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Partner Membership Center (PMC) to Partner Center (PC) - Renewal window

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This article can be used if you migrate to Partner Center before your Anniversary Date (AD) and try to renew your subscription before reaching the Anniversary Date.


You will be able to renew your subscriptions at the time of your AD plus a 30 days window afterwards. 

Note: If you activated your internal use rights (IUR) cloud services subscriptions, they may go into their own grace period, depending on when exactly you activated them for your current membership year. Therefore, we recommend that you prepare for your renewal in advance and pay by credit card, so that you can complete your membership renewal purchase as soon as your renewal window opens on AD+1 to ensure a seamless experience for your internal users.

For example:

  • If MAPS expire on 15th of October 2018, you will have until 14th of November 2018 to renew it. Until you reach 14th of November, you can continue to use the existing benefits from your active enrollment.
  • If the Competency expires on 15th of October 2018, you will have until 14th of November 2018 to ensure that you have met the requirements for the chosen Competency and renew the Competency. Until you reach 14th of November, you can continue to use the existing benefits from your active enrollment.

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Keywords: programs and membership, billing and payments, benefits, get support, helppartner, vkb265

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Article Info
Article ID : 4295568
Revision : 53
Created on : 9/11/2020
Published on : 9/11/2020
Exists online : False
Views : 304