3. In the
opened Preview form click on Export button, select folder to save
the “AifOutboundPortReportSAFVATInvoice_PL” file and click Save.
4. Open the
saved “AifOutboundPortReportSAFVATInvoice_PL” file in the specified folder.
5. Find row
#28 check if you set up before (KB # 4506293 in row #25)
Sales tax code(s) used in your Legal entity to post transactions on Reverse
change (which must be reports as “oo”):
row #28 <xsl:variable name="ReverseChargeTaxCodes"
Note! Follow the syntaxis applied in the example:
replace only names of the Sales tax codes.
6. Find row
#29 check if you set up before (KB # 4506293 in row #26)
Sales tax code(s) used in your Legal entity to post transactions on Reverse
change (which must be reported as “np”):
row #29 <xsl:variable name="NonTaxableTaxCodes"
Note! Follow the syntaxis applied in the example:
replace only names of the Sales tax codes.
7. Find row
#30 and set up Sales tax code(s) used in your Legal entity to post
transactions on margin procedure - second-hand goods (which must be
reported as “procedura marży - towary używane” in <P_106E_3A> tag):
row #30 <xsl:variable name="SecondHandGoodsTaxCodes"
select="' TaxCode7;TaxCode8;TaxCode9'"/>
Note! Follow the syntaxis applied in the
example: replace only names of the Sales tax codes.
8. Find row
#31 and set up Sales tax code(s) used in your Legal entity to post
transactions on margin procedure - works of art (which must be reported
as “procedura marży - dzieła sztuki” in <P_106E_3A> tag):
row #31 <xsl:variable name=" WorksOfArtTaxCodes" select="'TaxCodeA;TaxCodeB;TaxCodeC'"/>
Note! Follow the syntaxis applied in the
example: replace only names of the Sales tax codes.
9. Find row
#32 and set up Sales tax code(s) used in your Legal entity to post
transactions on margin procedure - collectors' items and antiques (which must
be reported as “procedura marży - przedmioty kolekcjonerskie i antyki”
in <P_106E_3A> tag):
row #32 <xsl:variable name="CollectorsItemsAntiquesTaxCodes"
Note! Follow the syntaxis applied in the
example: replace only names of the Sales tax codes.
10. Find row
#33 and set up Sales tax exempt code(s) used in your Legal entity to
post transactions with exempt, description of which must be reported in <P_19A>
tag (The provision of
the VAT act or act issued on the basis of the VAT act on the basis of which the
taxpayer applies tax exemption. Należy wskazać przepis ustawy albo aktu
wydanego na podstawie ustawy, na podstawie którego podatnik stosuje zwolnienie
od podatku):
row #33 <xsl:variable name="VATActP19AExemptCodes"
Note! Follow the syntaxis applied in the
example: replace only names of the Sales tax exempt codes.
11. Find row
#34 and set up Sales tax exempt code(s) used in your Legal entity to
post transactions with exempt, description of which must be reported in <P_19B>
tag (The provision of
Directive 2006/112/WE, which exempts from such tax the supply of goods or such
services. Należy wskazać przepis dyrektywy 2006/112/WE, który zwalnia od
podatku taką dostawę towarów lub takie świadczenie usług):
row #34 <xsl:variable name="D2006_112_WEP19BExemptCodes"
Note! Follow the syntaxis applied in the
example: replace only names of the Sales tax exempt codes.
12. Find row
#35 and set up Sales tax exempt code(s) used in your Legal entity to
post transactions with exempt, description of which must be reported in <P_19C>
tag (Another legal
basis indicating that the supply of goods or services benefits from the
exemption. Należy wskazać inną podstawę prawną wskazującą na to, że dostawa
towarów lub świadczenie usług korzysta ze zwolnienia):
row #35 <xsl:variable name="OtherBasisP19CExemptCodes"
Note! Follow the syntaxis applied in the
example: replace only names of the Sales tax exempt codes.
13. Save the changes in the AifOutboundPortReportSAFVATInvoice_PL”
14. Open System administration > Setup
> Services and Application Integration Framework > Outbound ports
for electronic audit reports, select the “SAF VAT invoices (Poland)”
format and Delete it (if it exists):