KB number |
Title |
Area |
3195163 |
Polish SAF reports are extremely slow in Dynamics AX 2012 R3 |
Accounts Payable |
3172863 |
Spain/ESP: The Open transactions by customer report shows invoice and credit note posted with amounts in positive |
Accounts Payable |
3188600 |
HUNGARY - Deferred VAT in foreign currency in invoice journal is posted with wrong currency and wrong amount adn deferred VAT does not work in purchase order invoice |
Accounts Payable |
3178412 |
Tax exempt number is not declared in Spanish VAT books if it is empty in vendor and we use cash VAT |
Accounts Payable |
3156238 |
Incremental Foreign Currency revaluation creates no voucher on second run |
Accounts Payable |
3160698 |
Cannot change currency in Purchase Agreement Russia just after creation |
Accounts Payable |
3168013 |
Can change currency in Purchase Agreement Russia after creation of release order |
Accounts Payable |
3168826 |
'Amount to be settled is too big' when VAT processing after KB3074788 |
Accounts Payable |
3197514 |
Wrong amounts in Vendor turnover register |
Accounts Payable |
3195211 |
Multiple packing slip for Postponed passing of property |
Accounts Payable |
3155106 |
NF-e: missing <nDraw> tag causes the "334 - Rejection: Drawback process number not informed for the import" rejection error |
Accounts Payable |
3189427 |
For a Purchase order with split quantity, AX allows the 'Product receipt' posting with blank field |
Accounts Payable |
3197113 |
Posting error for a PO (in foreign currency) with 2 items having any misc. charge |
Accounts Payable |
3170055 |
Line document reference is blank for the tax account entry |
Accounts Payable |
3185822 |
The state of the source document or source document line could not be updated " error is shown when modifying the vendor |
Accounts Payable |
3145613 |
If feature 'New voucher number' is used in an invoice approval journal in connection to an approval journa workflow is not allowing to post due inbalance error |
Accounts Payable |
3151500 |
The vendor who has a PO entered with the sales tax but you zero out the sales tax and pay off the invoice does not get the Settled federal amount set correctly on update all |
Accounts Payable |
3188765 |
Missing dimension values on prepayment settlement |
Accounts Payable |
3201876 |
Posting of an invoice related to a purchase order using item and category leads to difference between ledgers |
Accounts Payable |
3178468 |
Related vouchers are incorrectly revaluated in Invoice approval/register scenario |
Accounts Payable |
3203825 |
The Approved field is not set when posting approval journal via functions Purchase Order |
Accounts Payable |
3096001 |
User is not able to settle paid prepayment invoice (the payment) and PO invoice (the invoice) on period On hold |
Accounts Payable |
3183086 |
Invoice voucher for prepayment scenario is not updated when use Revert option |
Accounts Payable |
3177400 |
Incorrect records showing available for prepayment application |
Accounts Payable |
3161822 |
Activating the "Credit note as correction" parameter in Accounts payables does not set the default value in the Credit correction field in purchase order invoice update |
Accounts Payable |
3183313 |
Tasks can't be completed, rejected or delagated in EP for vendor invoice line workflow |
Accounts Payable |
3166919 |
System is considering "Order quantity" in invoice even if option is chosen to "Registered quantity" |
Accounts Payable |
3194621 |
Invoice with prepayment - VAT of the Pre Payment not reversed |
Accounts Payable |
3183679 |
Last match variance of pending invoice status is incorrectly set to warning when purchase units are different than inventory unit |
Accounts Payable |
3181668 |
Payment schedule doesn't save changes made in the selection once the first one is done |
Accounts Payable |
3183718 |
Procurement Category's ignores Price tolerance set-up for specific vendors during invoice matching |
Accounts Payable |
3182715 |
TTSBEGIN missing in the method updateExpecValAndMatchStatusForSession of the table VendInvoiceInfoTable, causing failure when perform the action "Update match status" from a purchase order |
Accounts Payable |
3183679 |
Last match variance of pending invoice status is incorrectly set to warning when purchase units are different than inventory unit |
Accounts Payable |
3188059 |
Workflow status bar button is not displayed while posting purchase invoice |
Accounts Payable |
3189202 |
Approvers are unable to distribute amounts for vendor invoices assigned to them for approval |
Accounts Payable |
3198250 |
Delete button on the VendEditInvoice form is allowing users to delete vendor invoices submitted in workflow |
Accounts Payable |
3202979 |
Purchase price discount amount creates rounding inconsistencies between vendor summary account and vendor transaction |
Accounts Payable |
3200096 |
Accrual and Purchase expenditure, un-invoiced are not reversed in case of service item(s) are invoiced |
Accounts Payable |
3200349 |
"Fiscal period XXXXXXXX is not open" error message when you post a PO with invoice register in closed period |
Accounts Payable |
3174288 |
Accrued purchases report includes purchase order lines for categories that were received prior to Purchase Policy activation |
Accounts Payable |
3174288 |
Accrued Purchases report displays Category lines received before a Policy Activation is even activated with KB3174288 installed |
