Microsoft Outlook Web Access (OWA) in Exchange 2000
provides convenient access to Exchange 2000 mailbox data through a Web browser.
Administrators can use this white paper to troubleshoot configuration problems
and common network issues that prevent users from successfully logging on and
using OWA. This white paper is intended for Exchange 2000 or OWA administrators
who are familiar with Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) and basic Microsoft
Windows 2000 concepts. To troubleshoot issues that may occur, you may find it
useful to have some familiarity with Microsoft Internet Information Services
Use the five steps that are presented in this paper to
troubleshoot the most common OWA logon errors. These steps help you to
determine the following information:
- The type of error that is occurring
- What the error means
- Possible causes for the error
Even if none of the steps that are described in this white
paper help you fix the problem, you can use the information you gather from the
steps if you call Microsoft Product Support Services (PSS). As you
troubleshoot, clearly document each step because you may need to refer back to
those steps or give the information to a Microsoft PSS
NOTE: This white paper focuses on problems that prevent you or your
customer from using OWA, such as the inability to log on or the inability to
see items in your folders, as opposed to problems that may occur during an OWA
session. This white paper covers the following steps to help you troubleshoot
your problem:
- Best Practices in Troubleshooting. This step describes
reliable administrative practices to help you maintain consistent OWA
performance, and it describes solutions for the most common errors.
- What Are the Symptoms? This step helps administrators
isolate the cause of an error by describing the most common categories.
Microsoft Product Support Services uses these same categories to troubleshoot
- What Do These Symptoms Mean? After administrators determine
the symptoms of the problem, this step helps determine the source of the
problem and some possible ways to solve it.
- Additional Troubleshooting Steps. This step describes more
specific troubleshooting methods, including checking Exchange 2000 and
Microsoft Windows 2000 components that may cause OWA errors to
- Troubleshooting Tools. This step provides an overview of
Windows 2000 and Exchange 2000 tools that can help administrators solve OWA