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BUG: Print Server Translates EBCDIC Characters Under 0x40 to Spaces

View products that this article applies to.

This article was previously published under Q326084
IMPORTANT: This article contains information about modifying the registry. Before you modify the registry, make sure to back it up and make sure that you understand how to restore the registry if a problem occurs. For information about how to back up, restore, and edit the registry, click the following article number to view the article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:
256986 ( Description of the Microsoft Windows Registry

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Host print jobs that contain Printer Control Language (PCL) codes are not formatted correctly because PCL codes similar to the following are printed instead of being processed by the printer:
&l0O (8U (s0p10.00h12.0v0s1b3T &k0G

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This problem occurs because the embedded PCL codes under 0x40 that are present in LU1 print jobs are converted to spaces. For example, EBCDIC 0x27 (an Escape character) is converted to ASCII 0x20.

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WARNING: If you use Registry Editor incorrectly, you may cause serious problems that may require you to reinstall your operating system. Microsoft cannot guarantee that you can solve problems that result from using Registry Editor incorrectly. Use Registry Editor at your own risk.
1.Start Registry Editor (Regedt32.exe).
2.Locate the following key in the registry, and then click to select this key: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\SnaPrint\Parameters
3.On the Edit menu, click Add Value, and then add the following registry value:
Value name: HonorCharsUnder0x40
   Data type:  REG_SZ
   Value data: TRUE
4.Quit Registry Editor.
NOTE: You must stop the SNAPRINT service, and then restart the service for the parameter to take effect.

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Microsoft has confirmed that this is a problem in the Microsoft products that are listed at the beginning of this article.

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More information

NOTE: By default, Host Integration Server 2000 should honor PCL characters under 0x40. Earlier versions of SNA Server, by default, ignored characters under 0x40 and required the registry parameter mentioned in the "Workaround" section.

When this problem occurs, SNA Print Internal traces (SPRTINTx.ATF) show the following statements:
074c:0c74 16:48:06.0801 winvprtj.c(9991)   DUMPD (session: TESTLU1, job #1)  -------------------
074c:0c74 16:48:06.0801 winvprtj.c(10007)  DUMPD (session: TESTLU1, job #1) | 40404040 40404040 |
074c:0c74 16:48:06.0801 winvprtj.c(10007)  DUMPD (session: TESTLU1, job #1) | 40404040 275093F0 |
074c:0c74 16:48:06.0801 winvprtj.c(10007)  DUMPD (session: TESTLU1, job #1) | D6274DF8 E4274DA2 |
074c:0c74 16:48:06.0801 winvprtj.c(10007)  DUMPD (session: TESTLU1, job #1) | F097F1F0 4BF0F088 |
074c:0c74 16:48:06.0801 winvprtj.c(10007)  DUMPD (session: TESTLU1, job #1) | F1F24BF0 A5F0A2F1 |
074c:0c74 16:48:06.0801 winvprtj.c(10007)  DUMPD (session: TESTLU1, job #1) | 82F3E327 5092F0C7 |
074c:0c74 16:48:06.0801 winvprtj.c(10083)  DUMPD (session: TESTLU1, job #1)  -------------------
074c:0c74 16:48:06.0801 gwtrace.c(1517)    INTRN SNAP-3270   S3PPPDAT  CODE CONVERT PBUF
074c:0c74 16:48:06.0801 gwtrace.c(1517)    INTRN SNAP-3270   S3PPPDAT  SINGLE BYTE SESSION
074c:0c74 16:48:06.0801 gwtrace.c(1517)    INTRN SNAP-3270   S3PPPDAT  CONVERT CHARACTERS <
074c:0c74 16:48:06.0801 s3pppdat.c(511)    PPDAT Converting 39
074c:0c74 16:48:06.0801 s3pppdat.c(511)    PPDAT Converting 39
074c:0c74 16:48:06.0801 s3pppdat.c(511)    PPDAT Converting 39
074c:0c74 16:48:06.0801 s3pppdat.c(511)    PPDAT Converting 39
074c:0c74 16:48:06.0801 s3pppdat.c(529)    PPDAT (session: TESTLU1, job #1)
                                                  DATA TO FLUSH (AFTER ASCII CONVERSION)
074c:0c74 16:48:06.0801 winvprtj.c(9980)   DUMPD Enter
074c:0c74 16:48:06.0801 winvprtp.c(304)    VLJOB Enter, id=0x103D005C
074c:0c74 16:48:06.0801 winvprtp.c(319)    VLJOB Found Job
074c:0c74 16:48:06.0801 winvprtp.c(337)    VLJOB Leave
074c:0c74 16:48:06.0801 winvprtj.c(9991)   DUMPD (session: TESTLU1, job #1)  -------------------
074c:0c74 16:48:06.0801 winvprtj.c(10007)  DUMPD (session: TESTLU1, job #1) | 20202020 20202020 |
074c:0c74 16:48:06.0801 winvprtj.c(10007)  DUMPD (session: TESTLU1, job #1) | 20202020 20266C30 |
074c:0c74 16:48:06.0801 winvprtj.c(10007)  DUMPD (session: TESTLU1, job #1) | 4F202838 55202873 |
074c:0c74 16:48:06.0801 winvprtj.c(10007)  DUMPD (session: TESTLU1, job #1) | 30703130 2E303068 |
074c:0c74 16:48:06.0801 winvprtj.c(10007)  DUMPD (session: TESTLU1, job #1) | 31322E30 76307331 |
074c:0c74 16:48:06.0801 winvprtj.c(10007)  DUMPD (session: TESTLU1, job #1) | 62335420 266B3047 |
074c:0c74 16:48:06.0801 winvprtj.c(10083)  DUMPD (session: TESTLU1, job #1)  -------------------

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For more information, visit the following Web site and download the SnaPrint.doc white paper. Under the heading "SNA Printer Session Properties," see the "PDT, Bypass GDI, and Transparency Combinations" section.For additional information, click the article numbers below to view the articles in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:
271846 Event 5170 Occurs If Backup Server Is Unavailable During Upgrade
326108 PCL Codes are Ignored After You Install Host Integration Server By Using SNACFG Utility
195354 LU3 Print Sessions Do Not Support Transparent Print Sections
194558 Print Server Translates Characters Below 0x40 to Spaces (0x20)
180150 LU3 Print Job Fails If Data Includes X'27' Control Codes

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Keywords: KB326084, kbpending, kbbug

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Article Info
Article ID : 326084
Revision : 4
Created on : 2/21/2007
Published on : 2/21/2007
Exists online : False
Views : 509