Accounts Payable |
3177487 |
AX allows the user to delete a payment journal including all related journal lines |
Accounts Payable |
3201167 |
Positive Pay File - Lacks Recipient Name in AR Payment |
Accounts Payable |
3160215 |
Charges added to the item value should consider the new fixed rate on the PO header - the updated value should be added to the Fixed assets value |
Accounts Payable |
3188531 |
Incorrect VendTrans and TaxTrans dates when approving registered invoice in invoice pool and changing accounting date |
Accounts Payable |
3185062 |
Incorrect invoice amount if having Total discounts and tax is included |
Accounts Payable |
3178890 |
During One time vendor import process the vendor invoice group field is incorrectly populated with the value of vendor group |
Accounts Payable |
3199207 |
Invoice approval journal change design in CU11 causes issues tracing registered invoices |
Accounts Payable |
3194624 |
Vendor Invoice is not showing in the Pending invoice list page if you lose connection to the AOS |
Accounts Payable |
3179171 |
A user should be able to recover a pending invoice that was created by another user and that user's session is no longer active |
Accounts Payable |
3190421 |
Foreign currency revaluation issue when selecting different Posting profile to use in the revaluations |
Accounts Payable;Accounts Receivable;Cash and Bank Management |
3199354 |
1099 changes for 2016 - AX2012 R3 |
Accounts Payable;Cash and Bank Management |
3194932 |
Fixed asset via purchase order cannot be update on line after reception |
Accounts Payable;Fixed Assets |
3169979 |
Posting definition is ignored by COD/Cash on Vendor invoice posting |
Accounts Payable;Procurement and Sourcing |
3182056 |
JP LOC - Target of consolidation flag is not changed to NO when the customer account is changed |
Accounts Receivable |
3149194 |
SEPA Direct Debit and shared customer bank account table - KB2995692 needed for DAX 2012 RTM |
Accounts Receivable |
3149610 |
PaymentID-Norway(KID) wrong if invoice number has more than 10 digits |
Accounts Receivable |
3143238 |
United States/USA: The Totals form is blank in the EU sales list when VAT number is blank |
Accounts Receivable |
3173543 |
Germany/DEU: Mandate usage counter should be updated also when non-admin user generates the collection file |
Accounts Receivable |
3172879 |
Spain/ESP: The system retrieves the customer account information but not the invoice account information when creating an electronic invoice |
Accounts Receivable |
3173540 |
Spain/ESP: Company cannot send item examples without charging for 0 sales price and just invoicing charges |
Accounts Receivable |
3174146 |
Brazil/BRA: FacturaE – zero values should be presented as 0.00 instead of NaN on the generated FacturaE file |
Accounts Receivable |
3198103 |
No record is found on Sales tax transactions form while creating payment journal |
Accounts Receivable |
3193920 |
[Italy] AX2012R3 PA E-Invoice: "Importo" field is wrong in case of discount |
Accounts Receivable |
3201665 |
Specifying delivery address on Return order removes List Code |
Accounts Receivable |
3176202 |
Duplicate records displaying in Sales Invoice report while execution from Lithuania (LT) country |
Accounts Receivable |
3143235 |
Poland/POL: Printing proforma free text invoices causes database lock on table |
Accounts Receivable |
3175143 |
Poland/POL: Settlement reversal is posted without financial dimension |
Accounts Receivable |
3137152 |
Incorrect amounts in corrected Facture when exchange rate is modified |
Accounts Receivable |
3159515 |
Can't close Sales book due to a missing facture for a prepayment settled in the next period |
Accounts Receivable |
3202933 |
RU - Doubled balance in Customer turnover report |
Accounts Receivable |
3175575 |
NF-e: "Schema XML... The value '51' is invalid according to its datatype 'String' – The Enumeration constraint failed" error after applying the KB3102989 and KB3117101 |
Accounts Receivable |
3182826 |
NF-e: Company name being limited to 50 characters in the DANFE report |
Accounts Receivable |
3190794 |
FB: SPED Fiscal file (record line C113) is missing for the 'Fiscal reference' document related to the 'Return order' |
Accounts Receivable |
3185803 |
NF-e: "The NF-e cancelling was not accepted by SEFAZ; rejection code: 402..." error message when you use special characters |
Accounts Receivable |
3193484 |
Posting error for a SO with fixed exch. rate and misc. charge |
Accounts Receivable |
3186818 |
NF-e: <orig> tag is always 0 for a Sales Order NF-e (generated from a project) with a "charges code" |
Accounts Receivable |
3202702 |
For a posted SO in foreign currency (Currency = USD), the 'Fiscal document text's placeholders are incorreclty printed |
Accounts Receivable |
3175635 |
Cannot reverse an interest note if the account is marked as "Do not allow manual entry" |
Accounts Receivable |
3195324 |
SEPA DD Mandate expiration date will not set back when payment status was changed to None |
Accounts Receivable |
3160106 |
The Customer Aging snapshots run for a long time in batch |
Accounts Receivable |
3160248 |
Collection letter code for invoices with payment Schedule does not work well when we post a payment and use "Collection per customer" |
Accounts Receivable |
3176291 |
