that you use multiple BizTalk servers. When one host instance has a problem
(for example, the certificate is corrupted or the disk space runs out on one of
the servers), you may face a very long downtime period. In this situation, you
notice that the receive location may be closed and other host instances may not
be able to continue receiving data although they do not have any problems.
Now, it is possible to configure receive
locations to recover from transient errors instead of completely disabled by
BizTalk. On fault, receive locations will be disabled in the host where it is
faulted and BizTalk will attempt to recover it in certain configurable
interval. The receive location will continue running in other hosts. This
change can be made by adding DWORD ReceiverFaultToleranceEnabled with
value 1 at following locations:
- For 64 bit BizTalk host instances: HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\BizTalk Server\3.0\Configuration
- For 32 bit BizTalk host instances: HKLM\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\BizTalk Server\3.0\Configuration
default, BizTalk will attempt to recover receive locations from fault in
every cache refresh interval. You can change this value (seconds) by adding DWORD ReceiverFaultToleranceRetryInterval
with any other desired value at following locations:
- For 64 bit BizTalk host instances: HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\BizTalk Server\3.0\Configuration
- For 32 bit BizTalk host instances: HKLM\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\BizTalk Server\3.0\Configuration