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UAE VAT reporting - update for Dynamics 365 F&O fall 2017 (v.7.3)

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Value Added Tax (VAT) was introduced in the United Arab Emirates on 1 January 2018. Businesses in UAE are responsible for carefully documenting their business income, costs and associated VAT charges.

Registered businesses and traders will charge VAT to all their customers at the prevailing rate and incur VAT on goods/services that they buy from suppliers. The difference between these sums is reclaimed or paid to the government. The issued Federal Decree Law No. (8) of 2017 on Value Added Tax, outlines the tax scope, rate, responsibility for tax, supply of goods and services in all cases, including supply in special cases, supply of more than one component, supply via agent, supply by government entities and cases of deemed supply. Check more details about VAT regulations on Federal Tax Authorities of United Arab Emirates website.

Note: Apart from delivery of this update to UAE VAT reporting localization functionality Microsoft will work with the UAE Federal Tax Authorities to obtain accreditation and certification required for tax accounting software providers. 

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Standard sales tax functionality in Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations fulfils majority of legislation requirements of United Arab Emirates VAT law. Following country specific enhancements has been added for UAE VAT localization to align with UAE requirements in area of VAT reporting:

  • Legal Entity configuration has been extended with additional fields required in VAT reporting.
  • VAT Reverse Charge functionality has been enabled for UAE (ARE country context) to properly record taxable domestic operations within GCC territory.
  • UAE country specific Sales Invoice and Credit notes printout layouts have been added with additional columns and VAT summary information.
  • Sales Invoice and Credit notes for UAE are printing in two languages including new ar-AE Arabic language for user interface.
  • VAT Return declaration report is printed to electronic file format ready for uploading to e-TAX FTA portal.
  • Standard Audit File functionality has been shared with UAE local functionality. Required by Federal Tax Authorities FTA VAT audit file (FAF) can be exported accordingly to required Comma separated file format.

See the detailed information about the standard sales tax functionality under the following links:

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Activate United Arab Emirates functionality

UAE country specific functionality is activated through configuration Localized functionality region in configuration of Legal entity. In case Localized functionality region is detected using company address make sure primary address of legal entity has country code set to ARE.

UAE Legal Entity country context setup

Learn more about patterns used in localized solutions at Localization and regulatory features website.

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Configure Value added tax section of Legal entity

VAT Declaration and FAF audit file require additional information which is required to be setup in configuration of legal entity. Open Organization administration >> Organizations >> Legal entities and in section Value added tax select following information:

Legal entity value added tax

  • Taxable person name - electronic VAT reports require name of the taxable person. Name in English and Arabic will be populated in reports. Defining Party in Global Address Book use Known As field to enter names in other language like Arabic in case Legal Entity UI language is set to English.
  • Tax agency name, Tax agent name - Tax Agency Name, Tax Agency Number, Tax Agent Name and Tax Agent Approval Number are required in electronic reporting in case VAT report are prepared by contracted tax agent - vendor.
  • Declarant name - Information about person preparing VAT declaration will be included in the electronic report.
  • VAT refund required - Select this option if a VAT refund is due and company requests to receive VAT refund.
  • Profit margin scheme - Company should mark this option if they operate in special business scheme using Profit Margin scheme.
  • VAT on behalf of another person - Mark this option if your company operate as an agent who pays import VAT on behalf of another taxable person.

Learn more about VAT reporting requirements from instructions at UAE Federal Tax Authorities website in section dedicated to Requirements Document for Tax Accounting Software.

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Configure Tax Authority

Federal Tax Authority needs to be setup as sales Tax authority. Once vendor account will be associated with tax authority system will create automatic payments to vendor payables during the settlement process. 

Navigate to Tax >> Sales tax >> Sales tax authorities and setup address information of your FTA office together with selecting UAE specific report layout which corresponds with electronic VAT declaration. Find more details in following configuration example:

Tax Authority setup

With Configured Tax Authority you may proceed to associate Sales tax settlement periods with the tax authority you have just configured and Sales tax codes.

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Configure Sales tax codes

VAT Declaration electronic report is based on configuration of specific sales tax UAE report layout which should be selected as default in Tax Authority setup.

Follow procedure of setting up Sales tax codes relevant to profile of your company business in Sales Tax section of documentation.

