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A country-specific update is available for Mexico of CFDI 3.3 version in Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations, Enterprise edition

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This article describes a country-specific update for Mexico of CFDI new layout version 3.3 in Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations, Enterprise edition.

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An electronic invoice (CFDI), also called a digital tax receipt, e-invoice or e-factura is an electronic document that meets the legal and statutory requirements that also apply to traditional invoices guaranteeing, among other things, the authenticity of the origin and integrity of its contents. In order to allow users to generate electronic invoices against Dynamics AX, some parameters need to be defined to allow users to generate those documents.

As part of miscellaneous resolution modification for 2016, new layout version 3.3 has been introduced in CFDI (electronic invoices) and included a new complement for payments 1.0, effective from Jul-2017.

To meet these new legislation changes requirements in Microsoft Dynamics AX, new configurations and scenarios were introduced in Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations, Enterprise editionin the following areas:

  1. E-invoices parameters and integration with PAC
  2. Catalogs
  3. CFDI references
  4. Issuing invoices
  5. Print invoices
  6. Cancel invoices
  7. Issuing payment complement
  8. Advance payment process
  9. Confirmation number

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Electronic invoice parameters

If your organization uses electronic invoices that are validated and certified by a third-party digital signature service provider (PAC), enable the electronic invoicing by using the fields in the CFDI area of the Electronic invoice parameters form.

The following changes are introduced as part of changes in layout version 3.3:

  • CFDI version. Version 3.3 is now available.
  • CFDI digest algorithm. SHA-256.
  • CFDI payment XML schema file. Path and schema file to validate the CFDI payment complement.
  • Total amount limits. Identify the incoming and outgoing total amount limits that requires confirmation number.
  • Default government classification codes:
    • SAT product code. Use this classification for scenarios where the item code is not identified.
    • SAT unit code. Use this classification for scenarios where the unit of measure is not identified.


As part of new layout version 3.3, the tax authority has introduced new catalogs that are addressed in Microsoft Dynamics in the following way:

SAT Catalogs

Microsoft Dynamics AX mapping

c_Aduana Not applicable for this feature.

Organization administration > Setup > Einvoice > SAT classifications > Product and services, to introduce the list of item code classification defined by the government. The user will be able to introduce the following information: SAT code classification, description, version effective and expiration date.

Once the list is created or updated, the user will be able to map the related classification in the following master data:

  • Electronic invoice parameters in default classifications.
  • Product information > Released products> General > Electronic invoices
  • Account receivables > Setup > Charges > Charges code

Organization administration > Setup > Einvoice > SAT classifications > Unit of measures, to introduce the list of unit of measure classification defined by the government. The user will be able to introduce the following information: SAT code classification, description, version effective and expiration date.

Once the list is created or updated, the user will be able to map the related classification in the following master data:

  • Organization administration > Setup > Units > Units > Electronic invoices
c_CodigoPostal Identified by the ZIP code in the address code of customer, company or other related address.
c_FormaPago Existing information in Account receivables > Setup > Payment > Method of Payment > SAT payment.

Determined by the Tax type in Sales tax code setup.


Organization administration > Setup > Einvoice > SAT classifications > Method of payment, to introduce the list of method of payments defined by the government.

This information must be identified into the Sales invoice transaction header under the Payment type field. The user can also define the default payment type per customer in Customers > Invoice and delivery option.


Identified by the Currency code configured in Microsoft Dynamics AX.

The allowed exchange rate variation defined by the government must configured in General ledger > Setup > Currencies > Electronic invoices. You will be able to introduce the Exchange rate variation limit per currency.

c_NumPedimentoAduana Existing information in the Sales invoice transaction line in the Custom Number field.
cPais Identified by the Country code configured in Microsoft Dynamics AX.

Organization administration > Setup > Einvoice > SAT classifications > Tax regime, to introduce the list of tax regime classification defined by the government. The user will be able to introduce the following information: SAT code classification, description, version effective and expiration date.

