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Update for System Center Configuration Manager version 1806, first wave

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An update is available to administrators who opted in through a PowerShell script to the first wave (early update ring) deployment for Microsoft System Center Configuration Manager current branch, version 1806. You can access the update in the Updates and Servicing node of the Configuration Manager console.

This update addresses important, late-breaking issues that were resolved after version 1806 became available globally. This article contains information about the most significant changes.

This update does not apply to sites that downloaded version 1806 on August 10, 2018, or a later date. Therefore, it won't be listed in the Administrator Console for those sites.

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Issues that are fixed

Configuration Manager Console

  • The Configuration Manager console crashes if you create or edit an ADR and set the deployment package to "No deployment package."
  • CMPivot is missing the "not like" operator.
  • CMPivot fails to run a PowerShell script that contains a command to retrieve a registry entry if the registry value contains a NULL.


  • Ccmexec crashes continuously when Pull DPs are installed.
  • OfflineServicingMgr fails to find the content library location when the Content Library is on a Universal Naming Convention (UNC) path. Error messages that resemble the following are logged in the OfflineservicingMgr.log:
  • OfflineServicingMgr leaks handle and cause a decrease in performance if it fails to find the content library location on a UNC path.
  • When you edit an existing co-management policy, instead of the changes being saved, the policy is reset to the default state of No AutoEnroll, all workloads set to Configuration Manager, and pilot collection is empty.
  • CRP certificate revocation is processing slowly and is blocking the main thread in SMS_CERTIFICATE_MANAGER.
  • On upgrade, if you have any deployments that require approvals that reference built-in CIs created before 1706, you will see significant SQL I/O and high CPU utilization on the MPs as the CIs and deployments are updated.
  • Phased Deployment Status Wizard shows multiple rows for the same phase with inconsistent data when a collection has machines spread across multiple sites.
  • Count of AADJoined and HybridAADJoined may be incorrect on the Co-Management dashboard.
  • Excessive client request time-outs on the cloud management gateway.
  • After an upgrade to 1806, the performance of the site may be decreased with high I/O and CPU use by sp_UpdResPolicyMap_PolicyAssignment.
  • Super peers may fail to download partial content when the management point is remote.
  • State message component SMS_STATE_SYSTEM reported as critical because of a backlog of Script state messages with no output data reported as corrupt.
  • Download fails when you use CCM client Delta Download channel to download express updates full files.
  • The process MP_GetSuperPeerContentLocations stored proc may cause decreased SQL performance and block threads.
  • Pull DPs may fail to be upgraded because MOFCOMP silently fails when Distribution Manager run it. If the Pull DPs are not upgraded, content cannot be downloaded.
  • The online client status chart on the CMG Dashboard does not aggregate hourly data correctly from multiple MPs.
  • When you create an SRM based CMG or CDP by using an existing resource group, the region of the resource group is used to create the resources regardless of the region that you specified.
  • DP upgrade fails If PXE without WDS enabled.
  • CMPivot returns NULL if any registry entity values are NULL.
  • BCP for BGB_NetworkInfo live data fails if there is a duplicate subnet for the same IP address and same client.
  • CMG HTTP listener stops because of an HttpListenerException.
  • After WDS-Less PXE is enabled, some clients may not start Task Sequence Wizard because a password is incorrectly expected when multiple clients start at the same time. SMSTS.log shows that the password is incorrect even though the wizard not displayed and no password is set.
  • On a passive site server, the state message files in the management point staging folder may not process.
  • The WDS-less PXE responder service, configured after upgrade to Configuration Manager 1806, may reject PXE-boot requests from clients when the management point (MP) is remote.


  • AtomicUpdate and BundledUpdate metadata used for delta download can get truncated. This causes Unified Update Platform (UUP) updates not to be downloaded.
  • When the Configuration Manager generated certificate option is selected for the site, and a client fails to download content because it does not have the client public key infrastructure (PKI) certificate, if the client is restarted it will still fail to download content even if token-based content locations are available.
  • After the 1806 upgrade, Configuration Manager clients fail to send client or Management Point (MP) communication status Fallback Status Point (FSP) messages.
  • When content that downloads from delta download or CMBITSMgr, the optimal content location is not chosen for all content within a package.
  • Some client state messages may not be sent, resulting in some reports such as co-management, Windows Upgrade for Business and deployment upgrade reporting being out of sync.
  • An Internet-only AAD-joined device cannot register if an MP was removed from cloud management gateway.
  • Task sequences that have a restart action before an Install Packages action may fail.  Error messages that resemble the following are logged in the smsts.log:
  • Unable to delete a secondary site. After the deletion action, the site remains in either an "active" or "deleting" state.

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Update information for System Center Configuration Manager, version 1806

This update is available in the Updates and Servicing node of the Configuration Manager console for environments that were installed by using first wave (Fast Ring) builds of version 1806 and that were downloaded between July 26, 2018, and August 09, 2018.

To verify which first wave build is installed, look for a package GUID by adding the Package GUID column to the details pane of the Updates and Servicing node in the console. This update applies to first wave installations of version 1806 from packages that have the following GUIDs:






Note This update does not apply to installations of version 1806 from packages that have the following GUID: 
If you have this GUID, refer to the KB 4459354 interoperability update for System Center Configuration Manager, version 1806.

Restart information

You do not have to restart the computer after you apply this update.

Update replacement information

This update does not replace any previously released update.

Additional installation information

After you install this update on a primary site, pre-existing secondary sites must be manually updated. To update a secondary site in the Configuration Manager console, click Administration, click Site Configuration, click Sites, click Recover Secondary Site, and then select the secondary site. The primary site then reinstalls that secondary site by using the updated files. Configurations and settings for the secondary site are not affected by this reinstallation. The new, upgraded, and reinstalled secondary sites under that primary site automatically receive this update.

