The feature is enabled on the SII Setup page where you need to import a certificate. Successful import of certificate will enable the feature.
When the feature is enabled, posted sales, purchase and service invoices, credit memos and corrective memos are submitted to the tax authorities.
- Enable the SII feature (is automatically enabled when you import certificate)
Batch submission of documents
The Enable Batch Submission and Job Batch Submission Threshold fields control if and how documents are submitted in batches
Enable Batch Submissions
- Enable batch submissions of documents.
- When you enable batch submissions you can either manually submit document in batches or automatically
- Not enabled: each document is submitted when you post the document, and the result is shown in the SII History page
- Automatically: Documents are transferred to SII History with Status = Pending when you post them and submitted in batches when threshold value is met or exceeded, see info on Job Batch Submission Threshold below
Job Batch Submission threshold
- Specify the threshold number of documents with status = Pending that will trigger an automatic batch submission.
- “Enabled” and “Enabled Batch submission” must both be set to Yes for the threshold value to have effect.
- If Threshold = 0, documents will be submitted in “single” submission mode, which means that they will be submitted when you post the document
- If Threshold > 0 it is used for batch submission. If number of pending entries exceeds the threshold value the system submits ALL pending auto entries.
- User can always manually submit documents while they are Status = Pending (Retry, Retry All).
Import certificate
- Import a valid certificate for the company.
Schedule initial upload
- Use this action when you want to create an XML file with the required records for the initial phase from Jan 1st to June 30th, 2017.
- This must be done before December 31st, 2017 (current requirement as of June 19, 2017).
Show SII History
- You can review the SII history.
The solution points to the actual (live, production) endpoints for the mandatory phase, as of July 1, 2017.
If you want to test the solution you need to change the endpoint to the ones specified in the documentation provided by the tax authorizes, see website:
Current description of endpoints is found in ”Información sobre Fase de Pruebas y fase de Producción del SII” (as of June 19, 2017).