The claims setting SessionSecurityTokenLifetimeInHours will need to be updated to something other than 24. In this particular instance, it was set to one week.
1. On the Dynamics server with the CRM discovery role installed, open a PowerShell command window.
2. Run the following commands from the window.
$Settings = Get-CrmSetting -SettingType ClaimsSettings -DwsServerUrl -Credential $creds
$Setting.SessionSecurityTokenLifetimeInHours = '168'
Set-CrmSetting -DwsServerUrl -Credential $creds $setting
3. Once done, verify that the lifetime value is now 168 by running the below command.
Get-CrmSetting -SettingType ClaimsSettings -DwsServerUrl -Credential $creds
4. Next, restart IIS on the frontend servers.
5. Finally, restart Outlook for any users experiencing the issue defined in the symptom section
In the above example, the URL will need to be updated with the URL of the server with the discovery server role in Microsoft Dynamics CRM deployment.
Users will still experience the authentication prompt for credentials but by performing these instructions, this prompt will now occur every 7 days unless Outlook and/or your browser is restarted. Restarting Outlook/browser will automatically renew their security token and will allow the users to not see the authentication prompt.