What is Outlook Preview?
It allows customers to download and try Outlook 2016 for Mac without the need for an Office 365 subscription or Microsoft Account.
When will it be available?
Outlook Preview will be available for download on April 12, 2017.
How long does the Preview last?
The Preview lasts until June 30th.
What happens when the Preview ends?
The user will see a dialog indicating the Preview has ended and give them the option to Activate Outlook, or end the Preview. If they choose to not activate, the license will switch from "Preview" to "Not Activated" and Outlook will enter reduced functionality mode.
How can the user know how many days they have left?
Outlook will automatically display a dialog when there are 30 days left and then daily after every Outlook restart. They can also manually access this dialog by selecting "Outlook Preview" under the Outlook menu.
How can I differentiate Preview users from other customers?
In HelpShift, AudienceGroup will display Preview. The About Outlook screen will also display "Preview" as the License.