If you run the Domain Controller Diagnostic tool (Dcdiag.exe) in Verbose mode by using the
dcdiag /v command, Dcdiag displays the following output:
Starting test: Services
* Checking Service: Dnscache
* Checking Service: NtFrs
* Checking Service: IsmServ
* Checking Service: kdc
* Checking Service: SamSs
* Checking Service: LanmanServer
* Checking Service: LanmanWorkstation
* Checking Service: RpcSs
* Checking Service: RPCLOCATOR
* Checking Service: w32time
* Checking Service: TrkWks
* Checking Service: TrkSvr
* Checking Service: NETLOGON
* Checking Service: Dnscache
Could not open IISADMIN Service on [WRCDC1]:failed with 1060: The specified service does not exist as an installed service.
* Checking Service: NtFrs
Could not open SMTPSVC Service on [WRCDC1]:failed with 1060: The specified service does not exist as an installed service.
......................... WRCDC1 failed test Services
Dcdiag may display this error status even if no SMTP-based replication is configured. Therefore, you do not have to install the IISadmin and SMTP services.