ID |
Title |
Functional area |
Changed objects |
209770 |
"There are new postings made in the period you want to revalue item no. XXX. You must calculate the inventory value again. –OK" error message when you post a revaluation journal. |
Inventory |
COD 23 |
208686 |
A multi-lined production order loses its reservation when it is rescheduled on the Planning Worksheet page. |
Manufacturing |
COD 99000815 |
210594 |
Defined zero discount for the item variant on a purchase line is not respected. |
Purchase |
COD 7000 COD 7010 |
212224 |
The DROP SHIP option can be selected in the Purchasing Code field on a purchase order line without entering a sell-to customer. |
Purchase |
TAB 39 |
209237 |
"Quantity (Base) must not be less than Quantity Handled (Base) in Whse. Item Tracking Line Entry No.=X" error message when you create a warehouse put-away from the Posted. Whse. Receipt page. |
Warehouse |
COD 6500 |
210001 |
The Vendor Shipment No. value on the Warehouse Receipt pager overwrites an existing customer reference in the External Document No. field on the Sales Return Order page. |
Warehouse |
COD 5760 |
209177 |
Product to Item table CRM mapping integration issues. |
Administration |
COD 5334 |
210374 |
The "Select Dimension Value Code XX for the Dimension Code XX for SalesPerson/Purchaser XX" message displays when you post a payment reconciliation journal. |
Cash Management |
TAB 274 |
210865 |
There are differences between general journals and payment reconciliation journals when postings have a payment tolerance. |
Cash Management |
TAB 1294 |
208380 |
Customer Overdue entries do not tally with the aging summary in the Customer Statement report. |
Finance |
REP 116 REP 1316 |
210417 |
Incorrect item tracking when you create the invoice through intercompany and use the Get Shipment Lines function. |
Finance |
COD 427 COD 6500 |
211359 |
In the My Customers or My Vendors view in the Role Center, the balance is calculated based on the Amount value instead of Amount (LCY). |
Finance |
PAG 9150 PAG 9151 |
209093 |
The Quantity in transit column is not updated on the Item Availability by Period page when there is a shipped transfer order not yet received. |
Inventory |
COD 353 |
209449 |
The calculate counting period in the phys. inventory journal does not show items that have a past due counting period, or when work date is after the ending date of the counting period. |
Inventory |
COD 7380 |
209488 |
"The length of the string is 12, but it must be less than or equal to 10 characters." message displays when you select a location filter that contains 10 characters on the Application Worksheet page. |
Inventory |
COD 46 |
211455 |
The calculate counting period in physical inventory journals do not show a SKU that has a past due counting period, or when the work date is after the end date of the counting period. |
Inventory |
COD 7380 |
208102 |
Lot accumulation period is not considered when there are different supplies with due dates within the same accumulation period. |
Manufacturing |
COD 99000854 |
210317 |
The standard cost worksheet batch name causes an error when you select different companies in the same database but use different batch names for each company. |
Manufacturing |
PAG 5840 PAG 5841 |
210474 |
Show document from an interaction log entry leads to the Save dialog, which displays an error message if you close it. |
Marketing |
COD 5054 |
211376 |
If you change a Word template in a segment for a specific contact, the changes are not saved. |
Marketing |
TAB 5062 TAB 5065 TAB 5077 |
211723 |
The Create Account in Dynamics CRM function duplicates records in CRM without confirming that records are already coupled. |
Marketing |
PAG 22 |
209105 |
The "Expiration Date is before the posting date. in Item Ledger Entry Entry No.=X" message displays when you return a purchase order. |
Purchase |
COD 22 |
208627 |
Some reports print with the Letter format when they should use the A4 format in the Czech localization. |
Sales |
REP 114 REP 205 |
209211 |
G/L inconsistency error when you post a preview of a sales order with items that have the Assembly Policy value set to Assemble-to-Order. |
Sales |
COD 900 |
210397 |
"The following C/AL functions are limited during write transactions because one or more tables will be locked ..." message displays when you validate the blanket order number on the Sales Order page. |
Sales |
TAB 37 |
210845 |
If you export documents with the PEPPOL 2.1 format, warnings display when validate the documents. |
Sales |
COD 1605 XML 1600 COD 1620 |
210863 |
The Show Matrix page does not show values when you use the Next Set option in the Sales Analysis by Dimensions page. |
Sales |
PAG 7158 PAG 9227 |
210924 |
The Unit Price field is negative in the resource ledger entry when it is created from a sales credit memo. |
Sales |
COD 80 |
208295 |
The "The Bin Content does not exist. Identification fields and values: Location Code='WHITE',Bin Code='A-11-0001',Item No.='LS-150',Variant Code='',Unit of Measure Code='PCS'" message displays when you run the Create Pick function. |
Warehouse |
COD 7312 |
209278 |
"Quantity (Base) must not be less than Quantity Handled (Base) in Whse. Item Tracking Line Entry No.=X" message displays when you create a put-away from the Posted. Whse. Receipt page. |
Warehouse |
COD 5760 REP 7305 |
209800 |
Warehouse reclassification journals cause a negative quantity in the Available Qty. to Take field on the Bin Contents page. |
Warehouse |
TAB 7302 |