Once the list is created or updated, the user will be able to map the related classification in the following master data:

  • Organization administration > Setup >Organization > Legal entities > Tax registration. You will bale to select the tax regime.
cTasaCuota Determined by the Tax type in Sales tax code setup.

Determined by the type of Sales invoice transaction. The support types for this feature are:

  • Incoming
  • Outgoing
  • Payment

Determined by the Tax type in Sales tax code setup.

Exempt type is identified by the sales tax code configuration as tax rate = 0.00 and tax type = VAT.

TASA type identified by sales tax code configuration with tax rate <> 0.00.

cTipoRelacion New functionality has been implemented CFDI reference to allow users to identify the different types of relations between CFDI documents. Some of them are assigned automatically, and others scenarios will allow manually selection by the user.

Organization administration > Setup > Einvoice > SAT classifications > CFDI purpose, to introduce the list of CFDI purpose classification defined by the government. The user will be able to introduce the following information: SAT code classification, description, version effective and expiration date.

This information must be identified into the Sales invoice transaction header under the CFDI purpose field. The user can also define the default CFDI purpose per customer in Customers > Invoice and delivery option.

CFDI Reference

As per legal requirement, user must be able to reference one or more CFDI invoices related under specific scenarios. For example, a customer might return items if the incorrect item was received, or if an item is defective. You must create a return order and also identify the original sales invoice that was submitted before and identify the type of relation (cTipoRelacion) defined by the government, in this case 03: Goods return.

Before to post a Sales invoice, the user will be able to reference the related CFDI invoice under the following path: Post > Setup > CFDI reference button

User can select the available list of CFDI invoice approved or can enter manually the following information:

  • UUID
  • Type of relation

This functionality is also available in Payment journals > CFDI reference when CFDI payment complement is generated as well. 

CFDI for payments complement

This process describes the processing of CFDI payment complement generation when a payment is collected from customer and applied to an existing CFDI invoice document.

CFDI payment complement are generated from the payment journal and settlement process under the following criterion:

  • Journal payment settled with one or more invoices;
  • Journal settlement, settled with one or more invoices;
  • Journal name must be defined with journal type = Customer payment.

Once the journal payment or journal settlement is posted, and then Export/Import batch process is executed to get the related approval from PAC (third party software).

Some addition information will be required for journal payment depending on the method of payment selected:

  • Offset main account;
  • Third party customer bank account;
  • RFC customer bank account. We introduced a new field into the Customer bank account form to fulfill the legal requirements established by the tax authorities.

Use the CFDI electronic invoice inquire to view, email, export, or print an already-generated CFDI payment complement based on a customer’s request. The printed CFDI electronic invoice includes two-dimensional bar code in accordance with the format of QR Code (Quick Response Code) that is described in the standard ISO/IEC18004. Go to Accounts receivable > Inquiries and reports > CFDI (electronic invoices) > Payment tab.

Customer advance payments

This process describes the processing and setup of advanced customer payment to generate and issue a CFDI electronic invoice.

As per government definition, there is an specific process to follow when advance payments are collected from customers.

  1. CFDI advance payment. Issuance of an electronic invoice to the customer for the amount of the advance received
  2. CFDI Invoice. Once the operation is realized and advance payment is applied, the company must issue the CFDI invoice of operation, and details the CFDI advance payment UUID issued in the step one.
  3. CFDI Invoice reverse. Issuance of an electronic invoice to reverse the Advance payment applied.

This image shows the CFDI 3.3 Advance payment process.


Use prepayment journal vouchers functionality to issue CFDI advance payment. Before to submit, the CFDI additional configuration is required to fulfill the step 1 detailed in previous section.

  • Accounts receivable > Setup > Customer posting profiles, create and Advance payment profile.
  • Accounts receivable > Setup > Accounts receivable parameters > Ledger and sales tax > Payment
  • Select the posting profile created before.
  • If sales tax is calculated and posted when you post a prepayment journal voucher, select the Sales tax on prepayment journal voucher check box.

