ID | Title | Functional area | Changed objects |
203345 | When you use both deferral code and currency code with a currency exchange rate that has been changed on the purchase header, Dynamics NAV creates unexpected G/L and VAT entries. | Finance | COD 12 COD 80 COD 90 |
204189 | The quantity invoiced on a purchase order is not updated after you create the invoice through intercompany and there is item tracking. | Finance | COD 427 |
204655 | "You may not enter numbers manually. If you want to enter numbers manually please activate Manual Nos. in No. Series XXX." error message if you manually try to change a number series value that has a relationship with another number series value with manual and automatic numbering. | Finance | TAB 18 TAB 23 |
205312 | "The Assembly Header does not exist" error message on the Pick Worksheet page after you process a partial pick of a component of an assembly item by using a basic-warehouse location with the Require Shipment, Pick, and Bin Mandatory settings. | Finance | COD 900 |
206826 | G/L inconsistency error message appears on posting a sales order with 100% prepayment, price incl. VAT, and partial shipment. | Finance | COD 80 COD 90 |
207185 | "Date is not valid" error message when you try to run the Close Income Statement report. The error message does not point to the reason for the error. | Finance | REP 94 |
207621 | The consolidation currency adjustment for closing rate accounts due to the change in exchange rate are posting with a global dimension and a dimension value inherited from other consolidated entries incorrectly. | Finance | COD 432 |
208624 | Sales and purchase budgets are mixed up on the Sales and Purchase Analysis By Dimensions pages. | Finance | COD 7150 |
208919 | Analysis View Budget entries are not deleted after you delete budget lines. | Finance | TAB 96 |
210417 | The quantity invoiced on a purchase order is not updated after you create the invoice through intercompany and there is item tracking. | Finance | COD 427 |
202033 | Inconsistent results in the requisition worksheet depending on whether a calculate plan is run for each location separately or in one run. | Manufacturing | COD 99000854 REP 699 |
202772 | Absent registration is not considered when you use constrained capacity. | Manufacturing | COD 99000810 |
204345 | "The length of the string is 11, but it must be less than or equal to 10 characters. Value: '200.000'' error message when you delete a line on the Planning Worksheet page. | Manufacturing | COD 99000778 |
205175 | The Calc. Regenerative plan suggests a line based on the Components at Location option when the item is an assembly item and not a component. | Manufacturing | COD 99000854 |
205829 | Dampener quantity is not considered when you run the Calc. Regenerative Planning report in the Planning Worksheet page with lot-for-lot reordering. | Manufacturing | COD 99000854 |
208091 | A send-ahead quantity is not considered when a production order is created through the Calc. Regenerative Planning function on the Planning Worksheet page. | Manufacturing | COD 99000810 |
205305 | The attachment is not embedded in the email body when you log an interaction with the Send Word Docs. as Attmt. option. | Marketing | COD 5054 |
208170 | The Payment Total field on the Vendor - Payment Receipt report should have a different caption to make clear that its purpose is for payment tolerance totals. | Purchase | REP 411 |
209761 | The Buy-from Vendor No. field is deleted after you post the receipt and re-open a drop shipment purchase order. | Purchase | TAB 38 |
205055 | "Quantity Invoiced must not be greater than the sum of Qty. Assigned and Qty. to Assign" error message when you try to print a blanket order with item charges that has been partially shipped and invoiced. | Sales | TAB 37 TAB 39 |
205847 | When you post a batch for sales invoices, the Replace Posting Date value does not work with a certain Sales & Receivables setup. | Sales | COD 80 COD 90 |
210213 | The invoice discount is not distributed to the document lines correctly in scenarios with partial invoicing, and no confirm message is shown. | Sales | PAG 46 PAG 54 |
210399 | "Amount must be positive in Gen. Journal Line Journal Template Name='',Journal Batch Name='',Line No.='0'." error message when you post a sales or purchase order with prepayment and prices incl. VAT. | Sales | COD 80 COD 90 |
202716 | When you use the functionality to undo consumption for posted service shipment lines, Dynamics NAV reverses consumption in service ledger entries, however the reversal is not reflected in the general ledger. | Service | COD 5819 |
204621 | "Select a Dimension Value Code for the Dimension Code XX for G/L Account XX." error message if you try to post a service order that creates some rounding, and one of the dimensions on the Invoice Rounding G/L Account page is set to Code Mandatory. | Service | COD 5986 COD 5987 |
211138 | The Undo Shipment and Undo Consumption functions on the Service Shipment Lines page creates new entries with the posting date from the Service Shipment header and not from the original posting date. | Service | COD 5819 |
201925 | "Qty. to Handle (Base) in Tracking Specification for Item No. X, Serial No.: Y, Lot No.: Z is currently A. It must be B" error message when you post a warehouse shipment. | Warehouse | COD 7307 |
204343 | For a warehouse employee, it is necessary to have the permission that allows changes on item cards or modifications in sales and purchase documents. This should not be necessary. | Warehouse | COD 5804 COD 5895 |