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A country-specific update for Hungary: Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations, Enterprise edition integration with Online Invoicing system

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As per Items No. 6 & 13 of Schedule 10 of Act CXXVII of 2007 on value added tax (entering into effect on 1 July 2018):

"6. The taxable entity shall perform data reporting for each invoice, via an electronic channel as defined in a dedicated regulation, towards the National Tax and Customs Authority, on the data contained, as per the dedicated regulation, within the invoices issued via the invoicing function of a program, which invoices contain taxes of or in excess of, HUF 100,000 passed on another taxable person registered domestically. The taxable entity shall also perform data reporting, via an electronic channel as per the dedicated regulation, regarding any modifications or annulments of these invoices. Data reporting shall also be performed, as per the dedicated regulation, regarding modifications which result in the amount of tax passed on to another taxable entity on in the invoice, reaching or exceeding HUF 100,000."

"13. The taxable entity may elect to fulfil their obligation set in this Annex without respect to the threshold amounts defined in Points 1–8."

According to the new legislation, changes are required:

  • Maintenance of issued invoices registers.
  • Automatic submitting xml file with issued invoices to Online Invoicing System and processing interaction with service (machine-machine interface without any human intervention within the system.
  • Invoice data should be embedded in the XML file encoded to BASE64 format.

To meet these new legislation requirements in Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations, Enterprise edition there was updated and set up functionality of Electronic message items. This functionality lets users to:

  • Set up specific Online invoicing system web-services that should be used to automatically transmit data directly to the Online invoicing system
  • Maintain a register of invoices to support the process of transmission and receiving a response on Issued invoices.
  • Automatically generate and send XML reports to the Online invoicing system in the required formats.
  • Automatically receive and interpret responses from the Online invoicing system.
  • Store and review all the transmitted and received XML reports.

Also the functionality for storing sensitive data was updated. This functionality allows to set up technical user login, password, signature and replacement keys (using Key Vault or local storing in the Online invoicing system parameters).

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This guidance describes how to set up and use Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations, Enterprise edition to interact with the Online Invoicing system according to the new legal requirements.

The document includes two parts:

  • Online invoicing system setup.
  • Electronic message item overview

The Setup part describes how Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations, Enterprise edition should be set up to let Electronic message items functionality to work correctly.

The Electronic message item overview part describes how to work with Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations, Enterprise edition to interact with the Online invoicing system (Online invoicing system official website).

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Online invoicing system setup

Before settings in the Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations, you should run the following:

  1. Download and install X++ packages.
  2. Download from LCS and import updated GER configurations.
  3. Download from LCS Shared asset library and import updated Electronic messages setup data entities package.

To get Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations, Enterprise edition ready to work with Online invoicing system, you need to do the following settings:

  • Technical user login/password and signature and replacement keys.
  • Online invoicing system services.
  • Message processing actions.
  • Executable class settings.
  • Batch for automatic execution machine-machine interface.
  • Financial reasons.
  • Number sequences

Download and install X++ packages

Download and install X++ packages according to the general procedure and links in Hotfix information part of this KB article.

Download and import updated GER configurations

Download and import updated GER configurations:

Configuration name

Configuration type


Invoices Communication Model

Data model


RTIR mapping

Model mapping


RTIR invoice data (HU)



RTIR Token Exchange Request (HU



RTIR Manage Invoice Request (HU)



RTIR Query Invoice Status Request (HU)



RTIR Query Invoice Data Request (HU)



Electronic Messages framework model

Data model


RTIR import model mapping

Model mapping


RTIR Import Format (HU) Format 15.11

The process of downloading GER configuration is described in the following related article:

Download from LCS Shared asset library and import updated RTIR setup data entities package

To download data entities package from LCS portal, open and after log on the portal, click on Shared asset library.

Select Data package > RTIR setup and save the archive specifying the path where the Data entities should be stored.

After that enter Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations, Enterprise edition and open Workspaces > Data management and click Import. Fill in a name for importing job, select Package in Source data format and click Upload button:

Select an archive previously saved from LCS portal, wait until all the included data entities will be shown on the screen, click Import on the Action pane.

Data entity import

You will get a notification in the Messages or you may manually refresh the page to see data importing progress. When the importing process is completed, you will see the results on Execution summary page.

Technical user login/password and signature and replacement keys setup

There are two possible options for storing sensitive data:

  • Azure Key Vault storage
  • Local storage

To select, which option will be used, open System administration > Setup > System parameters.

system parameters

Set Use advanced certificate store parameter to No to store sensitive data locally and Yes for Azure Key Vault storage.