To run UAE report layout representing the electronic VAT declaration it is necessary to setup appropriate numbers of reporting codes associated with each VAT declaration reporting amount.

Navigate to Tax >> Indirect Tax >> Sales Tax >> Sales Tax Reporting Codes and setup sales tax reporting codes and updated later sales tax codes accordingly with instructions from following table:

Sales Tax Code VAT Reporting Code Report Setup Description VAT rate
SRSAD 10 Sale>Taxable sales Standard rated supplies in Abu Dhabi 5
11 Sale>Tax Payable
SRSAD-A 15 Sale>Tax Payable Standard rated supplies in Abu Dhabi – Adjustment
SRSD 20 Sale>Taxable sales Standard rated supplies in Dubai 5
21 Sale>Tax Payable
SRSD-A 25 Sale>Tax Payable Standard rated supplies in Dubai – Adjustment
SRSS 30 Sale>Taxable sales Standard rated supplies in Sharjah 5
31 Sale>Tax Payable
SRSS-A 35 Sale>Tax Payable Standard rated supplies in Sharjah – Adjustment
SRSA 40 Sale>Taxable sales Standard rated supplies in Ajman 5
41 Sale> Tax Payable
SRSA-A 45 Sale> Tax Payable Standard rated supplies in Ajman – Adjustment
SRSRQ 50 Sale>Taxable sales Standard rated supplies in Umm Al Quwain 5
51 Sale>Tax payable
SRSRQ-A 55 Sale>Tax payable Standard rated supplies in Umm Al Quwain – Adjustment
SRSRK 60 Sale>Taxable sales Standard rated supplies in Ras Al Khaimah 5
61 Sale>Tax payable
SRSRK-A 65 Sale>Tax payable Standard rated supplies in Ras Al Khaimah – Adjustment
SRSF 70 Sale>Taxable sales Standard rated supplies in Fujairah 5
71 Sale> Tax Payable
SRSF-A 75 Sale>Tax payable Standard rated supplies in Fujairah – Adjustment
TRPTS 80 Sale>Taxable sales Tax Refunds provided to Tourists 5
81 Sale> Tax Payable
TRPTS-A 85 Sale>Tax payable Tax Refunds provided to Tourists – Adjustment
SSRCP-R 90 Purchases>Taxable Purchases Supplies subject to the reverse charge provisions-Sales 5
91 Purchases>Taxable Receivable
SSRCP-R-A 95 Purchases>Taxable Receivable Supplies subject to the reverse charge provisions-Sales – Adjustment
ZRS 100 Sale> Taxable sales Zero rated supplies 0
SOGSRC 110 Sale> Taxable sales Supplies of goods and services to registered customers in other GCC implementing states 5
ES 120 Sale> Taxable sales Exempt supplies 0
GITUAE 130 Sale>Taxable sales Goods imported in to the UAE
131 Sale>Tax Payable
GITUAE-A 135 Purchases>Taxable Receivable Goods imported in to the UAE – Adjustment 5
A&AGIUAE 140 Sale>Taxable sales Adjustments and additions to goods
141 Sale>Tax Payable
A&AGIUAE-A 145 Sale>Tax Payable Adjustments and additions to goods – Adjustment 5
SRE 150 Purchases>Taxable Purchases Standard rated expenses
151 Purchases>Taxable Receivable
SRE-A 160 Purchases>Taxable Receivable Standard rated expenses – Adjustment 5
SSRCP 170 Sale>Taxable sales Supplies subject to the reverse charge provisions
171 Sale>Tax Payable -5
SSRCP-A 175 Sale>Tax Payable Supplies subject to the reverse charge provisions – Adjustment  
GTTKOB 180 Sale>Taxable sales Goods transferred to the Kingdom of Bahrain
181 Sale>Tax Payable 5
GTTKOB-A 185 Sale>Tax Payable Goods transferred to the Kingdom of Bahrain – Adjustment  
GTTSOK 190 Sale>Taxable sales Goods transferred to the State of kuwait
191 Sale>Tax Payable 5
GTTSOK-A 195 Sale>Tax Payable Goods transferred to the State of kuwait – Adjustment  
GTTSOO 200 Sale>Taxable sales Goods transferred to the Sultanate of Oman
201 Sale>Tax Payable 5
GTTSOO-A 205 Sale>Tax Payable Goods transferred to the Sultanate of Oman – Adjustment  
GTTSOQ 210 Sale>Taxable sales Goods transferred to the State of Qatar 5
211 Sale>Tax Payable
GTTSOQ-A 215 Sale>Tax Payable Goods transferred to the State of Qatar – Adjustment
GTTKOSA 220 Sale>Taxable sales Goods transferred to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
221 Sale>Tax Payable
GTTKOSA-A 225 Sale>Tax Payable Goods transferred to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia – Adjustment 5
RVPKOB 230 Purchases>Taxable Purchases Recoverable VAT paid in the Kingdom of Bahrain
231 Purchases>Taxable Receivable
RVPKOB-A 235 Purchases>Taxable Receivable Recoverable VAT paid in the Kingdom of Bahrain – Adjustment 5
RVPSOK 240 Purchases>Taxable Purchases Recoverable VAT paid in the State of kuwait
241 Purchases>Taxable Receivable
RVPSOK-A 245 Purchases>Taxable Receivable Recoverable VAT paid in the State of kuwait – Adjustment 5
RVPSOO 250 Purchases>Taxable Purchases Recoverable VAT paid in the Sultanate of Oman
251 Purchases>Taxable Receivable
RVPSOO-A 255 Purchases>Taxable Receivable Recoverable VAT paid in the Sultanate of Oman – Adjustment 5
RVPSOQ 260 Purchases>Taxable Purchases Recoverable VAT paid in the State of Qatar
261 Purchases>Taxable Receivable
RVPSOQ-A 265 Purchases>Taxable Receivable Recoverable VAT paid in the State of Qatar – Adjustment 5
RVPKOSA 270 Purchases>Taxable Purchases Recoverable VAT paid in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
271 Purchases>Taxable Receivable
RVPKOSA-A 275 Purchases>Taxable Purchases Recoverable VAT paid in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia – inAdjustment 5


