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Issue when trying to access Dynamics 365 within the Add-ins area of Outlook

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When attempting to access Dynamics 365 within the Add-ins area of Outlook, you encounter one of the following issues:
  • The following error occurs

    "We're sorry

  • The Add-ins area within Outlook does not appear. 

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This Dynamics 365 feature requires some Outlook updates.  If the necessary updates are not installed, the option to access the Add-ins area will not appear or you encounter the error listed in the Symptoms section.

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The required updates depend on the version of Office you have installed.  There is a Windows Installer (MSI) based version of Office and a Click-to-Run (C2R) version of Office.  If you are not sure which version you have installed, see Determining your Office version – MSI vs. C2R.
C2R version of Office
The necessary updates are included in build 7466 or later.  You can view the build number in Outlook by clicking the File menu and then clicking Office Account. If your build number is less than 7466, install the latest Office updates. 
IMPORTANT:  If you are using Office 365 ProPlus and are configured to use the Deferred Channel for updates, you may not receive the latest available updates required to use this feature.  If you are configured to use this option, the words "Deferred Channel" will appear just above the version number. 
For more information about the different update channels and how to configure the use of a different update channel, see Overview of update channels for Office 365 ProPlus and How to switch from Deferred Channel to Current Channel for the Office 365 suite
MSI Version of Office
The following updates are required:

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Keywords: kbmbspartner, kbmbsmigrate, kbsurveynew, kb

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Article Info
Article ID : 3211586
Revision : 20
Created on : 5/18/2017
Published on : 5/18/2017
Exists online : False
Views : 207