See detail description of Key Vault set up under the link Setting up Azure Key Vault Client and Maintaining Azure Key Vault storage

Azure Key Vault storage (specificity of this functionality)

Note. The supplied Key Vault should be used exclusively for Dynamics 365 Finance and operations.

If you set up Use advanced certificate store parameter to Yes in the System parameters form, then set up System administration > Setup > Key Vault parameters. 

KeyVault parameters

And select Key Vault secrets in Tax > Setup > Parameters > Online invoicing system parameters.

Online invoicing system parameters (KeVault)

Local storage

If you set up Use advanced certificate store parameter to No in the System parameters form, then set up sensitive data in Tax > Setup > Parameters > Online invoicing system parameters.

Online invoicing system parameters (local)

Fill in the technical user login/password and signature and replacement keys, which you should get from Online invoicing system (Information on the registration procedure).

Online invoicing system services setup

To set up Online invoicing system services, open the Tax > Setup > Electronic messages > Web service settings and fill in Internet address field for every Web service, listed in the form.

Web service setup

Message processing actions setup

To set up message processing actions, open Tax > Setup > Electronic messages > Message processing actions and fill in the Format/Model mapping/Web service for following message actions:

Message name Format/Model mapping/Web service
Generate data request RTIR Query Invoice Data Request (HU)
Generate EM RTIR Invoice Data (HU)
Generate invoice request RTIR Manage Invoice Request (HU)
Generate status request RTIR Query Invoice Status Request (HU)
Generate token request RTIR Token Exchange Request (HU)
Import data response RTIR import format to model mapping
Import invoice response RTIR import format to model mapping
Import status response RTIR import format to model mapping
Import token response RTIR import format to model mapping

In Generate EM action set up Number of message items per export field (quantity of issued invoices, which will be sent in one package to the Online invoicing system) and, if there are issued invoices in one package with huge number of lines, you may set GZIP in the Items attachments compression type, and the system will compress all invoices in a package before submitting to Online invoicing system.

Generate EM

Note. Don’t change value in the Attach files from output archive to items.

Batch for automatic execution machine-machine interface setup

To set up batches, open Tax > setup > Electronic messages > Electronic message processing and set up batch (click Create batch button in the Batch FastTab).

Batch setup

Financial reasons setup

In most cases, the system specifies invoice operation automatically:

  • Create operation - if there is no any reference to the original invoice in the invoice
  • Modify operation - if here is any reference to the original invoice in the invoice

But if a user wants an invoice should be submitted to the Online invoicing system with Storno operation, then a Financial reason with Storno operation should be selected in the invoice before posting. 

OR if a corrective invoice has not any reference to original invoice (for example, corrective invoice includes only lines which were absent in the original invoice), the user should select a financial reason with Modify operation.

To set up financial reasons, open Organization administration > Setup > Financial reasons.

Financial reason setup

Number sequences setup

To set up number sequences for Electronic messages and Electronic message item, open Tax > Setup > Parameters > General ledger parameters.

Nubmer sequences

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Electronic message item form overview

Electronic message item form is used for interacting with Online invoicing system.  This form contains list of document items, which have reference to the original documents (issued invoices/ project invoice) and have different state of communication with Online invoicing system.  State of communication is defined with Message item and Message status. Electronic message (EM) items may have different statuses at the same time.

To open this form, go to Tax > Inquiries and reports > Electronic messages > Electronic message items:


Actions, Message item and Message statuses

The message item status and EM status are changed when the system (Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations) is competing the one of operations:

Operation sequence



EM item status (result)

EM status (result)


Create EM items

Generates electronic message items on posted issued invoices and on base of settings filters.




Evaluate EM items

Calculates additional field values (invoice operation, reference to the original invoice, last line number) for electronic message items. It is preliminary operation before creation EM




Generate EM

Creates invoice package for submitting invoices to the Online invoicing system and invoice data xml-file

Included in message



Generate token request

Creates exchange token xml file for submitting to the Online invoicing system.

In preprocessing

Token request generated


Submit token request

Submits xml file, created by previous operation.

In preprocessing

Token request submitted/ Error sending token request


Import token response

Imports and analyses response from the Online invoicing system and store received token in the Electronic message additional field.

In preprocessing

Token response received


Generate invoice request

Creates manage invoice request xml-file (encode invoices, inserts token in the request etc)

Included in invoice request

Invoice request generated


Submit invoice request

Submits xml file, created by previous operation.


