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Cumulative Update 24 for Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2016 (Build 49326)

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This article applies to Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2016 for all countries and all language locales.

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This cumulative update includes all hotfixes and regulatory features that have been released for Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2016, including hotfixes and regulatory features that were released in previous cumulative updates.

This cumulative update replaces previously released cumulative updates. You should always install the latest cumulative update.

Note Implementing this cumulative update will require a database upgrade.

It may be necessary to update your license after implementing this hotfix to gain access to new objects included in this or a previous cumulative update (this only applies to customer licenses).

For a list of cumulative updates released for Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2016, see released cumulative updates for Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2016. Cumulative updates are intended for new and existing customers who are running Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2016.


We recommend that you contact your Microsoft Dynamics Partner before you install hotfixes or updates. It is important to verify that your environment is compatible with the hotfixes or updates being installed. A hotfix or update may cause interoperability issues with customizations and third-party products that work with your Microsoft Dynamics NAV solution.

Problems that are resolved in this cumulative update

The following problems are resolved in this cumulative update:

Platform hotfixes

ID Title
207786 Upgrade routine fails because of duplicate keys.
224110 Address labels do not print correctly after you upgrade from CU 4 to CU 32.
224280 Notes are not displayed on a page when a date field is blank in the related table.
224732 Debugger cannot handle automation variables with dimensions.
225215 The JavaScript add-in that is used with a dialog progress bar window disconnects the client if the operation is canceled.
225538 Check box moves when you try to choose it.
225642 A column that is not supposed to be visible is displayed in the web client and Windows client.
226689 You cannot open workflow template records by using a keyboard.
228722 Many records are accumulated in the SESSION EVENT table with Client Type 2 (Web Service).

Application hotfixes

ID Title Functional area Changed objects
224078 If you enter an approval comment, the posted approval comment line is empty and the Comment field on the Posted Approval Entries page shows No. Administration COD 1535
226257 Some workflow events are not available in the When Event field on the Workflow Steps page. Administration TAB 1507
224784 If you set the Dimension filter field on the Account Schedule Overview page and drill down on the values, the filter on the drill down page is incorrectly set if you use the “*” criteria. Finance COD 408 PAG 490
225135 An error message displays when you filter G/L budget entries. Finance TAB 96
226689 You cannot open workflow template records by using a keyboard. Finance PAG 1505
227986 A VAT entry is missing in an apply scenario with a payment tolerance and the Adjust for Payment Disc. option is enabled. Finance COD 12
228341 A Country/Region is not specified for VAT entries that are created from reminder fees. Finance COD 393
227233 An image is missing in an action item on the FA Depreciation Books Subform page. Fixed Assets PAG 5666
228303 The Transferred Date and Invoiced Date fields are blank on the Job Invoices page. Jobs COD 1002
226946 The bin code from the work center in an active routing version is not recognized when you create the production order from the Planning Worksheet page. Manufacturing COD 7302 COD 99000854 TAB 246
227210 The Prod. Order - Shortage List page does not recognize a shortage for an item that occurs on several component lines. Manufacturing REP 99000788
228566 The Team Name (Text 30) field on the To-do table has a lookup to the Name (Text 50) field on the Team table. Marketing TAB 5080
223887 "The total item tracking quantity 2 exceeds the line quantity 1. The changes cannot be saved to the database" error message when you get bin contents from the transfer header. Purchase REP 7391
225456 Last Submitted to Back Office (lastbackofficesubmit) is not populated when you submit a sales order from CRM to NAV. Sales COD 5343
227460 For drop shipments, the sales order archive is not created when Blank is chosen in the Default Qty. to Ship field on the Sales & Receivables setup page. Sales COD 80 COD 90
228107 When you create a sales return order by using the Get Posted Document Lines to Reverse action, and you choose the posted shipments, the system does not check whether prices include VAT. Sales COD 6620
224091 The Cross-Dock Opportunity page does not show the sales order behind the calculated quantity to cross-dock. Warehouse COD 5780
227198 When an item is picked for a service order and partially shipped, all items are removed from ship bin. Warehouse COD 5980 COD 5988 COD 6500

