ID | Title | Functional area | Changed objects |
381885 | There are some problems with the comments in workflows for document approvals. | Administration | COD 1535 PAG 654 |
382272 | The Create Missing Codes field is empty after you import a configuration package. | Administration | COD 8614 |
381659 | You are allowed to rename a bank account reconciliation after you create a new one from an existing one. | Cash Management | TAB 273 |
381986 | Refreshing the Excel add-in takes a full Windows license while the Print or Send operation initially takes a background session. | Client | None |
381917 | The Index Capacity Ledger Entry No. value of the Value Entry table must have the MaintainSIFTIndex property enabled which improves performance in the Adjust Cost - item entries batch job. | Costing | TAB 5802 |
382120 | Cost adjustment recognizes consumption and capacity costs of the assembly order in ACY as variance in ACY. | Costing | TAB 5896 |
381714 | Report Selections do not work from customer lists with a small role center. | Finance | PAG 1300 PAG 1301 |
382074 | The Pmt. Disc. Amount and the Balance fields show incorrect values on the Apply Customer Entries page if not all entries are applied. | Finance | PAG 232 PAG 233 |
382285 | Deferrals don't work correctly with batch posting. | Finance | REP 296 REP 297 REP 298 REP 496 REP 497 REP 498 TAB 36 TAB 38 |
381639 | The Item Age Composition - Value report does not demonstrate correct value per period for the average cost item. | Inventory | REP 5808 |
381739 | Division error when you copy job planning lines. | Jobs | COD1006.txt |
381891 | "The Job Planning Line already exists" error message if you try to copy job planning lines from one job task line to another that already have job planning lines. | Jobs | COD 1006 |
382032 | The application does not respond if you try to copy job-planning lines from a job task line to the same job task line. | Jobs | COD 1006 |
382281 | The unit cost in job ledger entries is incorrect when you post a purchase order with job option and alternate unit of measure. | Jobs | COD 1004 |
381449 | "The Production BOM Line already exists. Identification fields and values: Production BOM No.=X,Version Code=Y,Line No.=Z" error message when you run an Exchange production BOM item. | Manufacturing | REP 99001043 |
382090 | "The VAT Posting Setup does not exist. Identification fields and values: VAT Bus. Posting Group='EU',VAT Prod. Posting Group= " error message interrupts the Carry Out Action message on the Subcontracting Worksheet page and creates purchase orders without lines. | Manufacturing | COD 333 |
382282 | "The following C/AL functions are limited during write transactions because one or more tables will be locked. Form.RunModal is not allowed in write transactions ..." error message when you change ending date in the assembly order. | Manufacturing | TAB 900 |
381620 | Code limits the use of limited user licenses. | Marketing | TAB 5050 |
381660 | The contact classification does not work correctly when classification method is Percentage of Value. | Marketing | REP 5199 |
381237 | When you print a special order from the carry out action message on the Requisition Worksheet page, only one out of two purchase order for the same vendor is printed because of different purchasing codes. | Purchase | COD 333 REP 493 |
381655 | When you print a special order from the carry out action message on the Requisition Worksheet page, only one out of two purchase order for the same vendor is printed because of different purchasing codes. | Purchase | COD 333 REP 493 |
382079 | Applies to invoices are printed twice on the Purchase Credit Memo page. | Purchase | REP 407 |
382251 | Direct Unit Cost Excl. VAT value is not validated from purchase prices when you enter a new purchase quote line. | Purchase | TAB 38 |
381545 | "You cannot delete the order line because it is associated with purchase order X line Y" error message when you delete a fully invoiced sales order with special order link. | Sales | TAB 37 |
381656 | The Current Unit Price field is set to 0 when you run the Suggest Item Price on Wksh function on the Sales Price Worksheet page. | Sales | REP 7051 |
381712 | The Copy Document function does not copy the ship to address if used for credit memos. | Sales | COD 6620 |
382057 | The sales line discount and the sales price are lost after a customer is renamed. | Sales | TAB 7002 TAB 7004 |
382063 | Lines are missing in the Get Posted Doc. Lines to Reverse report. | Sales | PAG 5854 PAG 5859 |
382083 | Unexpected move of the extended text when you explode a BOM on a sales order that has the extended text. | Sales | COD 63 COD 73 |
382212 | Posting dates from the sales and assemble orders are different when you post sales orders with the Batch Post Sales Orders report. | Sales | COD 80 TAB 36 |
382250 | A Starting Date set in a production BOM component line prevents the Component to be considered in the Order Promising functionality. | Sales | COD 99000809 |
382275 | Invoice No. value is displayed multiple times if you use the Get Posted Document Lines to Reverse function. | Sales | COD 6620 |
381932 | "The user process has terminated unexpectedly. Check the Windows Event Viewer for more information" error message when you try to run a job. | Server | COD 448 |
381591 | Item ledger entries are created while warehouse entries do not when you post an inventory pick, bin content does not exist and analysis view is updated when you post it. | Warehouse | COD 410 COD 7150 |
381763 | The Qty. Allocated value in warehouse from the Reservation page does not account for quantities you previously pick. | Warehouse | COD 7314 COD 99000845 |
381806 | "The quantity that you are trying to invoice is larger than the quantity in the item ledger with the entry number X" error message when you post a sales invoice for an alternate unit of measure. | Warehouse | TAB 111 |
381865 | Item description 2 is displayed on the assembly order line of a resource type. | Warehouse | COD 905 |
381943 | You are allowed to change a bin mandatory location to directed put away and pick location when transfer orders are shipped and in In-Transit, and then there is no way for the user to receive the transfer order. | Warehouse | COD 5773 TAB 14 |
381994 | When you process an undo shipment in a directed put-away and pick location seems to generate inconsistent warehouse entries for the undo shipment entries if multiple units of measure are involved. | Warehouse | cod7320 |
382051 | Blank page is printed when a Put-Away list is printed with a filter and it printed as the PDF format. | Warehouse | rep 5751 |
382340 | ILE is created on the bin transfer by using an item reclass journal. | Warehouse Management | COD 22 COD 23 |
382345 | The Quantity (Base) is not set to 0 if the Bin Content Quantity value is set to 0. | Warehouse Management | COD 7301 |
382318 | The Approval FactBox shows an incorrect record if you send it for approval again after it was rejected first. | Administration | PAG 41 PAG 42 PAG 43 PAG 44 PAG 49 PAG 50 PAG 507 PAG 509 PAG 51 PAG 52 PAG 6630 PAG 6640 PAG 9092 |
382354 | The where-used list for a component item does not show the closed production BOM if it is part of an active version. | Manufacturing | COD 99000770 |
382364 | The Serial No. column in the Job Planning Line page is not validated when you use the Usage Link option and this usage is posted through a job journal. | Jobs | COD 1026 |
382391 | "The Workflow Step Instance does not exist. Identification fields and values" error message if you delete lines form a workflow and put them back in. | Administration | TAB 1502 |
382397 | "Select Dimension Value Code X for the Dimension Code Y for Item Z" error message when you post a production journal where output has a linked backflush consumption. | Manufacturing | COD 22 |
382448 | The Payment Discount Tolerance option does not work for credit memos. | Payment Discount | COD 426 |