define *Not blank* in Tax code column for “InneLookup result.

(!) Click "Save" button when you complete the setup for ImportTransaction lookup field and going to setup next lookup field.

Document types for sales


Label (En)

Label (Pl)

Description (En)

Description (Pl)


Document type

Typ dokumentu

Designation of sale document

Oznaczenie dowodu sprzedaży

This Lookup field defines which combination of Sales tax code (Tax code),  Customer account Id (Account ID), Customer group (PartyGroup) from the current company’ data base will result as Document type under <SprzedazWiersz> tag. Several different combinations can be defined.

Setup different invoice type depending on:

{Sales tax code}





OR intersection of {Sales tax code AND Customer_ID}

OR intersection of {Sales tax code AND Customer_Group)

Lookup results for “SalesDocumentTypes”:


Label (En)

Label (Pl)

Description (En)

Description (Pl)


Invoice issued to the receipt by art. 109 sec. 3d

Faktura, o której mowa w art. 109 ust. 3d ustawy

Invoice issued to the receipt, mentioned in art. 109 sec. 3d of the VAT Act

Faktura, o której mowa w art. 109 ust. 3d ustawy


Internal summary document

Dokument zbiorczy wewnętrzny

Internal summary document including sales from cash registers

Dokument zbiorczy wewnętrzny zawierający sprzedaż z kas rejestrujących


Internal document

Dokument wewnętrzny

Internal document

Dokument wewnętrzny






Note: It is important to add “Inne” (Other) which must collect data by “other cases” as the last in the list. The Line value must be the last in your table. Define *Not blank* in Tax code column for “InneLookup result.

(!) Click "Save" button when you complete the setup for SalesDocumentTypes lookup field and going to setup next lookup field.

Document types for purchases


Label (En)

Label (Pl)

Description (En)

Description (Pl)


Purchase invoice type

Dokument Zakupu

Type of the purchase document

Oznaczenie dowodu zakupu

This Lookup field defines which combination of Sales tax code (Tax code),  Vendor account Id (Account ID), Vendor group (PartyGroup) from the current company’ data base will result as Document type under <ZakupWiersz> tag. Several different combinations can be defined.

Setup different invoice type depending on:

{Sales tax code}





OR intersection of {Sales tax code AND Vendor_ID}

OR intersection of {Sales tax code AND Vendor_Group)

Lookup results for “PurchaseDocumentTypes”:


Label (En)

Label (Pl)

Description (En)

Description (Pl)


Invoice reffered to art.21

Faktura art. 21

Invoice issued by a taxpayer who is a supplier of goods or services and who has chosen the cash accounting method specified in art. 21 of the VAT Act

Faktura wystawiona przez podatnika będącego dostawcą lub usługodawcą, który wybrał metodę kasową rozliczeń określoną w art. 21 ustawy


Invoice referred to art.116

Faktura VAT RR, art.116

VAT invoice referred to in art. 116 of the VAT Act

Faktura VAT RR, o której mowa w art. 116 ustawy


Internal document

Dokument wewnętrzny

Internal document

Dokument wewnętrzny






Note: It is important to add “Inne” (Other) which must collect data by “other cases” as the last in the list. The Line value must be the last in your table. Define *Not blank* in Tax code column for “InneLookup result.

(!) Click "Save" button when you complete the setup for PurchaseDocumentTypes lookup field and going to setup next lookup field.

Correction of Tax Base


Label (En)

Label (Pl)

Description (En)

Description (Pl)


Correction of Tax Base

Korekta podstawy opodatkowania

The amount of the correction of the tax base and output tax reffered to in art. 89a sec. 1 and 4 of the VAT Act

Korekta podstawy opodatkowania oraz podatku należnego, o której mowa w art. 89a ust. 1 i 4 ustawy

This Lookup field defines which Sales tax codes from the current company’ data base will result as a mark “1” of the < KorektaPodstawyOpodt> element under <SprzedazWiersz> tag. 