Local application hotfixes

CH - Switzerland
ID Title Functional area Changed objects
226487 "The Reference No. field must be filled” error message when you export a payment file in the Swiss version. Cash Management REP 393
226489 "Unknown swiss SEPA CT export payment type" error message when you use the Export Payments to File action on the Payment Journal page for the ESR+ payment type in the Swiss version. Cash Management TAB 288
CZ- Czech
ID Title Functional area Changed objects
226070 The Apply Manually action assigns an incorrect dimension when you use the Dimension from Apply Entry parameter in the Czech version. Finance TAB 1294 TAB 274
ID Title Functional area Changed objects
225396 If you use the Make Diskette action on the Intrastat Journal page and the Supplementary Unit Option field is set to false, the Intrastat file is rejected in the DACH version. Finance REP 11014
ES - Spain
ID Title Functional area Changed objects
225560 Sales credit memos marked as EU Service are not considered in the XML file in the Spanish version. Finance COD 10750
226302 Non-taxable scenarios are broken by other fixes for purchase credit memos in the Spanish version. Finance COD 10750
226307 Non-taxable scenarios are broken by other fixes for sales credit memos in the Spanish version. Finance COD 10750
226447 F5 Imports (DUA) is not a valid option in the Invoice type field on the sales document headers in the Spanish version. Finance COD 10752 TAB 10752 TAB 112 TAB 36
226463 ISP values are not assigned correctly for intercommunity purchase credit memos in the Spanish version. Finance COD 10750
226496 The Imported Total field in the SII XML is not calculated correctly on credit memos with the Correction Type set to Difference in the Spanish version. Finance COD 10750
227662 "El campo CuotaRepercutida tiene un valor incorrecto para los campos TipoImpositivo y BaseImponible suministrados" error message when you post corrective sales invoice with EC in the Spanish version. Finance COD 10750
227666 "El campo CuotaRepercutida tiene un valor incorrecto" error message when you post a sales invoice with more than one line, and at least one line with EC in the Spanish version. Finance COD 10750
227850 When you change the Special Scheme Code field on the Sales Credit Memo page, the original value is exported in the Spanish version. Finance COD 10750
227860 When you export a purchase credit memo with the Correction Type field set to Removal, the external document number of the purchase invoice is not exported in the Spanish version. Finance COD 10750
227873 "Valor del campo FechaOperacion tiene una fecha superior a la permitida" error message when you post a sales invoice from a sales order with multiple lines and a shipment date in the future in the Spanish version. Finance COD 10750
228195 "Codigo[4102].El XML no cumple el esquema. Falta informar campo obligatorio.: DesgloseIVA" error message when you post a purchase credit memo with multiple VAT rates and the Replacement option in the Spanish version. Finance COD 10750
228207 When an SII exemption code is used on the VAT Posting Setup and VAT Clause pages, the Cuota deducible amount must be reported with 0,00, and not the actual VAT amount in the Spanish version. Finance COD 10750
228333 The description operation is not exported in the XML file for sales and purchase credit memos in the Spanish version. Finance COD 10750
225555 "Las operaciones podrán tener parte sujeta y parte no sujeta. Por tanto, puede aparecer solo un bloque o ambos, pero al menos debe aparecer uno (Sujeta y/o No sujeta) " error message when you post sales invoices that are marked as EU Service in the Spanish version. VAT/Sales Tax/Intrastat COD 10750
IT - Italy
ID Title Functional area Changed objects
227750 The purchase invoice and purchase credit memo document number that is reported on the VAT report does not match the vendor invoice (or credit memo) external document number in the Italian version. Finance COD 12182 REP 12195
227755 If you export a VAT report in a DatiFAttura file, and reports are already submitted, the exported file contains all VAT report data archived in the database in the Italian version. Finance COD 12182 REP 12195
227760 The VAT report does not export sales or purchase invoices if the customer or the vendor are classified as a person and a Fiscal Code is specified in the Italian version. Finance COD 12182 REP 12195
226243 When you use the Periodic VAT Payment Communication action and VAT is fully posted in a period, the IvaDovuta section in the XML file is incorrect in the Italian version. VAT/Sales Tax/Intrastat COD 12151
NA - North America
ID Title Functional area Changed objects
227053 There are references on the Requisition Worksheet page for the Inventory Availability and Inventory Purchase Orders reports that are not found in the database in the North American version. Finance PAG 291
225140 The Inventory Valuation report prints only the detail and total lines for each item when no options are selected in the North American version. Inventory REP 10139
225502 An error message displays when an item description exceeds 30 characters on the Inventory Labels report in the North American version. Inventory REP 10137
228125 Sales tax is rounded differently on the Sales Order Subform and the Sales Order Statistics pages in the North American version. VAT/Sales Tax/Intrastat COD 398
NL - Netherlands
ID Title Functional area Changed objects
225647 When you use the Set Applies-to ID action on the Apply General Ledger Entries page multiple times, the Balance field is calculated incorrectly in the Dutch version. Finance PAG 11309
RU - Russia
ID Title Functional area Changed objects
224288 The OKEIType functions parameter in the Statutory Report Data Header table has an empty option string in the Russian version. Finance TAB 26563

