The Spanish Period Transaction No. feature is not sufficient in case of complex posting with different posting dates within the same G/L Register (i.e. deferral posting) which can lead to wrong Period No assignment. Since posting itself is a W1 feature modifications and a redesign is was made to the local Period No. feature.
A feasible way of solving the problem was to move the Period No. feature property from the G/L Register table into the G/L Entry table. Therefore, there will not be “Period Trans. No.” field and action on the G/L Register page anymore. It goes into G/L Entries page. This way “Period Transaction No.” value is assigned to “G/L Entry”.
There is no feature change from a UI perspective though some fields and actions are moved from one page to another.
All related reports (i.e. “Set Period Trans. Nos.”, “Account - Official Acc. Book”) are remains with its functionality without any UI changes.