Setup for Yearly tax communication valid until January 1st of 2017 was not changed. To do it open General ledger > Setup > Sales tax > External > Periodic VAT communication setup and select Yearly communication in Communication type field.
To setup Quarterly VAT payment communication use the same form General ledger > Setup > Sales tax > External > Periodic VAT communication. Select Quarterly communication in Communication type field.
Add all the tags from the XSD schema that are applicable for your company in Field setup table. Compliance with the order of adding tags in accordance with the scheme is desirable, but not necessarily because it can be corrected when creating a report. Field setup table fields description:
Field name
Report level
Select one of the following values:
- Header – if the tag you are going to add is from Header <Intestazione> block of the schema.
- Communication – if the tag you are going to add is from Communication header <Frontespizio> parts of the schema.
- Accounting data
Field ID
Enter tag name according to schema. For example: TotaleOperazioniAttive.
Do not add the following tags as these tags will be added automatically by the system:
- CodiceFornitura – value “IVP17”
- IdSistema – empty value
- CodiceFiscale – Fiscal code from the Company information
- AnnoImposta – the year that a user will set up on a dialog form as an input parameter on creating a new report.
- PartitaIVA - Tax Registration number from the Company information
- IdentificativoProdSoftware - Software name (Microsoft Dynamics AX)
- Mese – months related to the quarter that a user will set up on a dialog form as an input parameter on creating a new report
- Trimestre – quarter number that a user will set up on a dialog form as an input parameter on creating a new report
Add a text description of the tag.
Select one of the values from the combobox. The corresponding field’s value will be checked automatically by the system according to the specific rules described in the table below.
Select one of the following values:
- Manual – for the tags value for which a user will add manually
- Tax transaction – for the tags values for which should be collected from tax transactions
- Total – for the tags values for which should be calculated by a formula composed of other (not Total) fields values.
- Previous year VAT credit – for tag CreditoAnnoPrecedente only
- Previous period VAT credit – for tag CreditoPeriodoPrecedente only
- Previous period VAT debit – for tag DebitoPrecedente only
This column can be edited for field with Calculation set up to Manual. Enter a value that will be used as a default value. For tags from Modulo block the value should be entered for month.
Select one of the following values:
Tax base – for tags that should represent a taxable amount. For example: TotaleOperazioniAttive, TotaleOperazioniPassive.
Tax amount – for tags that should represent a tax amount. For example: IvaEsigibile, IvaDetratta.
Set “1” if the value should be represented as is.
Set “-1” if the value should be inversed. For example, for tags: TotaleOperazioniAttive, IvaEsigibile, ImportoACredito
Sales tax charge
Select this checkbox when Calculation = Tax transaction and Tax = Tax amount if you suppose that the calculated tax amount should be reduced on the calculated nondeductible tax amount. For example, for tag IvaDetratta.
Fields Formats description
Format type Name (UI en-us)
Format type Name (UI it)
Fiscal code
Codice Fiscale
use ',' as decimal separator
"0" or "1"
Commitment submission
Impegno presentazione
"1" or "2"
Charge code
Codice carica
[1], [2], [3], [4], [5], [6], [7], [8], [9], [11], [12], [13], [14], [15]
(It) ggmmaaaa = (en-us) ddMMyyyy
Vat registration
Partita IVA
11 symbols
0..16 symbols
Exceptional events
Eventi eccezionali
[1], [9]
Last month
Ultimo mese
[1], [2], [3], [4], [5], [6], [7], [8], [9], [10], [11], [13], [99]
Additional setup for fields with Calculation type set up to Total.
The Additional setup for fields with Calculation type set up to Total allows to automatically calculate values for tags that should represent a result calculated by a formula composed of other (not Total) fields values.
Select in Field setup table a line related to a field value for which should be calculated, open tab Total amount and fill in the table:
Field name
Set “1” if the value should be taken into account as is.
Set “-1” if the value should be inversed.
