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A country-specific update is available for Lithuania: i.SAF reporting of issued and received invoices on Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations, Enterprise Edition

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According to the Order No VA-55 "On the Approval of Rules for the Processing and Submitting of the Data Taxes Invoice Registers", approved by the Head of the State Tax Inspectorate under the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Lithuania in 2004, April 21, the processing and submission of data about value added tax invoice registers is updated to create conditions for the taxable persons to e-way present the data of issued and received invoices for the Tax Authority using standardized format for i.SAF application. i.SAF format must match the current standard of accounting data files technical specifications and technical requirements (FileVersion iSAF1.2).

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This document is a guidance for users of Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operation, Enterprise edition.

This guidance describes how to download and set up General Electronic Reporting (GER) configurations for the report to be generated, how to set up and use Electronic Messages functionality.

To meet i.SAF reporting requirements in Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operation, Enterprise edition, there were implemented the following functionalities:

  • New executable class "EMAdditionalFieldsEvaluationController_LT" – to evaluate invoice type for reporting invoices).
  • "Invoices communication" data model is updated to support i.SAF reporting.
  • New GER modal mapping "i.SAF model mapping" for Invoices communication data model.
  • New GER format "i.SAF format (LT)" for Invoices communication data model.

The document includes following parts:

  • Download and setup GER configurations,
  • Setup Electronic Messages functionality,
  • Work with Electronic Messages functionality.

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Download and setup GER configurations

Implementation of the i.SAF reporting requirements for Lithuania includes the following GER configurations:

Configuration name

Configuration type


Invoices Communication Model

Data model


i.SAF model mapping

Model mapping


i.SAF format (LT)



The process of downloading GER configuration is described in the related article:

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Setup Electronic Messages functionality

Electronic Messages functionality is a new functionality in Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operation, Enterprise edition which is provided to maintain different processes of electronic reporting of different document types.

Import data from data entities package

To set up Electronic Messages functionality for i.SAF reporting use a predefined data which is delivered as Data entities package. To do so, download related data entities from LCS portal first - open and after log on the portal click on Shared asset library.

Select Data package > LT i.SAF Electronic messages setup and save the archive specifying the path where the Data entities should be stored.

After that, enter Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Operations and open Workspaces > Data management and click Import.

Fill in a name for importing job, select Package in Source data format and click Upload button:

This image shows how to import data from data entities package.

Select an archive previously saved from LCS portal, wait until all the included data entities will be shown on the screen, click Import on the Action pane.

You will get a notification in the Messages or you may manually refresh the page to see data importing progress. When the importing process is completed, you will see the results on Execution summary page.

Populate records action query setup

Electronic messages functionality let user setup data sources from which data should be collected for the reporting.

For i.SAF reporting data should be collected from three data sources:

  • VendInvoiceJour (Accounts payable > Inquiries and reports > Invoice > Invoice journal)
  • CustInvoiceJour (Accounts receivable > Inquiries and reports > Invoice > Invoice journal)
  • ProjInvoiceJour (Project management and accounting > Project invoices > Project invoices)

By default, all the records from these data sources will be populated to the Message item table on Populate records action run. Query for data collection to be populated to the Message item table can adjusted by using Edit query button on the Datasources setup fast tab:

This image shows how to populate records action query setup.

Parameters setup

After Data entities are imported to the data base, Electronic Messages functionality is almost ready for work. You need to additionally do the following steps:

  1. Open Tax > Setup > Electronic messages > Executable class settings, select EMAdditionalFieldsEvaluationController_LT executable class and click Parameters on Action pane. Select in the Invoice type field InvoiceType and click OK.
  2. Set up GER configurations for Electronic messages processing actions. Open Tax > Setup > Electronic messages > Message processing actions and set up related GER configurations in Format mapping field for the following actions:

Message processing actions name

GER configuration


i.SAF format (LT)

  1. Number sequences in General ledger parameters:

Number sequences reference

Number sequences description


Unique key for message. Set up a non-continuous number sequence for this Reference. This number sequence will be used for numbering messages on their generation. This number is not used in the reporting for SII.