Lookup results for “TaxBaseCorrection”:


Label (En)

Label (Pl)

Description (En)

Description (Pl)


Correction of Tax Base

Korekta podstawy opodatkowania

The amount of the correction of the tax base and output tax reffered to in art. 89a sec. 1 and 4 of the VAT Act

Korekta podstawy opodatkowania oraz podatku należnego, o której mowa w art. 89a ust. 1 i 4 ustawy






Note: It is important to add “Inne” (Other) which must collect data by “other cases” as the last in the list. The Line value must be the last in your table. Define *Not blank* in Tax code column for “InneLookup result.

(!) Click "Save" button when you complete the setup for TaxBaseCorrection lookup field and going to setup next lookup field.

Import a package of data entities that includes a predefined electronic message setup

The process of setting up the Electronic messaging functionality for JPK_VDEK reporting has many steps. Because the names of some predefined entities are used in the ER configurations, it's important that you use a set of predefined values that are delivered in a package of data entities for the related tables.

In LCS, go to the Shared asset library, and select the Data package asset type. Then find PL JPK_VDEK EM in the list of data package files, and download it to your computer.

After the PL JPK_VDEK EM file is downloaded, open Finance, select the company that you will generate JPK_VDEK from, and then go to Workspaces > Data management.

Before you import setup data from the package of data entities, follow these steps to make sure that the data entities in your application are refreshed and synced.

  1. In the Data management workspace, go to Framework parameters > Entity settings, and then select Refresh entity list. Wait for confirmation that the refresh has been completed. For more information about how to refresh the entity list, see Entity list refresh.
  2. Validate that the source data and target data are correctly mapped. For more information, see the section about validation in Data import and export jobs.
  3. Before the data entities are used for the first time to import the data from the package, sync the mapping of source data and target data. In the list for the package, select a data entity, and then, on the Action Pane, select Modify target mapping. Then, above the grid for the package, select Generate mapping to create a mapping from scratch.
  4. Save the mapping.
  5. Repeat steps 3 through 4 for each data entity in the package before you start the import.

For more information about data management, see Data management.

You must now import data from the PL JPK_VDEK EM file into the selected company. In the Data management workspace, select Import, and set the Source data format field to Package. Select Upload and add, select the PL JPK_VDEK EM file on your computer, and upload it.

[Asset 4540236]

You will get a notification in Messages, or you can manually refresh the page to see data import progress. When the importing process is complete, you will see the results on Execution summary page.

Note: Some records in the data entities in the package include a link to ER configurations. It's important that you import ER configurations into Finance before you start to import the data entities package.

Set up General ledger parameters

To work with the Electronic messaging functionality, you must define related number sequences.

  1. Go to Tax > Setup > General ledger parameters.
  2. On the Number sequences tab, set up two number sequences:
  • Message
  • Message item

Electronic messaging Executable class parameters

JPK_VDEL processing uses EMGenerateJPKVDEKReportController_PL executable class to initiate collecting data for the report data provider and further report generation. Before first usage of this class you must save its parameters.
  1. Go to Tax > Setup > Electronic messaging > Executable class settings.
  2. Select Wygenerowanie JPK_VDEK executable class (specified to call EMGenerateJPKVDEKReportController_PL), click Parameters on Action pane and click OK on the Generate Polish JPK_VDEK report dialog.

Set up security roles for electronic message processing

Different groups of users might require access to JPK_VDEK processing. You can limit access to the processing, based on security groups that are defined in the system.

Complete the following steps to limit access to the JPK_VDEK processing.

  1. Go to Tax > Setup > Electronic messages > Electronic message processing.
  2. Select the JPK_VDEK processing and add the security groups that must work with this processing. If no security group is defined for the processing, only a system admin can see the processing on the Electronic messages page.

Set up Office code for electronic message processing

Specify Office code in “KodUrzedu” additional field:

  1. Go to Tax > Setup > Electronic messages > Electronic message processing.
  2. Select JPK_VDEK processing and open Additional field fast-tab.
  3. Select KodUrzedu additional field and specify in Default value column the Office code to be reported in <KodUrzedu> element of the report.