Field ID
Select a tag name the related value of which should be taken into account. Tags with Calculation type set up to Total cannot be selected here.
For example:
Field name
Example formula
Field ID
The same formula as for IvaDovuta but Sign in Field setup table should be set up “-1”
Field ID
The same formula as for ImportoDaVersare but Sign in Field setup table should be set up “-1”
Additional setup for fields with Calculation type set up to Tax transactions.
The additional setup of fields with Calculation type set up to Tax transactions allow to automatically calculate values for tags that should represent values based on tax transaction. For example, tags: TotaleOperazioniAttive, TotaleOperazioniPassive, IvaEsigibile, IvaDetratta.
Select in Field setup table a line related to a field value for which should represent a taxable amount or tax amount, open tab Selected tax codes and fill in the table:
Field name
Sales tax code
Select a Sales tax code from a Sales tax codes table tax transactions by which should be taken into account.
Click an Exceptions button to set up Main accounts that should be excluded from the query.
Click Query button on the menu on the top of the setup form and setup query as following:
Field name
Sales tax direction
Select sales tax direction which a subject to a selected tag.
For example:
- for tag TotaleOperazioniAttive sales tax direction can be set up to “Sales tax payable, Tax-free sale”
- for tag TotaleOperazioniPassive sales tax direction can be set up to “Sales tax receivable”
Set up Number sequences for Quarterly VAT payment communication
Open General ledger > Setup > General ledger parameters, open Number sequences tab and set up a new Number sequence for Tax communication XML ID reference. It is preferable to set up a number sequence length to 5 and format to ##### as this number sequence will be used as part of the file name.
Create Periodic VAT payment report
You can create Yearly tax communication valid until January 1st of 2017 as previously as the format and generation engine were not changed. To do it open General ledger > Reports > External > Periodic VAT communication. Click Create button on the top of the Periodic VAT communication form and setup a year for which you are going to create a new report. Leave Quarter field black. Click OK. System will create a new Yearly tax communication report according to rules predefined for this type of Periodic VAT communication.
To create a new Quarterly VAT payment communication, use the same form General ledger > Reports > External > Periodic VAT communication. Click Create button on the top of the Periodic VAT communication form and setup a year and a quarter for which you are going to create a new report. Click OK. System will create a new Quarterly VAT payment communication report according to rules predefined for this type of Periodic VAT communication.
Click Open button on the form menu on the top to open the created report.
This form represents the created report reflecting different schema blocks on different tabs:
Tab name
Quarterly header
This block includes all the fields that were setup with Report level = Header. Related tags will be included into XML block under tag Intestazione.
This block includes all the fields that were setup with Report level = Communication. Related tags will be included into XML block under tag Frontespizio.
Report lines
This block includes all the fields that were setup with Report level = Accountinf data. Related tags will be included into XML block under tag Modulo.
Each of three tabs allow user to manually delete or add new tags and move tags up and down according the schema requirement. You can change values for fields with Calculation type = Manual.
The following tags will not be included into XML file:
- If Calculation type = Manual and Value = 0,00 or empty,
- If Calculation type = Total and Value is negative.
Generate Quarterly VAT payment communication
To generate an XML file for a Quarterly VAT payment communication, select a report in the General ledger > Reports > External > Periodic VAT communication, click Export to button on the form menu on the top and fill in the fields:
Field name
File name
Enter a path and name for the XML file. System automatically generate the file name according to the specific rule and taking into account the Number sequence set up in General ledger paraments for Tax communication XML ID reference.
Accounting data schema
Select one of the following values:
- Quarter – if you want to generate an XML file with one Modulo block related to the selected quarter.
- Month – if you want to generate an XML file with three Modulo blocks related to three months of the selected quarter.
Click OK button to generate a file.
To cancel a check box Exported on the report click Delete export button on the form menu.
To delete a report, select it and use a hot keys combination of Alt+F9.