Message item

Unique key for message item. Set up a non-continuous number sequence for this Reference. This number sequence will be used for numbering message items on their population from the source tables. This number is not used in the reporting for SII.

Overview of the Electronic messages functionality setup.

To get Electronic Messages functionality ready manually (without importing predefined setup via data entities), you need to set up the following menu items:

  • Message item types
  • Message item statuses
  • Message statuses
  • Message item additional fields
  • Executable class settings
  • Populate records actions
  • Web services settings
  • Message processing actions
  • Electronic message processing

Message item types

Set up Message item types to identify which types of records will be used in Electronic messages.

To set up Message item types, open Tax > Setup > Electronic messages > Message item types.

Fields description:

Field name

Field description

Message item type

Enter a name for the Message item type (For example "Customer invoice").


Enter a description of a Message item type.

Message item statuses

Set up Message item statuses to identify which statuses will be applicable for Message items in the processing you are setting up.

To set up Message item statuses, open Tax > Setup > Electronic messages > Message item statuses.

Fields description:

Field name

Field description

Message item statuses

Enter a status name for the Message items in you processing (For example "Created").


Enter a description of a Message item status.


Message statuses

Set up Message statuses to identify which statuses will be applicable for Messages in the processing you are setting up.

To set up Message statuses, open Tax > Setup > Electronic messages > Message statuses.

Fields description:

Field name

Field description

Message statuses

Enter a status name for the Messages in you processing (For example "Generated").


Enter a description of a Message status.

Message item additional fields

Electronic messages functionality let populate records from a transactional table to prepare for reporting and report them. Sometimes, there is not enough information in the transactional table to report a record according to report requirements. To let a user fill in all the necessary for the reporting information in relation with a record to be reported, set up Message item additional fields. To do so, open Tax > Setup > Electronic messages > Message item additional fields.

Fields description:

Field name

Field description

Message item additional field name

Set up a name of an additional attribute of Message items related to the process. This name will be show in user interface during working with the process and may also be in use in related to the process GER configurations.

Message item additional field description

Set up a description of an additional attribute of Message items related to the process

Field value

Enter a value of a field to be used in relation with a Message item in reporting.

Field value description

Enter a description of a value of a field to be used in relation with a Message item in reporting.

Account type

Some additional fields values may be restricted for particular Account types. Set up one of the following: All, Customer, Vendor.

Account code

If you selected Customer or Vendor in the Account type field, you may restrict additional fields value usage by particular group or table.

Account/Group number

If you selected Customer or Vendor in the Account type field and group or table in Account code filed, you may specify particular group or counteragent in this field.


Set up a date from which the value should be taken into consideration.


Set up a date before which the value should be taken into consideration.

Executable class settings

Executable class is an X++ method or class which can be called by the Electronic messages processing in relation with an action to some evaluation needed for the process.

To manually set it up, open Tax > Setup > Electronic messages > Executable class settings, create a line and fill in:

Field name

Field description

Executable class

Set up a name which will be used during setting up of an Electronic message processing action related respective to call this class.


Set up a description of an Executable class.

Executable class name

Select an X++ Executable class.

Executable level

The value will be filled in automatically as it should be predefined for the Executable class. The field's value restricts on with level related evaluation should be executed.

Class description

The value will be filled in automatically as it should be predefined for the Executable class.

Populate records actions

Populate records actions should be used to set up action which adds records to be sent to the Electronic message item table. To do so, open Tax > Setup > Electronic messages > Populate records actions and create a new record for each action which should add records to the table.

To manually set it up, fill in:

Field name

Field description

Populate records action name

Identify a name for to be used for action which populated records in your process.

Populate records action description

Add a description for to be used for action which populated records in your process.

Add as much lines on Datasources setup fast tab as more data sources should be used for the process.

Field name

Field description


Specify a name for a data source.

Message item type

Specify message item type which should be used on record creation for the data source.

