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Update for Mexican CFDI Complement for foreign trade version 1.1 in Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations, Enterprise edition

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The following country specific update for Mexico addresses the generation of CFDI invoice 3.3 for foreign customers with the related complement of foreign trade.

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The changes in the hotfix enable the update for the generation of CFDI foreign trade complement for Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations in Mexico localization.

SAT published according with the articles 36 and 36-A, fraction II,  a letter of the Ley Aduanera, in relation with the rules 3.1.34 y 3.1.35, of General Rules of Foreign Trade for 2017.

CFDI invoice with foreign trade complement will be mandatory for the contributors that export goods and services with pedimento key A1. The complement includes relevant information about foreign trade business as type of operation, emisor, receptor or the recipient of goods and other descriptions. 

Electronic invoice parameters

If your organization issue electronic invoices for foreign trade business (CFDI), enable the following information in the CFDI foreign trade area of the Electronic invoice parameters:

The following changes are introduced as part of generation of CFDI foreign trade complement:

  • Operation type: Select Export.
  • CFDI foreign trade version: Select version 1.1.
  • CFDI foreign trade XML schema file: Path and schema file to validate the CFDI foreign trade complement.
  • Currency code: Select the currency code configured in Microsoft Dynamics AX that represents the US Dollar since the foreign complement should be expressed in this currency.
  • Brand: Use this field to introduce the brand for scenarios where the product or service is not identified as a Microsoft Dynamics AX item code.


As part of foreign trade complement version 1. , the tax authority has introduced new catalogs that are addressed in Microsoft Dynamics in the following way:

SAT Catalogs

Microsoft Dynamics AX mapping


Organization administration > Setup > Einvoice > SAT classifications > Incoterm, to introduce the list of incoterm classification defined by the government. The user will be able to introduce the following information: SAT code classification, description, version effective and expiration date.

Once the list is created or updated, the user will be able to map the related classification in the following master data:

  • Electronic invoice parameters in default classifications. This is used for Project invoice and proposals when is not generated from Sales order.
  • Product information > Released products> General > Electronic invoices
  • Account receivables > Sales orders and Return orders> Sales order header
  • Account receivables > Free text invoice  > All free text invoices > Header


Only available value is Exportacion (Export) and it's selected from Einvoice parameters.



Product Information Management > Setup >Brand, to introduce the brand code. The user will be able to introduce the following information: brand code and description.


Organization administration > Setup > Einvoice > SAT Classifications > Tariff fraction to introduce the list of tariff fraction classification defined by the government. The user will be able to introduce the following information: SAT code classification, description, version effective and expiration date.


Once the list is created or updated, the user will be able to select the tariff fraction at the line level in the following entry points:

  • Sales order line
  • Free text invoice lines
  • Project invoice


Organization administration > Setup > Einvoice > SAT Classifications > Customs unit of measure, to introduce the list custom unit of measure classification defined by the government. The user will be able to introduce the following information: SAT code classification, description, version effective and expiration date.

Once the list is created or updated, the user will be able to select the custom unit of measure at the line level in the following entry points:

  • Sales order line
  • Free text invoice lines
  • Project invoice

Note: Microsoft Dynamics AX does not validate the rules established by the government in relation of valid values for each type of catalog. For example, cIncoterm values have a list of valid cUnidaAduana values and the generation of CFDI foreign trade complement will not validate the combination of these values. 

Generating and issuing CFDI electronic invoices with foreign trade complement.

When you post a sales order, free text invoice, credit note, return order, project invoice, or project sales order as an electronic invoice CFDI layout 3.3, you will be able to generate the foreign trade complement 1.1 by introducing the following information that is required for the generation of this complement.

 Sales order header

  • Purpose: You must select the option P01 otherwise you will get a rejection from PAC services.
  • Incoterm: Select the incoterm code established by the government in the catalog cIncoterm;
  • Foreign trade: Mark this field to generate CFDI foreign trade complement;
  • Source certificate: Use this option. The selection will depend on free trade agreements that the Mexican government has with different countries:
    • Unmarked (0): No certificate is required
    • Marked (1): Certificate is required. 
  • Certificate: Certificate number in case of source certificate has been defined as marked (1).

Note: Registration number and fiscal address fields are used to submit CFDI packing slip with foreign complement. Please refer to CFDI packing slip foreign complement feature.


  • CFDI electronic invoice
    • Consignment
    • Samples
    • Tariff Fraction: Select the tariff fraction code established by the government in the catalog cFraccionArancelaria.
    • Custom unit of measure: Select the custom unit of measure code established by the government in the catalog cUnidadAduana.
  • Brand: Select the related brand. This information is defaulted from product information in case of Sales order and from electronic invoice parameters when free text invoice and project is used.
  • Product
    • Tracking dimensions > Serial number: Mandatory information to specify the serial number of goods.

