The Online invoicing system register form is used for interaction Dynamics AX with Online invoicing system.
To overview and submit issued invoices open General ledger > Periodic > Online invoicing system register.
Fields description (table):
Field name |
Field description |
Type |
Always is equal to Customer invoices. Customer invoices register records are created from Account receivable invoice journal and Project invoices |
Status |
The field reflects the actual status of the invoice in correspondence with the Type of scheme. This field can be filled in automatically only on adding an invoice to the register and can have the following values:
- Created – when an invoice is added to the register but is not sent to the web service yet.
- Rejected – when request was sent to the web service but was rejected by the Online invoicing system system due to some reasons.
- Preprocessed - Preprocessed operations were executed
- PendingResponse -Invoices were submitted and the system waits response on invoice statuses from Online invoices system
- Accepted – when an invoice was sent to the web service and was accepted by the Online invoicing system.
- Excluded - This status is set automatically in the case of MODIFY/STORNO, if system can't define Invoice reference and if a user add invoices in the register with date less than date specified in Online invoicing system parameters (General ledger > Setup >Sales tax >External >Online invoicing system parameters).
Transmission date |
This is the date and time of the last invoice Status change. |
Account number |
Account number of a Customer |
Source document ID |
Invoice Id |
Source date |
Inoice date |
Fields description (right form part, Detail, Errors):
Field name |
Field description |
Operation |
The system defines CREATE and MODIFY operations automatically. The system defines operation CREATE if there is no any reference to original invoice and operation Modify - if there is reference to the original invoice
STORNO operation should be define only via Financial reason with STORNO operation in the Operation field.
If a user specified STORNO operation on the invoice, the system create register record with Excluded status. A user may enter reference to the original invoice and change the register status to Created.
Original register |
Reference to the register record with original invoice. If register operation is equal MODIFY or STORNO the Original register field should be filled in otherwise, Online invoice system returns error. |
Last line reference number |
CREATE – last number is equal to invoice line quantity
MODIFY/STORNO - last number is equal to invoice line quantity + original invoice line quantity + summary quantity lines of all invoices, referred to the same original register.
Is manual operation? |
If register record was created on invoice with financial reason with filled Operation field |
Error code |
Error code, which was received from Online invoicing system. |
Error description |
Description of error |
All functions in this form may be executed either in automatically (see setting of batches) or manually.
Both automatic and mannually process goes via the following states (in general):
- Add records to Online invoicing register
- Requesting/receiving token
- Submitting request with encoded invoices and receiving transaction ID
- Requesting/Receiving invoice statuses
To execute submitting invoices to Online invoicing system automatically it is necessary to set up batches (see Set up section).
Manual regime means that users should execute all steps themselves.
Function |
Button |
Add records to the register |
Add records/ Customer invoices |
Send/Receive token |
Send |
Submitting request with encoded invoices and receiving transaction ID |
Send |
Requesting/Receiving invoice statuse |
Send |
Add records
Note When calculating the VAT amount, the system selects Tax transaction with Type of Tax, specified in Sales tax code, equal to Standard VAT or Reduced VAT. Reverse charge VAT is defined by Tax code equal to RC.
Use this function to automatically update Online invoicing system register and add new invoices in it (Add records/ Customer invoices button).
You can define, which invoices should be added to the register by clicking the Select button.
If you modify or storno invoices in past period (with date less, than 07/01/2018) the record of invoices in past period should be in the register, in order to the system might fill in Original register reference automatically. It is advisable to add invoice records of past periods (for example invoices, posted in 2018 year or for one year before 07/01/2018). When you add records before 07/01/2018 the system automatically set Excluded status for these records, and invoices will not be submitted to Online invoicing system.
The system set value in modifyWithoutMaster=True if original register reference is to the record in the past period. It means for Online invoicing system that "the original invoice was issued before 1 June 2018 and data reporting for the modifying document is compulsory".
Use Ctrl+F3 to set up filters on Online invoicing system register form.
Use Ctrl+G to set up filters on columns of register.
Use Send function several times to execute all steps, described above.
Click the Send button and set Status value the records on which report should be generated and submitted.
Created status is set up by default and usually the invoice report generated on register records with Created status.
But in some cases it is necessary to generate and submit report with Rejected status due to different technical errors when register records, the system generated report on, were transferred to Rejected status. In this case you may generate and send report on the records with Rejected status.
Change status
It an invoice record in the Online invoicing system register is in status Created or Rejected user can manually change the status to Excluded to optimize queries and work with the register record.
Press the Status > Excluded button to change the register record status from Created to Excluded status.
Press the Status > Created button to change the register record status from Excluded to Created status .
Review communications
The system stores all the xml requests (reports) and responses to/from Online invoicing system. You can review all the sent and received XML files related with the selected register record if click the Review communications button.
In this form you may overview all steps of register record processing.
In the General tab of every processing step you may overview operation type and additional exchange parameter (token - in first step, transaction id - in second step).
Invoice journal
Use this function to open Invoice journal record for the selected register record.
Use this function for overview xml file, generated on the invoice, related with the register record (please, notice that the system sends report to Online invoicing system with encoding invoices).