Run the following SQL Server command on the site database to check whether the update version of a secondary site matches that of its parent primary site:

select dbo.fnGetSecondarySiteCMUpdateStatus ('SiteCode_of_secondary_site')

If the value 1 is returned, the site is up-to-date, with all the hotfixes applied on its parent primary site.

If the value 0 is returned, the site has not installed all the fixes that are applied to the primary site, and you should use the Recover Secondary Site option to update the secondary site.

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File information

File information

System Center Configuration Manager, version 1806
File name File version File size Date Time Platform
Adminui.cmpivotparser.dll 5.1806.1070.1000 85,880 09-Aug-2018 00:38 x86
Baseobj.dll 5.0.8692.1003 2,367,360 2,367,360 11:27 x64 Not applicable 9,501 23-Jul-2018 20:36 Not applicable
Ccmsetup.exe 5.0.8692.1007 4,993,536 09-Aug-2018 00:24 x64
Ccmutillib.dll 5.0.8692.1007 1,330,040 09-Aug-2018 00:24 x64
Certmgr.dll 5.0.8692.1006 556,416 01-Aug-2018 07:47 x64
Client.msi Not applicable 47,407,104 09-Aug-2018 01:19 Not applicable Not applicable 9,329,691 09-Aug-2018 01:19 Not applicable
Cmupdate.exe 5.0.8692.1007 9,329,691 09-Aug-2018 01:25 x64
Cmupdateinstallationstatus.resx Not applicable 95,001 01-Aug-2018 07:47 Not applicable
Distmgr.dll 5.0.8692.1007 1,202,040 09-Aug-2018 00:25 x64
Dwss.msi Not applicable 12,742,656 24-Jul-2018 12:46 Not applicable
Mcs.msi Not applicable 16,801,792 09-Aug-2018 01:15 Not applicable
Microsoft.configurationmanager.azuremanagement.dll 5.1806.1070.1000 120,184 09-Aug-2018 00:38 x86
Microsoft.configurationmanager.bgbserverchannel.dll 5.0.8692.1006 179,072 01-Aug-2018 07:47 x86
Microsoft.configurationmanager.cloudservicesmanager.dll 5.0.8692.1007 150,824 09-Aug-2018 00:25 x86
Microsoft.configurationmanager.messageprocessingengine.dll 5.0.8692.1001 59,776 17-Jul-2018 08:02 x86
Microsoft.configurationmanager.phaseddeployment.podworker.dll 5.0.8692.1002 37,760 18-Jul-2018 04:13 x86
Microsoft.configurationmanager.serviceconnector.dll 5.0.8692.1006 73,016 01-Aug-2018 07:47 x86
Mp.msi Not applicable 22,310,912 09-Aug-2018 01:15 Not applicable
Mpfdm.dll 5.0.8692.1007 158,072 09-Aug-2018 00:25 x64
Offlineservicingmgr.dll 5.0.8692.1006 196,920 01-Aug-2018 07:47 x64
Policypv.dll 5.0.8692.1003 971,648 24-Jul-2018 11:27 x64
Prereqcore.dll 5.0.8692.1006 4,465,536 01-Aug-2018 07:47 x64
Prereqcoreres.dll 5.0.8692.1006 887,680 01-Aug-2018 07:47 x64
Pulldp.msi Not applicable 15,364,096 09-Aug-2018 01:15 Not applicable
Replicationconfiguration.xml Not applicable 114,029 01-Aug-2018 07:46 Not applicable
Sccmpxe.exe 5.0.8692.1007 619,384 09-Aug-2018 00:24 x64
Setupcore.dll 5.0.8692.1007 23,875,960 09-Aug-2018 00:25 x64
Smp.msi Not applicable 11,210,752 09-Aug-2018 01:15 Not applicable
Smsdp.dll 5.0.8692.1007 3,780,984 09-Aug-2018 00:25 x64
Smstsvc.exe 5.0.8692.1000 3,943,808 15-Jul-2018 05:51 x64
Wsyncact.dll 5.0.8692.1007 104,312 09-Aug-2018 09-Aug-2018 x86
Adminconsole.msi Not applicable 68,329,472 09-Aug-2018 01:15 Not applicable
Adminui.cmpivotparser.dll 5.1806.1070.1000 85,880 09-Aug-2018 00:35 x86 Not applicable 1,056,892 09-Aug-2018 01:19 Not applicable
Ccmsetup.exe 5.0.8692.1007 4,055,128 09-Aug-2018 00:42 x86
Ccmsetup.msi Not applicable 6,451,200 09-Aug-2018 01:19 Not applicable
Ccmutillib.dll 5.0.8692.1007 1,074,984 09-Aug-2018 00:24 x86
Client.msi Not applicable 39,518,208 09-Aug-2018 01:19 Not applicable
Microsoft.configurationmanager.azuremanagement.dll 5.1806.1070.1000 120,184 09-Aug-2018 00:35 x86
Microsoft.configurationmanager.cloudservicesmanager.dll 5.0.8692.1007 150,824 09-Aug-2018 00:25 x86
Pulldp.msi Not applicable 12,496,896 09-Aug-2018 01:15 Not applicable
Sccmpxe.exe 5.0.8692.1007 552,744 09-Aug-2018 00:25 x86
Smsdp.dll 5.0.8692.1007 2,714,920 09-Aug-2018 00:25 x86

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Install Updates for System Center Configuration Manager

Learn about the terminology Microsoft uses to describe software updates.

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Keywords: Configuration Manager version 1806, Update for SCCM 2016, SCCM 2016 1806

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Article Info
Article ID : 4346645
Revision : 28
Created on : 8/31/2018
Published on : 8/31/2018
Exists online : False
Views : 497