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Cumulative Update 24 for Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2017 (Build 25480)

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This article applies to Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2017 for all countries and all language locales.

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This cumulative update includes all hotfixes and regulatory features that have been released for Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2017, including hotfixes and regulatory features that were released in previous cumulative updates.

This cumulative update replaces previously released cumulative updates. You should always install the latest cumulative update.

It may be necessary to update your license after implementing this hotfix to gain access to new objects included in this or a previous cumulative update (this only applies to customer licenses).

For a list of cumulative updates released for Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2017, see released cumulative updates for Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2017. Cumulative updates are intended for new and existing customers who are running Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2017.


We recommend that you contact your Microsoft Dynamics Partner before you install hotfixes or updates. It is important to verify that your environment is compatible with the hotfixes or updates being installed. A hotfix or update may cause interoperability issues with customizations and third-party products that work with your Microsoft Dynamics NAV solution.

Problems that are resolved in this cumulative update

The following problems are resolved in this cumulative update:

Platform hotfixes

ID Title
283967 "NavSqlQueryCommand is recreated due to the changed connection" message is removed from the event log.
278555 Calling RequestPage.Update in the OnValidate trigger for a report causes all the Data Item filters to be lost when the report is running.
279336 Tooltips on the Customer and Vendor list page are missing.
282931 A non-visible character separator from the standard pharmaceutical barcode is trimmed when it is scanned in a Page Text field.
283378 "You are trying to paste data that exceeds the maximum width of the target column or columns. The data will be truncated. Are you sure that you want to continue." error message when you paste rows.
284605 The Dynamics NAV Windows client crashes with an unhandled exception when you use NavUserPassword authentication with a wildcard certificate if the DnsIdentity field is blank.

Application hotfixes

ID Title Functional area Changed objects
280885 Inconsistent behavior from RapidStart when you try to import values to an Autoincrement field. Administration COD 8611 PAG 8624 TAB 8616
283672 "The following field must be included into the table's primary key: Field: User Name Table: User" error message when you manually add a user group member. Administration PAG 9831
283205 The Direct Debit Collection cannot be used together with a CAMT import. Finance COD 1255 PAG 1252 TAB 1252
283274 If you run the Acc. Sched. KPI WS Dimensions page with an account schedule which contains a comparison period date formula in a local language, the values are incorrect. Finance TAB 197
283880 If you use the Update Existing Document function on the Acc. Schedule Overview page, the format of all Excel sheets gets reset. Finance REP 29 TAB 370
284488 The Difference field on the Payment Reconciliation Journal page is incorrectly calculated. Finance PAG 1290
285570 No drill down for book value on the fixed asset card if you just use one depreciation book. Fixed Assets PAG 5600 PAG 5666 TAB 5612
282922 When you use the Copy Document functionality for a sales order with Assemble-to-Order items on it, the dimensions are not replicated to the assembly order header and lines. Inventory COD 6620
283473 An assembly output does not update the Last Direct Cost field in the item card, but a production output does. Inventory COD 900
283508 "You have changed the posting date on the purchase header, but it has not been changed on the existing purchase lines. The change may affect the exchange rate used on the price calculation of the purchase lines" error message when you change the posting date on an invoice. Purchase TAB 36 TAB 38
284630 The Posting Description field on the Purchase Documents page only displays the document type and not the document number. Purchase TAB 38
286134 Confirm the window right after posting leads to a blocked scenario. Sales COD 1330

