On a cluster server, neither MAPI nor non-MAPI clients can connect to the mailbox store. The Application event log is full of event ID 482 and event ID 1159 errors. Both of these events indicate that the information store cannot access the database. These events are logged for all storage groups.
NOTE: There is no indication of hardware failure in the System logs.
The following are the descriptions of an event ID 482 and of an event ID 1159:
Source ESE
EventID 482
Information Store (3080) An attempt to write to the file "G:\EXCHSRVR\MDBDATA\S3-SG1-MS2-Std.edb" at offset 10889854976 (0x0000000289160000) for 4096 (0x00001000) bytes failed with system error 21 (0x00000015): "The device is not ready. ". The write operation will fail with error -1022 (0xfffffc02). If this error persists then the file may be damaged and may need to be restored from a previous backup.
Source MSExchangeIS
EventID 1159
Database error 0xfffffbbe occurred in function JTAB_BASE::EcSetCurrentIndex while accessing the database "S4-SG2\S4-SG2-MS5-Std".