Account type

Specify Account type which should be associated with record form the created data source.

Master table name

Specify name of the table in AX which should be a data source.

Document number field

Specify field name in the selected table from which a Document number should be taken.

Document date field

Specify field name in the selected table from which a Document date should be taken.

Document account field

Specify field name in the selected table from which a Document account should be taken.

Use query

If selected, set up a query by Edit query button on the fast tab. Otherwise, all the record will be populated from the data source.

Web services settings

Web services settings used to setup data transmission directly to a web service.

In case of Key Vault certificate usage, activate Use advanced certificate store parameter on System parameters:

This image shows web services settings.

Message processing actions

Use Message processing action to create actions for your processing and set up their parameters.

General fields description:

Field name

Field description

Action type

Set up type of action. Following values are available:

  1. Populate records – use this type of action to associate a previously set up Populate records action. This is needed to be able set up result status and include related action into a processing.
  2. Message item execution level – use this action type to set up an execution class evaluation on Message item level.
  3. Electronic reporting export – use this type for actions which should generate a report based on export GER configuration.
  4. Electronic reporting import – use this type for actions which should generate a report based on import GER configuration.
  5. User processing – use this type for actions which suppose some manual actions by user. For example, update status of messages items.
  6. Web service – use this type for actions which should provide transmission of a generated report to a web-service.
  7. Message execution level – use this type to set up an executable class which should be evaluated on Electronic message level.

Message item type

This parameter is available for actions of Message item execution level, Electronic reporting export, Electronic reporting import types of action. Using it, you may identify for records of which type the action should be evaluated. If you don't specify particular message item type in this field, all the message item types of defined for the processing will be evaluated.

Executable class

This parameter is available for actions of types Message item execution level and Message item execution level. In this field, you may specify previously created Executable class settings.

Populate records action

This parameter is available for actions of type Populate records. Use this parameter to associate a previously set up Populate records action.

Initial statuses fields description:

Field name

Field description

Message item status

Specify Message item statuses for which selected Message processing action should be evaluated.


This field shows a description specified for the selected Message item status. 

Initial status fast tab is not available for actions of initial type: Populate records.

Result statuses fields description:

Field name

Field description

Message status

This field is available for Message processing actions which evaluating on Message level. For example, it is available for action types: Electronic reporting export, Electronic reporting import; and not available for action types: User processing, Message item execution level.


This field shows a description specified for the selected Message status. 

Response type

This field shows a Response type specified for the selected Message status. 

Message item status

You may specify in this filed Resulting statuses which should be available after the selected action is evaluated for Message processing actions which evaluating on Message item level. For example, for action types: User processing, Message item execution level.

For Message processing actions which evaluate on Message level this field shows Message item status set up for the selected Message status.

Electronic message processing

Electronic message processing is a basic concepts of the Electronic messages functionality. It aggregates actions which should be evaluated for the Electronic message. Where actions can be linked via initial and result status or started independently (User processing action type). On Electronic message processing page, user may also select Additional fields which should be supported for the processing.

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Work with Electronic Messages functionality

To work with Electronic Messages functionality in Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Operations, Enterprise Edition, use Tax > Reports > Electronic Messages > Electronic message items.

On Electronic message items page, user can do all the actions to generate Collections in cash report using the following functions:

  • Run processing,
  • Generate report,
  • Update status,
  • Electronic messages,
  • Original document.

Electronic message items form presents all message items, related to each of them action log and values of addition attributes.

Electronic message items fields description:

Field name

Field description


The field shows the name of the processing due which the Electronic message items was created.

Message item

The identifier of a message item. This field’s value is assigned automatically according to an Electronic message items number sequence in General ledger parameters.

Message item date

Date when an electronic message item is created.

Message item type

Identifies type of record. This field can be filled in automatically only on record population to the register.

Message item status

The field reflects the actual status of the record.

Transmission date

For a processing which implements an automatically transmission of a generated report outside of the system, the Date of transmission field shows the date when a message item was transmitted.