User should be able to filter customer transactions when creating the collection letter directly from the customer |
Accounts Receivable |
3194259 |
Posted sales tax is not using the correct exchange rate in case the rate changed between free text invoice creation and posting |
Accounts Receivable |
3159561 |
Incorrect distribution amounts in cancelling or corrected free text invoice |
Accounts Receivable |
3179115 |
Correcting recurring free text invoice which ledger account has been modified causes wrong ledger account posting |
Accounts Receivable |
3170550 |
The Customer invoice transactions report still shows the closed or settled invoice |
Accounts Receivable |
3194617 |
Runtime tasks generated by the Customer Aging Snapshot batch job are not associated to the selected batch group |
Accounts Receivable |
3195821 |
Freetext invoice has footer 'This invoice originates from a bookkeeping system which is consistent with the provisions of Regulation No. 505/2013" |
Accounts Receivable |
3201429 |
Wrong alignment for Sales invoices in arabic |
Accounts Receivable |
3182169 |
Cann't finalize an amendment for an RFQ |
Accounts Receivable |
3185907 |
Can not invoice sales orders in a batch if one of the sales orders has a record in the TaxWorkRegulation table |
Accounts Receivable |
3161388 |
Stack Trace in customer prepayment line if sales tax code setup is not set in Sales tax group |
Accounts Receivable |
3166345 |
New opportunity doesn't auto-fill out sales unit |
Accounts Receivable |
3181983 |
NF-e: Correction letter rejected with error "594 – Rejection: The sequence number of the event is greater than expected" |
Accounts Receivable |
3135629 |
Sales order and Purchase order payment schedules are not honored if they are manually edited and then partial invoicing is attempted. |
Accounts Receivable |
3154563 |
Incorrect code in Class/EUsaleslistTransfer leads to missing tax exempt number |
Accounts Receivable;Organization Administration |
3175223 |
"Budget model does not exist" error when the BudgetModelDataAreaId field is not defaulted |
Budgeting |
3104403 |
Multiple Budget Allocations Do Not work together |
Budgeting |
3173731 |
Budget planning worksheet exports to Excel is not enforcing scenario constraints those are enforced inside the application |
Budgeting |
3173736 |
Budget plan template filter does not work as expected |
Budgeting |
3188071 |
Budget plan scenarios report doesn't respect security based on Security Organizations. |
Budgeting |
3199678 |
Forecast positions shouldn't give increase in first year |
Budgeting |
3182721 |
"Cannot crteate a record in Case(CasteDetailBase). Case ID : CDS-0000092" error message is displayed |
Call center |
3146530 |
BE localizations: CODA transfer detail lines to the ledger |
Cash and Bank Management |
3193374 |
Poland: SAF Bank statement report: unexpected root element xmlns="http://jpk.mf.gov.pl/wzor/2016/03/09/03093/" |
Cash and Bank Management |
3142190 |
Transaction data is being duplicated on the "Vendor Invoice Transactions" report |
Cash and Bank Management |
3193829 |
Advanced bank reconciliation based on ISO2002 format - import fails due to element PrvtId |
Cash and Bank Management |
3197687 |
Can't print the Deposit Slip for Post-dated Check Settlement from General journal |
Cash and Bank Management |
3194993 |
Payment history report has repeated multiple lines |
Cash and Bank Management |
3201799 |
You will encounter an account structure error when attempting to settle a customer payment and invoice if the settlement creates and over payment transaction |
Cash and Bank Management |
3173150 |
"The total amount of letter of credit shipment lines is not equal to the order amount" error when trying to change the amount of LC which is attached to PO |
Cash and Bank Management |
3195346 |
AIF Import of IBANS to Banking Account throws error |
Cash and Bank Management |
3173465 |
United States/USA: Receiving an error that you needs two documents to reconcile with Clear functionality |
Cash and Bank Management |
3196322 |
Advanced bank rec - Opening and closing balances should not be required with the BAI2 format |
Cash and Bank Management |
3183359 |
Cash and Bank management module new transactions not created in audit trail |
Cash and Bank Management |
3201169 |
Reason code not copied across for bank postings |
Cash and Bank Management |
3178600 |
It is possible to import a payment into a posted journal |
Cash and Bank Management |
3193659 |
Payment advice total wrong with multi customers on payment journal |
Cash and Bank Management |
3155486 |
Open transaction settlement with prepayments leads to incorrect sales tax corrections |
Cash and Bank Management |
3195448 |
Journal blocking is not working correctly on LedgerJournalTableVendPaymentListPage like it does for LedgerJournalTable |
Cash and Bank Management |
3189270 |
Getting error message while posting payment journal with cash discount and reverse GST setup |
Cash and Bank Management |
3192872 |
Sales tax (VAT) Payment report is too slow |
Cash and Bank Management |
3196595 |
Allow for 6 character bank accounts on vendors like we do on employees |
Cash and Bank Management;General Ledger |
3194043 |
New currency code for Belarus is missing in AX |
Cash and Bank Management;General Ledger |
3171639 |
Statement and ledger in the inventory closing and adjusting voucher are not matching |
Cost accounting |
3169654 |