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JPK_VDEK reporting

JPK_VDEK reporting process is predefined by the data entities delivered via PL JPK_VDEK EM package. Schematically the process is shown below:
[Asset 4540238]

The PL JPK_VDEK EM package provides a setup for "JPK_VDEK" processing that supports the process of JPK_VDEK reporting composed generally of three elements:

  • Tworzyć (Create) – to create new electronic message for JPK_VDEK reporting.
  • Wygeneruj plik (Generate file) – to generate XML file in JPK_VDEK format.
  • Zmień status (Change status) – to change status of electronic message.

Create new electronic message for JPK_VDEK reporting

Open Modules > Tax > Inquires and reports > Electronic messages > Electronic messages. Select “JPK_VDEK” on the left side of the page and click “New” button on Messages fast-tab. Click OK button on the Run processing page.

[Asset 4540239]

New Electronic message is created. Specify description and start and end dates of the period for which you want to generate JPK_VDEK in “From date” and “To date” fields, respectively.

Open Message additional fields fast-tab and specify additional values for the declaration part of JPK_VDEK if needed:

[Asset 4540240]

Specify whether this is an original report or correction in “CelZlozenia” additional field. Two values are allowed:

1 - initial submission of the file for a given period

2 - correction of the file for the given period

By default, “CelZlozenia” is “1”.

You can also specify manual values for the following elements of the declaration:


Description (En)

Description (Pl)


Non-Negative Integer, Maximum digits: 14

The value of surplus of input VAT over output VAT moved from previous period.

Wysokość nadwyżki podatku naliczonego nad należnym z poprzedniej deklaracji


Non-Negative Integer, Maximum digits: 14

The amount spent on the purchase of cash registers, to be deducted in the given period, reducing the value of output VAT

The amount specified in P_49 cannot be > P_38 - P_48. If P_38  - P_48 <= 0, then you should show 0.

Kwota wydana na zakup kas rejestrujących, do odliczenia w danym okresie rozliczeniowym pomniejszająca wysokość podatku należnego


Non-Negative Integer, Maximum digits: 14

The amount of tax covered by the abandonment of collection

P_50 cannot the > P_38 - P_48 - P_49.

If P_38 - P_48 - P_49 < 0 => P_50 = 0.

Wysokość podatku objęta zaniechaniem poboru


Non-Negative Integer, Maximum digits: 14

The amount spent on the purchase of cash registers, to be deducted in the given period and to be returned in the given settlement period or increasing the amount of input tax to be transferred to the next settlement period 

If P_48 > = P_38 or the amount of benefits for the purchase of cereals registering above from the surplus tax on accrued then in P_52 manifests itself the remaining amount of benefits for the purchase of cereals are recorded, privileged taxpayer for reimbursement or deduction from the tax payable for subsequent billing periods.

Kwota wydana na zakup kas rejestrujących, do odliczenia w danym okresie rozliczeniowym przysługująca do zwrotu w danym okresie rozliczeniowym lub powiększająca wysokość podatku naliczonego do przeniesienia na następny okres rozliczeniowy


The refund to the bank account referred to in art. 87 sec. 6a of the VAT Act: 1-yes

Return to the taxpayer's VAT account within 25 days

Zwrot na rachunek VAT, o którym mowa w art. 87 ust. 6a ustawy: 1 - tak


Non-Negative Integer, Maximum digits: 14

The amount of refund to be credited against future tax liabilities

Wysokość zwrotu do zaliczenia na poczet przyszłych zobowiązań podatkowych


String (1..240), must be used if P_60 is used.

The type of future tax liability

Rodzaj przyszłego zobowiązania podatkowego


Non-Negative Integer, Maximum digits: 14

The amount of the correction of the taxable basis, mentioned in art. 89a sec. 1 of the VAT Act

Wysokość korekty podstawy opodatkowania, o której mowa w art. 89a ust. 1 ustawy


Non-Negative Integer, Maximum digits: 14

The amount of the correction of the output tax. mentioned in art. 89a sec. 1 of the VAT Act

Wysokość korekty podatku należnego, o której mowa w art. 89a ust. 1 ustawy


String (1..240)

Explanation of reasons for submitting corrected VAT return

Uzasadnienie przyczyn złożenia korekty


Generate XML file in JPK_VDEK format

When all the data is ready in the system, click Generate report button on the Messages fast-tab and click OK button on the Run processing dialog.