In the result Sales tax reporting codes configuration should look like on following image:

Tax reporting codes

Configure Sales tax codes associating them with relevant Sales tax reporting codes in Report setup section of each relevant to your company business Sales tax code using instructions from column Report setup provided in the above table.

Sales Tax Code reporting setup


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Set up of VAT reverse charge

In cases when a Taxable Customer is obligated to pay tax on a supply received from a non-resident supplier, VAT should be calculated and paid to tax authorities VAT Reverse Charge basis. The customer must calculate and report the output tax on the supply and relevant input tax.

In order to use reverse charge functionality, it is necessary to select the Reverse charge option in the General ledger parameters form (see screenshot below).

Reverse Charge Setup

Before setting the sales tax group for reverse charge, you should set up two sales tax codes: one for input sales tax and other for output sales tax. Output sales tax code should be set up with a negative value. For more information, see Setting up sales tax codes

It is necessary to select the Reverse charge check box on the line with the negative sales tax rate (see screenshot below) in the reverse charge sales tax group. 

Reverse charge Sales tax group

When posting the invoice line with reverse charge sales tax group, the system will create two sales tax transactions: one with Sales tax receivable tax direction and other with Sales tax payable tax direction. 

Reverse Charge transactions


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Download and setup Electronic Reports configurations

Implementation of VAT reporting for United Arab Emirates is based on Electronic Reporting configurations.

Learn more about capabilities and concepts of configurable reporting at Electronic reporting website.

For PROD and UAT environments please follow a procedure of downloading electronic reporting configurations according to instructions in this article: Download Electronic reporting configurations from Lifecycle Services.

Following configurations must be installed in order to use VAT declaration and FTA VAT audit file functionality in UAE localization:

Configuration file name Configuration Type
VAT declaration model.version.4.xml Data model
VAT declaration model mapping.version.4.4.xml Model mapping
VAT declaration Excel (AE).version.4.1.xml UAE specific MS Excel output format
Standard Audit File model mapping.version.6.7.xml Data model
Standard Audit File (SAF-T).version.6.xml Model Mapping
FTA VAT Audit file (AE).version.6.5.xml UAE FTA audit file CSV output format


In DEV or TEST environment with direct access to deployment VM is available you can download configurations, from  After login into the LCS portal, select Shared asset library:

LCS Shared asset library

In Shared asset library select GER configurations, choose required configurations as listed in above table and download to local disc.

