Setup order of fields on the report setup
To set up Quarterly VAT payment communication, open General ledger > Setup > Sales tax > External > Periodic VAT communication. Select Quarterly communication in Communication type field.
You may set up order of tags in the report using Up and Down buttons on the top of the Periodic VAT communication setup form.
The order of tags determined in the Periodic VAT communication setup form will be transmitted to the report on the report creation (General ledger > Reports > External > Periodic VAT communication).
Option "Hidden" for report's fields
You can set up additional fields that you need for purposes of calculation of intermediate results and hide them using Hidden check box.
Hidden check box values will be transmitted from the setup to the report on creation of a report.
Fields with marked Hidden check box will not be included to the Quarterly VAT payment communication report on report generation.
"Sales tax charge" option for Tax base fields type
Previously for Yearly tax communication report Sales tax charge check box was applicable for Tax amount calculation type of Tax transaction field type and it was not applicable for Tax base calculation type of Tax transaction field type.
This hotfix allows to use Sales tax charge check box for Tax base calculation type of Tax transaction field type. If Sales tax charge check box is marked the Tax base will be calculated taking into account non-deductible amount by the formula:
{ Tax base amount - [ ( Non-deductible tax amount / Tax amount ) * Tax base amount ] }
"CreditoAnnoPrecedente" and "CreditoPeriodoPrecedente" tags are mutually exclusive
This hotfix implements additional check based on Calculation type of fields (Previous year VAT credit used for CreditoAnnoPrecedente tag and Previous period VAT credit - used for CreditoPeriodoPrecedente) which will be done during the Quarterly VAT payment communication report generation. The field with Calculation type Previous year VAT credit will be included for January or first quarter. The field with Calculation type Previous period VAT credit will be included for all months excepting January or for all quarters excepting the first quarter.