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Microsoft Partner Number is mandatory

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Who should use this article?

Agreement creation teams who create or edit Partner packages, and search for Premier or professional agreements.

What’s the article about?

The Microsoft Partner Number field is mandatory for Partner specific Premier and Professional packages (starting July 2019), see below. This article gives you information on the change and actions you should take.

Note: The Microsoft Partner Number field in agreement search uses the Microsoft Partner Number to enable agreements to be found.

What action do I take?

If you leave the Microsoft Partner Number field blank you will see an error message

The “Microsoft Partner Number” is mandatory. Please enter the Partner Global MPN ID (VOrg). If you are unsure, do not guess, enter 1 and lookup the number later. See Aka.MS/MicrosoftPartnerNumber for help.

You must enter a number before you can save the package.

Note: The HQ MPN Partner ID is not the same as the Global MPN Partner ID (VOrg ID). PartnerOne ID may or may not be related to the Global MPN ID, focus on the MPN Org hierarchy -  see below.


If you know the Partner Global MPN ID (VOrg) enter the number and save the package as normal.

If you do not know or are unsure of the correct Partner Global MPN ID (VOrg ID), enter 1. It is important not to guess or enter random numbers! When you enter 1, you can save and continue to work on the agreement to ensure the premier billing process is not delayed. Please enter the correct Partner Global MPN ID later, when you have the correct ID confirmed.


How do I identify the Partner Global MPN ID (VOrg ID)?

The Partner Global MPN ID (VOrg ID) is part of the MPN Org hierarchy, see below. The tools and process you follow depends on the team you work for

  1. Professional agreements Partner teams
  2. Premier agreements Partner teams

1. Professional agreements Partner teams

Use ConnectUs or PCTS (Prose) to identify the Partner Global MPN ID

  • ConnectUs users: Enter the Organisation ID for the Virtual Organization (not HQ or Location)
  • PCTS (Prose) users: Enter the MPN ID for Account Type PartnerGlobal (not Location)
  • OCTInsights users: Enter the Partner Global MPN ID (VOrg ID) for Organization type Virtual (not type HQ or Location). The ID is from the MPN Org Hierarchy (not PartnerOne)

2. Premier agreements Partner teams

ASfP identify the Microsoft Partner number in TFS as VOrgID (MPN Number). A daily export from TFS is uploaded on SharePoint here. Please do not edit the report, instead download a local copy if needed. If you cannot find the number, check the Documents section in CompassOne if there is an excel spreadsheet which contains this information, or contact the Deal Owner available in CompassOne and ask for the VOrgID during agreement setup.


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More information

What are the Partner packages?

The following packages have the Microsoft Partner Number field set as mandatory. The field is not mandatory for any other packages.

  • Premier packages
    • Advanced Support for Partners
    • Premier Global - PSfP
    • Premier Support for Partners
    • Premier Support for Partners vN
  • Professional
    • Partner Advanced Support
    • Microsoft Partner Network
    • Microsoft Partner Signature Cloud

What is the Partner Global MPN ID (VOrg)?

When a company becomes a member of the Microsoft Partner Network (MPN) the registration process creates at least one location, usually more than 1 location. The locations are each assigned the same Partner Global (VOrg ID), also known as the VOrg / Virtual Organisation ID or Partner Global ID. Each location is assigned an individual unique location ID. The Partner Global (VOrg ID) is used to link multiple partner locations together, so we know they are all part of the same partner organisation.

A location is part of the MPN Org hierarchy and designated a location type of either Partner Global (VOrg ID), HQ or location.

Company and location

Location type

Partner Global (VOrg ID)

Location ID

Virtual organization

Partner Global



Company A London

HQ (old terminology)



Company A Seattle




Company A New Deli




Note: The HQ is not the same as the Partner Global (VOrg ID) and the concept of a HQ is being retired by MPN.

The Partner Global (VOrg ID) is part of the MPN Org hierarchy. Some Partners have multiple organizations consolidated by using a single PartnerOne ID. If the partner has only a single organization the PartnerOne ID could be the same as the organization ID. The PartnerOne ID may be the same ID or unrelated to the MPN Org hierarchy! PartnerOne ID is sales focused and MPN Org hierarchy program focused.

Why do we add the Partner Global MPN ID (VOrg) to the Microsoft Partner Number field?

Partner agreement information is identified by package type and the Microsoft Partner Number field is used to identify a specific partner. This enables the information to be used for reporting and other purposes.

eg MPN Professional agreements (not premier) have their shared Access ID and Contract ID displayed on Partner Center to MPN Admin, Global and Account Admin Users, see KB 2904733

eg In future we will import the TAM / ADC /PSS Contact field to identify the SAM for ASfP agreements.

How do I use the Microsoft Partner Number to find partner agreements?

When you search for an agreement that uses Partner packages you can use the Microsoft Partner Number field to search using the Microsoft Partner number.

Note: For some older Premier packages the Microsoft Partner number may not have been entered and therefore the Microsoft Partner Number ID agreement search may fail.


What is the packages syntax for ASfP contract creation?

ASfP requires the Package Title and TAM / ADC / PSS Contact to follow a specific syntax

Packages Tab:

  • Package Title Company Name ASfP-YearStart-End eg Fabrikam Inc ASfP-2019-20 for company Fabrikam Inc, ASfP contract starting 2019 and ending 2020
  • Microsoft partner Number add the VOrgID (MPN Number).
  • TAM / ADC / PSS Contact add the SAM name

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[Asset 4054194]

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Keywords: vkb265

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Article Info
Article ID : 4509469
Revision : 33
Created on : 10/1/2019
Published on : 10/1/2019
Exists online : False
Views : 3180