[Asset 4540241]

Specify Run in the background parameters to run report generation in batch.

When OK button is clicked in the dialog, user see a declaration text (in English): “When you generate the VAT declaration you confirm information in the report is true and complete. Your consent will be recorded in the report. Incomplete payment or non-payment of VAT due to the Tax Authority, this declaration is the basis for the issuance of a writ of execution in accordance with the provisions of the enforcement proceedings in the administration. A false or incomplete declaration may result in prosecution in accordance with regulations of fiscal penal code.” In Polish: “Wygenerowanie deklaracji VAT oznacza potwierdzenie, że informacje w raporcie są prawdziwe i kompletne. Twoja zgoda zostanie odnotowana w raporcie. W przypadku niewpłacenia w obowiązującym terminie podatku podlegającego wpłacie do urzędu skarbowego lub wpłacenia go w niepełnej wysokości niniejsza deklaracja stanowi podstawę do wystawienia tytułu wykonawczego zgodnie z przepisami o postępowaniu egzekucyjnym w administracji. Za podanie nieprawdy lub zatajenie prawdy i przez to narażenie podatku na uszczuplenie grozi odpowiedzialność przewidziana w przepisach Kodeksu karnego skarbowego.

By OK button on declaration page, user consents with this declaration. JPK_VDEK will be generated only if user consents with the declaration.

Action log related to the Electronic message logs information about which user generated JPK_VDEK and other actions with electronic message.

When XML file with JPK_VDEK report is generated it is attached to the Electronic message. To see the file, select the Electronic message and click the clip button in the top right corner of the page. On the Attachments for Message page select the attachment and click “Open” button on the Action pane.

Change status of electronic message

When work with a report is completed user can change status “Zgłoszone JPK_VDEK” (Reported JPK_VDEK). Electronic message in this status cannot be deleted. User can revert status back to “Wygenerowane JPK_VDEK” if needed.

To change status of Electronic message, click Update status button on the Messages fast-tab and select New status for the message.

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Implementation details

This section collects information specifically about details of implementation of some particular requirement and algorithms in JPK_VDEK reporting to provide more transparency on how the system process information stored in the data base to define values of specific fields.

Split payment (MPP) marker

“MPP” marker is introduced in JPK_VDEK report for both sales and purchases register.

If company does operations for which split payment procedure must be applied, “Split payment” feature must be used (KB 4339927). It is planned # 3981506 to provide enchantments of this feature to allow automatic mark of invoices impacted by applied split payment mechanism. Current implementation of “MPP” marker reporting is based on KB 4339927.

User doesn’t need to do any specific setup to get “MPP” reported in JPK_VDEK when “Split payment” feature is used. The algorithm of “MPP” marked identification is the following:

  • Sales invoice will be marked with “MPP” marker if it was posted with a Method of payment, in setup of which “Split payment” check box is marked.
  • Purchase invoice will be marked with “MPP” marker if it was posted with Payment specification in setup of which “Split” is set in “Payment specification parameter”.

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More information

You can contact technical support for Microsoft Dynamics by phone using these links for country specific phone numbers. To do this, visit one of the following Microsoft websites:



In special cases, charges that are ordinarily incurred for support calls may be canceled if a Technical Support Professional for Microsoft Dynamics and related products determines that a specific update will resolve your problem. The usual support costs will apply to any additional support questions and issues that do not qualify for the specific update in question.

Note This is a "FAST PUBLISH" article created directly from within the Microsoft support organization. The information contained here in is provided as-is in response to emerging issues. As a result of the speed in making it available, the materials may include typographical errors and may be revised at any time without notice. See Terms of Use for other considerations.

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Keywords: kbAutoHotfix, kbQFE, kbnoloc, kbMBSQuickPub, kbMBSPartner, kbExpertiseAdvanced, kbExpertiseBeginner, kbExpertiseInter, kbHotfixAuto, CI113741, kbsurveynew

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Article Info
Article ID : 4540232
Revision : 25
Created on : 6/1/2020
Published on : 6/1/2020
Exists online : False
Views : 345