Local regulatory features

NO - Norway
ID Title Functional area Changed objects
217087 Ability to handle pain.001, pain.002 and camt.053 in currency other than EUR for Microsoft Dynamics NAV - Norway Financial Management TAB1200 TAB81 TAB1226 TAB10607 TAB10608 COD2 COD1220 COD1221 COD1223 COD10601 COD10638 XML1000 MENU1030 PAG256 PAG1200 PAG10607 PAG10608

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How to obtain the Microsoft Dynamics NAV update files

This update is available for manual download and installation from the Microsoft Download Center.

Download Cumulative update CU 24 for Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2016

Which hotfix package to download

This cumulative update has multiple hotfix packages. Select and download one of the following packages depending on the country version of your Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2016 database:

Country Hotfix package
AT - Austria Download the CU 24 NAV 2016 AT package
AU - Australia Download the CU 24 NAV 2016 AU package
BE - Belgium Download the CU 24 NAV 2016 BE package
CH - Switzerland Download the CU 24 NAV 2016 CH package
CZ- Czech Download the CU 24 NAV 2016 CZ package
DE - Germany Download the CU 24 NAV 2016 DE package
DK - Denmark Download the CU 24 NAV 2016 DK package
ES - Spain Download the CU 24 NAV 2016 ES package
FI - Finland Download the CU 24 NAV 2016 FI package
FR - France Download the CU 24 NAV 2016 FR package
IS - Iceland Download the CU 24 NAV 2016 IS package
IT - Italy Download the CU 24 NAV 2016 IT package
IN - India Download the CU 24 NAV 2016 IN package
NA - North America Download the CU 24 NAV 2016 NA package
NL - Netherlands Download the CU 24 NAV 2016 NL package
NO - Norway Download the CU 24 NAV 2016 NO package
NZ - New Zealand Download the CU 24 NAV 2016 NZ package
RU - Russia Download the CU 24 NAV 2016 RU package
SE - Sweden Download the CU 24 NAV 2016 SE package
UK - United Kingdom Download the CU 24 NAV 2016 UK package
All other countries Download the CU 24 NAV 2016 W1 package

How to install a Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2016 cumulative update

See How to install a Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2016 cumulative update .


You must have Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2016 installed to apply this hotfix.

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More Information

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Microsoft has confirmed that this is a problem in the Microsoft products that are listed in the "Applies to" section.

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Keywords: kb, kbexpertiseinter, kbexpertisebeginner, kbexpertiseadvanced, kbmbspartner, kbmbsmigrate, kbatdownload, kbmbsquickpub, kbsurveynew, kbnoloc

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Article Info
Article ID : 4045670
Revision : 8
Created on : 11/7/2019
Published on : 11/7/2019
Exists online : False
Views : 350