Local application hotfixes

BE - Belgium
ID Title Functional area Changed objects
286917 "The length of the string is 31, but it must be less than or equal to 30 characters." error message if you try to import a coda file in the Belgian version. Cash Management COD 2000042
CZ - Czech
ID Title Functional area Changed objects
283376 Incorrect grouping in the VAT Control report in the Czech version. VAT/Sales Tax/Intrastat COD 31100
287144 Incorrect calculation of a depreciation when the depreciation is interrupted before the depreciation starts in the Czech version. Fixed Assets COD 5611
ID Title Functional area Changed objects
282960 The report is too wide when you print it to Word in the DACH version. Sales REP 206 REP 406
ES - Spain
ID Title Functional area Changed objects
283606 The IDType node is editable on the SII History page for SII in the Spanish version. VAT/Sales Tax/Intrastat COD 10750 COD 10752 PAG 10751 PAG 10752 TAB 10752
IT - Italy
ID Title Functional area Changed objects
284628 Different problems are found in E-invoicing B2B format in the Italian version. Finance COD 12179
285414 The <DocumetType> field is not reported correctly in the electronic invoice xml file if you export a credit memo in the Italian version. Finance COD 12179
285442 It is not possible to report a negative quantity in the <Quantità> tag of the e-invoicing xml file in the Italian version. Finance COD 12179
286705 The <IdDocumento> content of the <DatiOrdineAcquisto> node reported in the E-Invoice xml file is not correct in the Italian version. Finance COD 12179 PAG 42 PAG 43 PAG 5900 PAG 5933 TAB 112 TAB 36 TAB 5900 TAB 5992
286710 If you post a split VAT sale invoice, the <TotaleDocumento> tag does not report the correct amount in the Italian version. Finance COD 12179 PAG 42 PAG 43 PAG 5900 PAG 5933 TAB 112 TAB 36 TAB 5900 TAB 5992
287244 If you set up non-deductible VAT for an account and you post an invoice with deferrals, the amounts posted are incorrect in the Italian version. Finance COD 12
NA - North America
ID Title Functional area Changed objects
281818 When a zero-dollar purchase credit memo is created that includes a deferral schedule & expensed sales tax, additional tax amounts are calculated in the North American version. Purchase COD 398
283157 Sales tax setup prevents the use of the Tax Type field in Tax Details to control Use Tax and Expense/Capitalize Tax effectively in the purchase order/purchase invoice documents in the North American version. VAT/Sales Tax/Intrastat TAB 39
285454 Sales tax setup prevents the use of the Tax Type field in Tax Details to control Use Tax and Expense/Capitalize Tax effectively in the purchase order/purchase invoice documents in the North American version. VAT/Sales Tax/Intrastat COD 398 TAB 39

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How to obtain the Microsoft Dynamics NAV update files

This update is available for manual download and installation from the Microsoft Download Center.

Cumulative update CU 24 for Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2017

Which hotfix package to download

This cumulative update has multiple hotfix packages. Select and download one of the following packages depending on the country version of your Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2017 database:

Country Hotfix package
AT - Austria Download the CU 24 NAV 2017 AT package
AU - Australia Download the CU 24 NAV 2017 AU package
BE - Belgium Download the CU 24 NAV 2017 BE package
CH - Switzerland Download the CU 24 NAV 2017 CH package
CZ- Czech Download the CU 24 NAV 2017 CZ package
DE - Germany Download the CU 24 NAV 2017 DE package
DK - Denmark Download the CU 24 NAV 2017 DK package
ES - Spain Download the CU 24 NAV 2017 ES package
FI - Finland Download the CU 24 NAV 2017 FI package
FR - France Download the CU 24 NAV 2017 FR package
IS - Iceland Download the CU 24 NAV 2017 IS package
IT - Italy Download the CU 24 NAV 2017 IT package
NA - North America Download the CU 24 NAV 2017 NA package
NL - Netherlands Download the CU 24 NAV 2017 NL package
NO - Norway Download the CU 24 NAV 2017 NO package
NZ - New Zealand Download the CU 24 NAV 2017 NZ package
RU - Russia Download the CU 24 NAV 2017 RU package
SE - Sweden Download the CU 24 NAV 2017 SE package
UK - United Kingdom Download the CU 24 NAV 2017 UK package
All other countries Download the CU 24 NAV 2017 W1 package

How to install a Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2017 cumulative update

See How to install a Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2017 cumulative update.


You must have Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2017 installed to apply this hotfix.

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More Information

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Microsoft has confirmed that this is a problem in the Microsoft products that are listed in the "Applies to" section.

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Keywords: kbsurveynew, kbMBSQuickPub, kbMBSPartner, kbMBSMigrate, kbnoloc, kbExpertiseBeginner, kbExpertiseinter, kbExpertiseAdvanced

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Article Info
Article ID : 4470114
Revision : 9
Created on : 11/7/2019
Published on : 11/7/2019
Exists online : False
Views : 395