When you attempt to Test and Enable a mailbox in Dynamics 365, one of the following alerts are logged:
- "Your mailbox <Mailbox Name> can't sync incoming emails because the email connection channel is set to sync using an Email Router. Contact your administrator to change the default connection channel to Server-Side Synchronization.
Email Server Error Code: IncomingEmailConnectionChannelError"
- "Your mailbox <Mailbox Name> can't sync outgoing emails because the email connection channel is set to sync using an Email Router. Contact your administrator to change the default connection channel to Server-Side Synchronization.
Email Server Error Code: OutgoingEmailConnectionChannelError"
- "Your mailbox <Mailbox Name> can't sync appointments, contacts, and tasks because the email connection channel is set to sync using an Email Router. Contact your administrator to change the default connection channel to Server-Side Synchronization.
Email Server Error Code: ExchangeSyncACTEmailConnectionChannelError"