Issuing CFDI for Advance payment - Step 1

  1. Click Accounts receivable > Journals > Payments > Payment journal to create the advance payment.
  2. Introduce the lines and the related information. Include the Method of payment and Sales tax codes is applicable.
  3. On the Payment tab, select the Prepayment journal voucher check box.
  4. Post the Advance payment.
  5. Click Accounts receivable >Periodic > CFDI electronic invoices > Export/Import electronic invoice process, to request the digital stamp of CFDI advance payment.
  6. Click Accounts receivable > Inquire > Journals > CFDI electronic invoice > Payment tab, to inquire the status of CFDI advance payment. This transaction is classified in Document type information as Prepayment.


Issuing CFDI invoice with Advance application - Step 2

  1. Create a sales invoice transaction.
  2. Before to post the invoice, you can settle the advance payment created in the step 1, by using the Open Transaction settle option.
  3. In the Post form, you can check the referenced CFDI invoice. It has been created automatically with cTipoRelacion = 07.
  4. Post the Sales invoice and proceed with the regular process.


Issuing CFDI Advance reverse - Step 3

After the company issue a CFDI for the total amount of operation, the company needs to submit another CFDI Advance reverse ( Egreso) for the advance payment settled.

This CFDI advance reverse is generated automatically when we get the approval of CFDI generated in step 2. No additional actions are required from the user point of view.

Use the CFDI electronic invoice inquire to view, email, export, or print an already-generated CFDI advance payment based on a customer's request. The printed CFDI electronic invoice includes two-dimensional bar code in accordance with the format of QR Code (Quick Response Code) that is described in the standard ISO/IEC18004. Go to Accounts receivable > Inquiries and reports > CFDI (electronic invoices) > Payment tab.

CFDI Advance payment are identified with the document type = Prepayment.

Confirmation number

The confirmation number in a CFDI invoice is required when the total amount of invoice or exchange rate variation is out of range of limits established by the government. Under this scenario, it is required a specific confirmation code that could be included in two ways.

  1. If the company knows that exceed the limits, you can include the confirmation code in the header of sales invoice transaction.
  2. If you receive a Rejection from PAC because the limits, you can set the confirmation code in CFDI electronic invoice inquire > Functions > Set authorization code and Resend again for the approval process.

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Hotfix information

How to obtain the Microsoft Dynamics AX updates files

This update is available for manual download and installation from the Microsoft Download Center.

Note You can refer to the above link and download the related hotfix.


You must have one of the following products installed to apply this hotfix:

  • Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations, Enterprise edition

Restart requirement

You must restart the Application Object Server (AOS) service after you apply the hotfix.

If you are encountering an issue downloading, installing this hotfix, or have other technical support questions, contact your partner or, if enrolled in a support plan directly with Microsoft, you can contact technical support for Microsoft Dynamics and create a new support request. To do this, visit the following Microsoft website:

You can also contact technical support for Microsoft Dynamics by phone using these links for country specific phone numbers. To do this, visit one of the following Microsoft websites:



In special cases, charges that are ordinarily incurred for support calls may be canceled if a Technical Support Professional for Microsoft Dynamics and related products determines that a specific update will resolve your problem. The usual support costs will apply to any additional support questions and issues that do not qualify for the specific update in question.

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Note This is a "FAST PUBLISH" article created directly from within the Microsoft support organization. The information contained here in is provided as-is in response to emerging issues. As a result of the speed in making it available, the materials may include typographical errors and may be revised at any time without notice. See Terms of Use for other considerations.

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Keywords: kbexpertiseinter, kbexpertisebeginner, kbexpertiseadvance, kbmbsquickpub, kbmbsmigrate, kbmbspartner, kbnoloc, CFDI 3.3 version, kbsurveynew, kbqfe

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Article Info
Article ID : 4090837
Revision : 6
Created on : 3/7/2018
Published on : 3/8/2018
Exists online : False
Views : 956