Inventory close does no resume correct after AOS crash |
Cost accounting |
3175445 |
An error occured during calculating production when end the production order |
Cost accounting |
3190484 |
Vendor invoice doesn't post financial value on transaction. Different Vendor Group (Order Account vs Invoice Account) |
Cost accounting |
3191120 |
Runtime tasks generated by the Standard Cost Activation batch job are not associated to the selected batch group |
Cost accounting |
3192276 |
DCR - Purchase order product receipt cannot be canceled when inventory value is negative while the quantity is positive |
Cost accounting |
3201074 |
Moving average error "The inventory value of XXX not expected after the proportional expense calculation. The expected value is XXX" is encountered when attempting to post a retail statement that contains mix of credit note lines and sales lines. |
Cost accounting |
3200808 |
Standard cost conversion process is blocked when there are quarantine transactions with inventory status=blocking |
Cost accounting |
3167514 |
Closing transactions show up in 'Reconciliation between cost account and ledger' report - even after instllation of KB3148015 |
Cost accounting |
3179672 |
Put-away and transfer work transactions are considered as issues when a price difference between receipt cost and invoice cost is proportionally expensed for an item |
Cost accounting |
3195525 |
Cost balances of service categories show incorrect values |
Cost accounting |
3167179 |
Batch job for inventory close started while another close was either still running or had terminated with error. |
Cost accounting |
3183597 |
Getting "Cannot call NEXT, update(), or delete() on buffer where data is selected or inserted in another transaction scope." during inventory recalculation when processing Fixed receipt modeled item with return orders |
Cost accounting |
3182727 |
Inventory recalculation makes an incorrect cost adjustment on an issue after it splits the issue due to corrupted (single-sided) marking. Partner is unable to reproduce the marking issue, but the recalculation issue can be reproduced by manually editing |
Cost accounting |
3185976 |
High memory usage during PO Invoice posting with large CostSheetNodeCalculation |
Cost accounting |
3194516 |
WIP account is not cleared after ending Production order for Indirect Cost with Surcharges |
Cost accounting |
3167827 |
Costing calculation result is not correct |
Cost accounting |
2951209 |
Standard Cost cannot be changed after running On Hand Entries aggregation by financial dimensions on warehouse management enabled items |
Cost accounting |
3178134 |
Recalculate BOM levels does not correct BOM levels for raw materials in certain Production\Batch order scenarios causing MRP Explosion problems |
Cost accounting |
3018868 |
CRM Accounts are being duplicated in AX |
Data import export framework |
3179656 |
JP LOC - the number of digits after the decimal point in the discount rate for fixed assets - discount rate is usually calculated to 3 digits after the decimal point |
Fixed Assets |
3194218 |
JP -The depreciation amount for the current term is not displayed even though depreciation amount is posted in the period |
Fixed Assets |
3179406 |
Fixed asset report show acquisition the wrong year |
Fixed Assets |
3178312 |
Period codes are incorrect for Property tax declaration |
Fixed Assets |
3176325 |
Cannot apply initial query because no form root data source table matches the query root data source table. when you try to open budget plan workflow in work items assigned |
Fixed Assets |
3189227 |
View case from collection |
Fixed Assets |
3090494 |
Wrong depreciation amounts are created in the "AssetDepBookProfile" form |
Fixed Assets |
3174262 |
"Fiscal period is not open in Fiscal fiscal calendar" warning when transferring Fixed asset budget transactions in an on-hold period |
Fixed Assets |
3183644 |
Financial dimensions are not displayed when transaction type is asset transfer |
Fixed Assets |
3141936 |
Posting an acquisition adjustment does not create depreciation adjustments if using the "create adjustments" during basis adjustments option in Fixed assets and deriving your value models |
Fixed Assets |
3175258 |
Fixed asset status is not updated correctly after posting or reversing an acquisition transaction |
Fixed Assets |
3163157 |
No reason code validation by Fixed asset disposal with scrap proposal and zero amount |
Fixed Assets |
3177486 |
AssetPostDisposal skips Operations posting layer |
Fixed Assets |
3180147 |
We cannot run budget depreciation proposal if " to date " field is within a closed or on hold period |
Fixed Assets |
3185774 |
Voucher transaction not updated correctly for reclassification of fixed assets (fixed assets records created from a Consolidated PO invoice) |
Fixed Assets |
3199982 |
Depreciation includes cash discount amount |
Fixed Assets |
3170336 |
Duplicate accounting distributions wrongly posted on voucher created from a vendor invoice tied to both a project and fixed asset |
Fixed Assets |
3146669 |
The format of negative amounts is different from other fields in the Fixed asset balances report |
Fixed Assets |
3177744 |
Support an automated depreciation run across legal entities |
Fixed Assets |
3185643 |
Issue using NoExists Join in a query for an AIF Document Service that uses the Find and Read operations |
Framework |
3189919 |
