This technical paper describes the best practices for
deploying Microsoft Exchange 2000 Server Service Pack 3 (SP3). The purpose of this paper
is to provide Exchange deployment experts with in-depth technical information
about the changes that are introduced by Exchange 2000 SP3. This paper also provides real-world tips
and tricks for deployment. The following teams contributed to the production of
this paper:
- Microsoft Exchange Server Development Team
- Microsoft Exchange Joint Development Program (JDP)
Management Team
- Microsoft Exchange Beta Technology Support (BTS)
- Microsoft Exchange User Experience (UE)
Note This paper is intended for advanced-level Exchange 2000
administrators. Microsoft recommends that you have a solid understanding of
large and complex Exchange 2000 environments before you read this paper.
Exchange 2000 SP3 contains fixes for issues that were reported since the initial release
of Exchange 2000. The majority of these issues pertain to the overall
performance of the product, while others pertain to critical problems found in
the original code. SP3 resolves these issues and therefore enhances the
performance, stability, availability, and functionality of servers that are running
Exchange 2000.