To resolve this problem, check the HTTP status when you
call the site refresh pages. If a 302 is returned, read the location from the
response header, and then use this information to call the site one more time.
For these files on your Business Desk site
- Bizdesk\Catalogs\Editor\List_Catalogs.asp
- Bizdesk\Productionrefresh\Refresh.asp
- Bizdesk\Profiles\RefreshProfileSvcAll.asp
insert the following code:
'After the first send, check the status, and then redirect if error 302
'is returned:
If srvXmlHttp.status = 302 Then
sURLString = srvXmlHttp.getResponseHeader("Location")
Set srvXmlHttp = Server.CreateObject("MSXML2.ServerXMLHTTP")
Call srvXmlHttp.Open ("GET", sURLString, false)
Call srvXmlHttp.Send()
End if