Document number

Number of original document. This field can be filled in automatically only on record population to the register.

Account number

Account number of a counterparty. This field can be filled in automatically only on record population to the register.


The value of a message. This value is assigned automatically according to a Message number sequence in General ledger parameters.

Message status

The field shows actual status of an Electronic message.

Next action

This field show next actions which can be initiated for the status of a message item for the selected action.

Additional attributes fields should be setup for each Message item type for which they are going to be used during processing. On the Electronic message item form on the Additional fields fast tab, you may review or update values for the Additional fields set up for the Message items.

Run processing

Use this function to automatically update Message items. To do so, click Run processing button on the Menu of the Electronic message items form and select i.SAF in the Processing field.

Mark Select action parameter and select an action if you want to perform a particular action or leave Select action parameter unmarked if you want to start the whole process.

For i.SAF process the following actions will be performed:

  1. Populate invoices – invoices will be added to the Message item table.
  2. Attrib. evaluation – Document type field values will be evaluated for all the added invoice.
  3. Generate message – a message will be generated and related Message items according to their status and criteria setup will be added to the generated message.

All other actions set up as Separate action and will not be started automatically.

Generate report

Use this function to generate a report. Select the process in processing field and action related to the report you want to generate in the Action field and click OK. For i.SAF processing, there is only one report available which is related to the GenerateMessage action. Select it if you want to generate a report.

Update status

Use this function to update status for a message item for several message items by criteria.

For i.SAF process, the following Update status actions can be performed:

  1. Exclude message item – to exclude some invoices from a query which is used during report generation.
  2. Update to Postponed – to mark invoices sending of which should be postponed.
  3. Update to initial status – to reverse an invoice status to initial (Populated or Evaluated).

Electronic messages

Use this function to review an Electronic message related to the selected message item.

You may also review all the XML files corresponding to the message item (invoice). To do so, click on Message field of the message item or Electronic message button on the Action pane. On the Electronic message form select a message you for which you want to review an XML report and click on Attachment button on Action pane:

This image shows an Attachment button.

Thus, you will see a form where you may review all the details related to the message. To see the XML file, select a file in the list (request.xml) and click on Open button on the Action pane:

This image shows the Open button.

Original document

Use this function to open Invoice journal for the selected message item (invoice).

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Hotfix information


You must have one of the following products installed to apply this hotfix:

  • Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations, Enterprise Edition

To work with Purchase and Sales invoices communications on Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations, Enterprise Edition, packages with the following KB numbers should be downloaded from installed:


The whole list of KB numbers of prerequisites packages is provided in the related GER configurations.

Restart requirement

You must restart the Application Object Server (AOS) service after you apply the hotfix.

If you are encountering an issue downloading, installing this hotfix, or have other technical support questions, contact your partner or, if enrolled in a support plan directly with Microsoft, you can contact technical support for Microsoft Dynamics and create a new support request. To do this, visit the following Microsoft website:

You can also contact technical support for Microsoft Dynamics by phone using these links for country specific phone numbers. To do this, visit one of the following Microsoft websites:



In special cases, charges that are ordinarily incurred for support calls may be canceled if a Technical Support Professional for Microsoft Dynamics and related products determines that a specific update will resolve your problem. The usual support costs will apply to any additional support questions and issues that do not qualify for the specific update in question.

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Note This is a "FAST PUBLISH" article created directly from within the Microsoft support organization. The information contained here in is provided as-is in response to emerging issues. As a result of the speed in making it available, the materials may include typographical errors and may be revised at any time without notice. See Terms of Use for other considerations.

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Keywords: i.SAF reporting, kbsurveynew, kbmbsmigrate, kbnoloc, kbmbspartner, kbqfe, kbmbsquickpub, kbexpertiseadvance, kbexpertisebeginner, kbexpertiseinter

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Article Info
Article ID : 4091584
Revision : 11
Created on : 7/26/2018
Published on : 7/26/2018
Exists online : False
Views : 714