The inbound port which contains MainAccountBalanceService cannot be activated |
Framework |
3176502 |
Edit catalogs in Excel issue - AX 2012 R3 CU10 |
Framework |
3173177 |
All sales lines disappear due to adding a new line to an SO and refreshing the form before the item number is selected |
Framework |
3177619 |
SysEmailparameters does not respect partition when querying for email parameters |
Framework |
3189288 |
Deleting multiple records from Print archive causes error "An unbalanced X++ TTSBEGIN/TTSCOMMIT pair has been detected." |
Framework |
3171445 |
FactBoxes are also disabled when disabling Background data fetch |
Framework |
3183119 |
When using Excel Add-in worksheets for budget planning and choosing the Validate Rows option a different error message is received when the dimension segment is not valid vs does not exist |
Framework |
3168536 |
Using a reoccurring batch that is created with the DMFStagingWriterController to monitor a folder for importing data does not work as expected with multiple entities |
Framework |
3161168 |
Entity HCMPositionDetailEntity is not updating the ValidFrom date into tables HcmPositionDetail,HcmPositionDuration and HcmPositionWorkerAssignment. Also the AvailableForAssignment field is not getting updated |
Framework |
3163051 |
When uploading Project contracts using DIXF, a default funding limit of amount = 0 is getting created |
Framework |
3170508 |
Unable to import a Department on imported FAs if the Department has a string size of more than 10 characters |
Framework |
3175318 |
MDM Sync removes legal entity specific financial dimensions |
Framework |
3174642 |
An extra record is created for each imported dimension |
Framework |
3179858 |
When importing counting journal using DIXF, the counted quantity is imported correctly with value 0 |
Framework |
3178444 |
DIXF throw validation error, "The method has been called with an invalid number of parameters", for custom entity created through custom entity wizard |
Framework |
3184101 |
DMF 'Opening balance' entity uses the incorrect Journal batch number from Number sequences when re-importing additional journals |
Framework |
3181214 |
Import from Excel files in Directory mode will fail using Excel 2013 format (.xlsx) using DIXF |
Framework |
3184454 |
When using an ODBC connection to run a DIXF Processing group in a recurring batch job, subsequent batch jobs use the same Job ID which results |
Framework |
3187232 |
Data is incorrectly imported for Inventory counting journal using DIXF |
Framework |
3189803 |
DIXF throws financial dimension validation error when importing Intercompany vendor invoice journal |
Framework |
3197305 |
DMFinventItemBarcode entity creates item number with '\' character before any special character |
Framework |
3202181 |
[DIXF] When importing multiple entities, any processing warnings from the entities are suppressed unless there was an issue in the last entity in the processing group |
Framework |
3183672 |
Unable to Sync Data using DMFRetailMixAndMatchEntity with MDM |
Framework |
3182844 |
Text border line about Manage Cues is not displayed on Chrome browser in EP |
Framework |
3169668 |
Accounting source explorer does not display storno values |
Framework |
3185821 |
Deadlocks on UPDATE ACCOUNTINGEVENT coming from Classes\SubledgerJournalTransferCommand\executeTransfer |
Framework |
3192899 |
Tax is being duplicated on Vendor Invoice created from PO with automatic charges |
Framework |
3186205 |
E-mail attachments error for purchase orders |
Framework |
3192625 |
No N:1 relations if datasource is View |
Framework |
3187712 |
Multiple AOS startup and lock due to VSAssemblies or XppIL directory is not downloaded |
Framework |
3198412 |
AOS crash in ax32serv!dbRecbuf::dataset triggering alert for deleted record in derived table |
Framework |
3198255 |
Database logging does not track default values for enum fields |
Framework |
3174697 |
Hierarchy designer does not correctly display the organization after the change |
Framework |
3201543 |
The installer performing impact analysis for a long time(more than 24h) |
Framework |
3127012 |
Error changing companies when a Purchase order in 'Draft' status is selected if a workflow with activation condition exists in target company |
Framework |
3159533 |
Performance issue with Workflow tracking report |
Framework |
3175285 |
Document has been already rejected in reject workflow through link |
Framework |
3196006 |
Expense item workflow goes into an unrecoverable state if attempting to recall one line after another has been posted |
Framework |
3199682 |
Workflow escalation progresses for the hierarchy-based approval workflow |
Framework |
3196746 |
Deleting an Alert rule for IS SET TO event type leaves orphaned records in DatabaseLog table |
Framework |
3178840 |
Unable to archive SSRS reports to SharePoint document library |
Framework |
3198005 |
Compatibility of Edge and Chrome with AX 2012 R3 |
Framework |
3189310 |
Performance issue on openning and publishing budget plan lines via Excel Worksheet for budget plans exceeding 50,000 lines |
Framework |
3189797 |
TFS check-in policy to require associated work items is not enforced when checking in objects from AX |
Framework |
3193982 |
Support for Printing Reports to HTML5 File Format (Requires SQL Server Reporting Services 2016) |
Framework |
3190293 |