Invoice request/ Error sending invoice request


Import invoice response

Imports and analyses response from the Online invoicing system and store received transaction Id in the Electronic message additional field.


Transaction Id received


Generate status request

Creates status request xml-file

Pending status response

Status request generated


Submit status request

Submits xml file, created by previous operation.

Pending status response

Invoice status request submitted/ Error sending status request


Import status response

Imports and analyses response from the Online invoicing system. If status of EM item is equal to Received (invoices are received by Online invoicing system) or Processing (invoices are processing by Online invoicing system), the system proceeds to send status request.

  • Received
  • Processing
  • Accepted/ Rejected
  • In process
  • In process
  • Processed

All these operations may be run either in automatic mode or manually. In the Next action field the system displays, what action should be executed on the next step.

There are two additional EM item statuses, which are absent in the above table: Excluded and Manual editing.

Excluded status is set automatically, when executing Create EM items action and invoice date less than date of reporting period. The system does not submit invoices with this status  to the Online invoicing system. A user may change this status manually, if click Update status button. Current setting of Exclude EM items action allows to change message item status from Evaluated to Excluded.

Note. The system searches reference to the original invoice in the Electronic message items. Therefore it is desirable to add invoices for half- or one year before 07/01/2018 in order to the system could set reference to the original invoice automatically. 

Also system allows to change message item status from Rejected to Created in order to send the message item to the Online invoicing system.  

Message item Additional fields

Additional fields are related with every Message item and the system fills in them automatically when executing actions.

Additional field



Create, Modify, STORNO. The system specifies these operations when executing Evaluation action.  These operations may be defined automatically (Create – if there is no reference to any original invoice, Modify – if there is reference to the original invoice or Modify operation may selected from the financial reason, which related with invoice and has operation Modify, STORNO – if there is financial reason, which related with invoice and has operation STORNO)

Original invoice item

If Operation is equal to Modify or STORNO, this field should be filled in. If the system could not fill in this field, it sets Message item status to Manual editing and a user should fill in this field manually.


Number of invoice in the invoice package. This field is filled in automatically when executing Generate invoice request action.

Last line reference number

Create operation – last number is equal to invoice line quantity

Modify/ STORNO operation- last number is equal to invoice line quantity + original invoice line quantity + summary quantity lines of all invoices, referred to the same original register. This field is filled in automatically when executing Evaluation action.

Action log tab

If you click this tab, all actions that were run on current Message item are displayed.


Electronic messages button

If you click this button, all electronic messages are displayed in the Electronic messages form.  


On the Additional fields tab you may overview additional fields, which system filled in when processing communication with Online invoicing system:

  • Token - this field is filled in after completion of Import token response action
  • Transaction ID - this field is filled in after completion of Import invoice response action

EM- Additional fields

You may open attached files and find all xml files, which were sent and received to/from Online invoicing system.   

EM files

Original document button

Press this button to overview the invoice related with electronic message item.



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Hotfix information


You must have the following product installed to apply this hotfix:

  • Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations, Enterprise edition

Note. In order to this functionality woks correctly it is necessary to set up Electronic reporting (GER) cumulative update 12.

To update your system, the package with the following KB number should be downloaded from and installed: 

KB 4341482

The whole list of KB numbers of prerequisites packages is provided in the related GER configurations.

Restart requirement

You must restart the Application Object Server (AOS) service after you apply the hotfix.

If you are encountering an issue downloading, installing this hotfix, or have other technical support questions, contact your partner or, if enrolled in a support plan directly with Microsoft, you can contact technical support for Microsoft Dynamics and create a new support request. To do this, visit the following Microsoft website:

You can also contact technical support for Microsoft Dynamics by phone using these links for country specific phone numbers. To do this, visit one of the following Microsoft websites:



In special cases, charges that are ordinarily incurred for support calls may be canceled if a Technical Support Professional for Microsoft Dynamics and related products determines that a specific update will resolve your problem. The usual support costs will apply to any additional support questions and issues that do not qualify for the specific update in question.

Note This is a "FAST PUBLISH" article created directly from within the Microsoft support organization. The information contained here in is provided as-is in response to emerging issues. As a result of the speed in making it available, the materials may include typographical errors and may be revised at any time without notice. See Terms of Use for other considerations.

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Keywords: kbQFE, kbsurveynew, kbMBSQuickPub, kbMBSPartner, kbMBSMigrate, kbnoloc, kbExpertiseBeginner, kbExpertiseInter

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Article Info
Article ID : 4341482
Revision : 8
Created on : 6/25/2018
Published on : 6/25/2018
Exists online : False
Views : 577