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Microsoft Dynamics 365 (on premises) and Google Chrome 80 ‘SameSite=Lax’

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To prevent malicious cookie tracking, Google Chrome 80 (scheduled to release on February 4, 2020) made a change in how cookies are handled in its browser.  This change is expected to impact many applications including Dynamics 365.

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Dynamics 365 Application Impact

If you have done customization and added an embedded iFrame in your application, the authentication for the embedded iFrame will fail.  This is because the Google Chrome 80 change sets the default browser setting ‘SameSite=Lax’.  This setting prevents the embedded iFrame to share the Dynamics 365 cookie from the main browser.

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Error Messages, Exceptions, and Failures

Your session will show a connection error.


[Asset 4539337]

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Please refer to the following article:

Effect on customer websites and Microsoft services and products in Chrome version 80 or later

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Article Info
Article ID : 4539338
Revision : 2
Created on : 1/24/2020
Published on : 1/24/2020
Exists online : False
Views : 261