DIXF Random load failures related to multi thread |
Framework |
3178827 |
Product receipt entity under DIXF does not allow user to populate critical data such as item number and quantity |
Framework |
3175362 |
Free text invoice entity is not available in out of the box environment |
Framework |
3199177 |
Master Data Management (MDM) Support for SQL Server 2016 |
Framework |
3189982 |
AU-BAS Report is not showing GST adjustment |
General Ledger |
3124181 |
CN LOC - China localization continuity check function issue |
General Ledger |
3144160 |
CN-LOC Why system is splitting CN voucher after running Chinese voucher continuity check |
General Ledger |
3164742 |
CN-Chinese voucher continuity check not working as expected with same number sequence assigned to two different voucher types |
General Ledger |
3196786 |
CN-Daily ledgers opening and closing balances are not same |
General Ledger |
3173164 |
India/IND: Unwanted related vouchers are created for service tax reversal with vendor prepayment |
General Ledger |
3173166 |
India/IND: TDS is not deducted from customer payment while settling customer invoice from the Payment journal |
General Ledger |
3195121 |
IN- Incorrect calculation of TDS when two lines are created in a general journal or orders |
General Ledger |
3171118 |
IN LOC - Voucher balancing error while running excise settlement with KB3105956 |
General Ledger |
3176819 |
IN - Cenvat Credit is not posting during Product Receipt |
General Ledger |
3191348 |
TCS must be calculated on the Cash transactions exceeding the threshold |
General Ledger |
3180085 |
IN – Source type is incorrect in RG registers for Stock Transfer order |
General Ledger |
3202064 |
IN: Foreign vendor TDS amount is posted incorrectly |
General Ledger |
3167852 |
TH – Total sales tax amount origin is not matching with reversal tax amount when Reversal unrealized VAT run after posting invoice with unrealized VAT with KB3156445 |
General Ledger |
3158864 |
Belgian VAT preview includes previous periods entries |
General Ledger |
3160114 |
AX2012 - GDPdU/GoBD display methods missing |
General Ledger |
3170266 |
Belgium/BEL: Difference values between Trial balance and Fixed assets report |
General Ledger |
3170269 |
Netherlands/NLD: "The length of the VAT number is incorrect" warning when entering VAT number in the setup of the Electronic ICP declaration |
General Ledger |
3165903 |
[Italy] AX2012R2 PA E-Invoice: the PrezzoUnitario and PrezzoTotale fields are wrong, this in case of invoice with zero price |
General Ledger |
3174147 |
Norway/NOR: EHF resending the E-Invoice should contain the old address if the address is changed after the original invoice is posted |
General Ledger |
3172858 |
Germany/DEU: The tax payable amount of use tax postings shows up with incorrect amount in 3 related tax reports |
General Ledger |
3184878 |
Traingular Trade with direct delivery falsely reported in INTRASTAT |
General Ledger |
3183985 |
The Invoice amount on the Intrastat report is calculated incorrectly as the calculation ignores UOM conversions |
General Ledger |
3187709 |
AX2012 - GDPdU-GoBD display method CustAccount missing |
General Ledger |
3194136 |
AX2012 - GDPdU Data export DE generated file is empty |
General Ledger |
3193914 |
[Italy] AX2012 R3 Black List - the fields BL005/BL008 are wrong |
General Ledger |
3196938 |
[Italy] AX2012 R3 Fiscal Journal report shows wrong customer or vendor information using a journal with one voucher number only |
General Ledger |
3179409 |
Belgium purchase journal report shows incorrect identification type Invoice or Credit Note |
General Ledger |
3191707 |
Sequence number Group not post on posting journal dedicated |
General Ledger |
3199258 |
Sepa credit transfer domestic payment with a slip Denmark – SWIFT and IBAN need to be entered |
General Ledger |
3199902 |
CZ Prepayment handling including use tax leads to voucher imbalance error |
General Ledger |
3184030 |
Settlement reversal is posted with incorrect financial dimension |
General Ledger |
3192551 |
[EST] Intrastat report cannot be correctly exported into CSV/XLS due to special character in the Comodity name |
General Ledger |
3196543 |
LV - Intrastat Report file not generating in CSV |
General Ledger |
3172465 |
Lithuania/LTU: Incorrect country code on the Intrastat report |
General Ledger |
3176547 |
InterchangeagreementId node is missing in Intrastat XML file for Lithuania |
General Ledger |
3178394 |
Wrong relation between bank statement and customer (vendor) |
General Ledger |
3177492 |
PL SAF Inventory report - missing mandatory tags when there is no data |
General Ledger |
3191129 |
Poland: SAF - Running bank statement report ends with unexpected error - System.InvalidCastException |
General Ledger |
3191149 |
Poland SAF: Several issue in SAF VAT sales and purchase report |
General Ledger |
3201683 |
POLAND: SAF VAT sales and purchase report does not report purchases |
General Ledger |
3199510 |
POLAND: SAF reports do not display the correct Tax Authority ID |
General Ledger |
3197689 |
Return orders for domestic trades are included in Intrastat report due to different |
General Ledger |
3197689 |
Return orders for domestic trades are included in Intrastat report due to different |
General Ledger |
3191819 |
[France] Intrastat delivery department (county) not reported |
General Ledger |
3184604 |