After you completed all the required information, you need to proceed with the regular process of CFDI 3.3 invoice generation. Please refer to CFDI 3.3 invoice layout feature recently released.

Foreign Trade complement 1.1 mapping in Dynamics AX


Mapping Dynamics AX


Fixed value 1.1

Motivo Traslado

Applicable in CFDI packing slip foreign trade complement feature

Tipo operación

The values used for this field are expressed in SAT catalog (c_TipoOperacion).

 Fixed value "02". Export


The values used for this field are expressed in SAT catalog (c_Clave Pedimiento).

Fixed as A1. since current catalog has A1.


Source certificate from Sales order or Free text invoice header


Certificate number from Sales order or Free text invoice header


Not reported since is optional in schema


INCOTERM from Sales order or Free text invoice header.


Fixed value = “0”


Not reported since is optional in schema


The exchange rate used between currency defined in electronic invoice parameters and transaction currency.


Invoice total amount converted into the USD. This currency is identified in electronic invoice parameters.

Nodo: Emisor(company)

Issuer information


Not reported

Nodo: Domicilio



Street of company address (Primary)


Street number of company address (Primary)


Build complement of company address (Primary)


Not reported since is optional in schema


City code of company address (Primary)


Not reported since is optional in schema


County code of company address (Primary)


State code of company address (Primary)


Country code of company address (Primary)


ZIP code of company address (Primary)

Nodo: Propietario



Applicable in CFDI packing slip foreign trade complement feature


Applicable in CFDI packing slip foreign trade complement feature

Nodo: Receptor(customer)



Not reported since is optional in schema

Nodo: Domicilio



Street of the customer address (Primary invoice)


Street number of the customer address (Primary invoice)


Building complement  of the customer address (Primary invoice)


Not reported since is optional in schema


City code of customer address (Primary invoice)


Not reported since is optional in schema


County code of customer address (Primary invoice)


State of customer address (Primary invoice)


Country of customer address (Primary invoice)


Zip code of customer address (Primary invoice)

Nodo: Destinatario



Not reported since is optional in schema


Not reported since is optional in schema

Nodo: Domicilio



Street of the customer address (Delivery)


Street number of the customer address (Delivery)


Building complement  of the customer address (Delivery)


Not reported since is optional in schema.


City code of customer address (Delivery)


Not reported since is optional in schema


This field must include the Municipio key of the destinatary address.


State of customer address (Delivery)


Country of customer address (Delivery)


Zip code of customer address (Delivery)

Nodo: Mercancias

Goods and services


Serial number


Tariff fraction introduced in the transaction line


Quantity from Sales order line or Free text invoice


Custom unit of measure introduced at line level of Sales order or Free text invoice transaction


Unit Price introduced at line level of Sales order or Free text invoice transaction. Converted into USD currency and transaction currency.


Total amount expressed in USD dollar. Converted into USD currency and transaction currency.

Nodo: DescripcionesEspecificas

Specific descriptions


Brand code introduced at line level of Sales order or Free text invoice transaction


Not reported since is optional in schema


Not reported since is optional in schema


Product serial number from sales order line (serial number - dimension)

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Hotfix information

This update is available for manual download and installation from the Microsoft Download Center.

Note You can refer to the above link and download the related hotfix.


You must have one of the following products installed to apply this hotfix:

  • Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations

Restart requirement

You must restart the Application Object Server (AOS) service after you apply the hotfix.

If you are encountering an issue downloading, installing this hotfix, or have other technical support questions, contact your partner or, if enrolled in a support plan directly with Microsoft, you can contact technical support for Microsoft Dynamics and create a new support request. To do this, visit the following Microsoft website:

You can also contact technical support for Microsoft Dynamics by phone using these links for country specific phone numbers. To do this, visit one of the following Microsoft websites:



In special cases, charges that are ordinarily incurred for support calls may be canceled if a Technical Support Professional for Microsoft Dynamics and related products determines that a specific update will resolve your problem. The usual support costs will apply to any additional support questions and issues that do not qualify for the specific update in question.

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Note This is a "FAST PUBLISH" article created directly from within the Microsoft support organization. The information contained here in is provided as-is in response to emerging issues. As a result of the speed in making it available, the materials may include typographical errors and may be revised at any time without notice. See Terms of Use for other considerations.

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Keywords: kbexpertiseinter, kbexpertisebeginner, kbexpertiseadvance, kbmbsquickpub, kbnoloc, kbmbspartner, CFDI Complement, kbmbsmigrate, kbsurveynew, kbqfe

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Article Info
Article ID : 4089771
Revision : 6
Created on : 3/5/2018
Published on : 3/6/2018
Exists online : False
Views : 471