In the system session navigate to Electronic reporting workspace select Reporting configurations >> Exchange >> Load from XML file and upload all files in order listed in the above table.

Load XML

With all configurations uploaded following tree of configurations should be present in the system:

List of configurations


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VAT declaration electronic reporting file

To generate VAT declaration report in Excel format, use standard procedure for reporting sales tax for settlement reporting period to settle taxes and print VAT declaration report.

To generate VAT Declaration after settlement is done for a period navigate to: Tax >> Sales Tax Inquires >> Sales Tax Payments select required sales tax payment and press Print report button on action pane.

VAT declaration printout

Follow VAT declaration report dialog and fill in required information.

VAT Declaration dialog

The browser specific dialog will open with recommendation to save downloaded VAT declaration excel file to local disc. Save and verify content of reported data inside of the Excel spreadsheet.

According to FTA accounting systems requirements electronic reporting file cannot be edited after generation from system. In case corrections of reported data needs to be done it has to happen in the system. After corrections proceed with generating new reporting file. 

After successful and final validation proceed with procedure of file uploading to FTA e-Tax portal using procedures specific to your company registration with FTA.

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Generate FTA VAT audit file

In case FTA VAT Audit file has been requested follow dialog questions after running generation of FAF file at Tax >> Declarations >> FAF Declaration. 

FTA VAT Audit File

In case you expected large volume of transactions is scope of audited period, you can decide to deliver for FAT audit multiple files. Consider running the FAF file generation in background with batch processing and dividing audited periods into smaller intervals months, weeks or days periods.


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Printing Sales Invoice in UAE layout

With UAE localization package of functionality there are included Sales Invoice and Credit notes printouts in layout specified in FTA requirements for accounting systems. See following example of Free Text Invoice printout:

Sales Invoice

Printing in two languages was accommodated in the new printouts. System will print two Invoice printouts, first in language of user interface and simultaneously second printout will be generated in language of a customer in case those two languages are different.

To achieve consistent printout results other data in the system should be setup using translations like Name, Description of items in different languages in the Released product form. Additionally Sales tax descriptions and Exempt code should also be considered for setup with translations.

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Hotfix Information

How to obtain the Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations updates files

This update is available download and installation from the Microsoft Dynamics Lifecycle Services (LCS). Follow procedure of Download updates from Lifecycle Services searching for Issue number 3950081.

Also see additional information about hotfix deployment procedure


You must have the following product and updates installed to apply this hotfix:

  • Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations, Enterprise edition, fall 2017 release (v.7.3)
  • Electronic reporting (GER) cumulative update 8 - KB 4134952
  • Electronic reporting (GER) cumulative update 9 -  KB 4095510
  • Electronic reporting (GER) and Tax Engine cumulative update 11 (application part) - KB 4342323
  • Standard Audit File reporting update - KB 4092889
  • X++ hotfix for VAT declaration - KB 4077025
  • UAE market support: adding ar-AE language files for App AX7.3 - KB 4136661 

Restart requirement

You must restart the Application Object Server (AOS) service after you apply the hotfix.

If you are encountering an issue downloading, installing this hotfix, or have other technical support questions, contact your partner or, if enrolled in a support plan directly with Microsoft, you can contact technical support for Microsoft Dynamics and create a new support request. To do this, visit the following Microsoft website:

You can also contact technical support for Microsoft Dynamics by phone using these links for country specific phone numbers. To do this, visit one of the following Microsoft websites:



In special cases, charges that are ordinarily incurred for support calls may be canceled if a Technical Support Professional for Microsoft Dynamics and related products determines that a specific update will resolve your problem. The usual support costs will apply to any additional support questions and issues that do not qualify for the specific update in question.

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More information

Note This is a "FAST PUBLISH" article created directly from within the Microsoft support organization. The information contained here in is provided as-is in response to emerging issues. As a result of the speed in making it available, the materials may include typographical errors and may be revised at any time without notice. See Terms of Use for other considerations.

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Keywords: Reverse charge UAE, UAE VAT reporting, FAF Audit file, Dynamics D365 United Arab Emirates, United Arab Emirates VAT

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Article Info
Article ID : 4134799
Revision : 106
Created on : 8/1/2018
Published on : 8/1/2018
Exists online : False
Views : 1913