German sales tax payment report displays incorrect totals due to incorrect sign in 189 and 193 |
General Ledger |
3184028 |
AX 2012 R2 GDPdU/GoBD INDEX.XML wrong |
General Ledger |
3202254 |
Norway: EHF Project invoice rounding causes validation error |
General Ledger |
3143273 |
Russia/RUS: Doubled allocation with the rule at the main account |
General Ledger |
3143864 |
Russia/RUS: Missing corr.account in inventory journal |
General Ledger |
3170267 |
Russian Localization: Turnover Balance Statement General Ledger Inquire Report generate security error and also does not show any data. |
General Ledger |
3195675 |
GL turnover report error for tax agent facture |
General Ledger |
3193619 |
VAT prepayment transaction for foreign tax agent |
General Ledger |
3178980 |
Configurator export utility' doesn't respect any additional filter (e.g.: Date filter) when exporting AX data |
General Ledger |
3171080 |
Brazil/BRA: GIA file exported with incorrect sort order for the specific record type for a month containing invoices from different states |
General Ledger |
3174307 |
Brazil/BRA: Performance issue in "Generate SPED ECD" process |
General Ledger |
3175309 |
Brazil/BRA: Incorrect amount for the ICMS-ST tax assessment report when customer address is changed |
General Ledger |
3182382 |
"The size necessary to buffer the XML content exceeded the buffer quota." error running the 'Trial balance summary' report for a huge account structure (for example, +2075 accounts) |
General Ledger |
3193935 |
FB: SPED Fiscal file (record line 0200) incorrectly exporting the NCM information when Product type = 07 (Use and consumption) |
General Ledger |
3195023 |
Missing menu item "FCP per Item/State" on General ledger/Setup/Sales tax |
General Ledger |
3193483 |
NF-e: DANFE report and XML file with 'Total item amount' and the 'Total invoice amount' difference for a Transfer order with items containing decimal amounts |
General Ledger |
3189671 |
Ax 2012 R3 CU10 - AX hangs when posting intercompany and direct delivery (Switzerland & Germany intercompany) |
General Ledger |
3163550 |
Email sent from service context if Print settings set to Email for both Original and Copy |
General Ledger |
3184818 |
ERROR: "Payment schedules were found on one or more vendor invoices" occurs when the 'Payment schedule' form is opened before invoicing multiple purchase orders |
General Ledger |
3144317 |
Voucher numbers getting our of order when an exception occurs and rolls back a tts trans when saving journal lines. |
General Ledger |
3168179 |
Date interval for the 2nd half does not work properly after installing KB3106159 while the first half works as expected |
General Ledger |
3174362 |
"Dimension value is suspended" warning when entering an intercompany payment journal even if the financial dimension is not suspended |
General Ledger |
3182210 |
Accounting users which have access to only some legal entities can modify period status for legal entities they do not have access to |
General Ledger |
3175594 |
Accruals account does not balance becuase of rounding issue |
General Ledger |
3181347 |
The postings from the intercompany GL transactions will error in posting because they use a forced rate and do not balance because of the exchange rate difference |
General Ledger |
3185561 |
After installation of KB3135076 once we Post advance ledger entries a duplicate line is created on the Trial Balance |
General Ledger |
3185558 |
Date interval for the 2nd half does not work properly after installing KB3106159 while the first half works as expected |
General Ledger |
3192935 |
We are able to settle ledger transactions posted in different layers |
General Ledger |
3192128 |
Allocation journal voucher balance total debits and total credits do not balance |
General Ledger |
3194057 |
Change voucher date is not updating the exchange rate of the other lines |
General Ledger |
3199750 |
Posting Journals batch job with late selection fails to pick up new journals when one journal errors out |
General Ledger |
3185562 |
Incorrect enum used in Class LedgerAllocationProcessRequest, method getLedgerAmounts. Currently using OperationTax whilst it should be CurrentOperationTax |
General Ledger |
3184986 |
Incorrect Dimensions on the Voucher when running Allocations for an Intercompany Journal |
General Ledger |
3189549 |
Accruals in different currency and with are posted with zero amount in company currency and with wrong calculated amounts |
General Ledger |
3161899 |
Transaction quantity is not reversed |
General Ledger |
3200392 |
Ledger account alias not working properly when defined for User groups |
General Ledger |
3195358 |
General journal report shows the wrong approver if two different people enter and approve the journal |
General Ledger |
3199935 |
Ledger account statement shows shows all accounts instead of selected one after applying filters |
General Ledger |
3202167 |
Trial balance list page does not filter the posted journal entries correctly |
General Ledger |
3175730 |
When executing sales tax payment an error 'Account number for transaction type sales tax does not exist' |
General Ledger |
3179046 |
Voucher transactions without sales tax inquiry returns voucher with sales tax definition |
General Ledger |
3069067 |
Sales tax transactions – Detail report displaying duplicate details |
General Ledger |
3175451 |
Italian sales tax payment report returns wrong rounded amount in Sales tax base column |
General Ledger |
3171183 |
Sales tax specification by ledger transaction and Statement by dimensions reports display incorrect taxes |
General Ledger |
3172110 |
Canada/CAN: Purchase order confirmation report does not print the sales tax rate on it when setting up to print the sales tax rate |
General Ledger |
3179047 |
Sales tax reconciliation report shows a discrepancy which does not exist when posting PO invoice with use tax and a value is setup for "Pct. Exempt from sales tax" on sales tax code |
General Ledger |
3202469 |
Tax exempt text is truncated on invoice |
General Ledger |
3203096 |
Sales tax payment report with include details displays strange values when the SalesTaxPayment value for a tax cod is 0 or negative |
General Ledger |
3196513 |
Sales tax is not calculating on Invoice Journal when Amounts Include Sales Tax is marked and you have a blank sales tax line preceeding a line with sales tax |
General Ledger |
3183357 |
Support the ability to enter an accounting date to record the cancellation of an unused General Budget Reservation |
General Ledger |
3176503 |
Not possible to use the Retail channel dimension in the account structure relationships. |
General Ledger |
3186280 |
Performance issue with French balance report |
General Ledger |
3175260 |
Cash discount of Fixed asset acquisition payments are not included in report "Sales tax specification by ledger transaction" - KB3083133 does not solve the problem |
General Ledger |
3185581 |
Fixed and Balanced Dimensions on a Year End Close transaction |
General Ledger |
3185529 |
New feature - Tax reconciliation data preview |
General Ledger |
3151530 |
"The value 'Test Worker' in field Sales manage is not found in the related table Worker" error when trying to select a user from lookup or enter the name manually |
Human Resources |
3178849 |
Cannot enter expense line whenever the category name has double space in the text |
Human Resources |
3153940 |
Expense Report Posting Date for Per Post Parameter |
Human Resources |
3173467 |
"Cannot create a record in Credit card numbers" error after deleting a worker with a company credit card and then creating a new one |
Human Resources |
3187409 |
Status of Expense is line is in review when you have the line itemized and use the auto post expense line workflow setup |
Human Resources |
3187408 |
Vendor transaction from travel expense report creates as many Vendor balance transactions as dates on the Travel expense report |
Human Resources |
3186915 |
GST (sales tax) not updated as expected in Expense Report line that is itemised |
Human Resources |
3192053 |
GST (sales tax) not updated as expected in Expense Report line that is itemised with different category/project selected in the itemization |
Human Resources |
3199030 |
Enter an Activity number. The require Activity number for Expense transaction is marked in Project. error message when you create itemized expense lines for multiple projects |
Human Resources |
3173387 |
Incorrect name is shown for the terminated worker |
Human Resources |
3197377 |
HR cube Access in Excel causes performance and memory issues |
Human Resources |
3137912 |
Worker type cannot be changed on worker |
Human Resources |
3183376 |
HCMEmploymentHistory form has splitter in incorrect spot on form leading to bad user experience |
Human Resources |
3139431 |
Compensation and benefits are not expired with worker termination |
Human Resources |
3172854 |
"Cannot create a record in Project accounting distribution (ProjectAccountingDistribution)" error when attempting to generate a pay statement after using the reversal process for a payroll check |
Human Resources |
3180072 |
401k benefit enrollment is not deducting for an employee who has went over the limit for a lifetime of work |
Human Resources |
3195666 |
Fringe earnings displays duplicate activity on Pay statement report |
Human Resources |
3192575 |
[BACKPORT from AX7] Grossup earnings returned by the Tax engine includes benefit deductions |
Human Resources |
3190257 |
Tax lines do not appear in the Tax Transaction History Detail as a zero wage or tax, even when zero is the correct calculation |
Human Resources |
3202938 |
Missing Additional Subject Tax wages for Medicare on 941 report |
Human Resources |
3179108 |
Due date alert is not generated for new hired worker |
Human Resources |
3200916 |
Due date alerts are not working for Probation end date on worker records |
Human Resources |
3174426 |
Schema changes needed for ACA e-filing in AX 2012 R3 |
Human Resources |
3173610 |
"You cannot change this option because it is associated with one or more plans" warning when trying to select "Allow dependent coverage" without ending a benefit and setting it up again |
Human Resources |
3187561 |
Tax lines do not appear in the Tax Transaction History Detail as a zero wage or tax, even when zero is the correct calculation |
Human Resources |
3191720 |
Inventory profile is not displayed in the Physical inventory by inventory dimension report |
Inventory and Warehouse Management |
3171472 |
Brazil/BRA: The system incorrectly updates the Price field with the cost price and calculated sales tax amount for a TO |
Inventory and Warehouse Management |
3175413 |
From dimension is not set automatically during a Transfer Order after applying KB3161035 and KB3163096 |
Inventory and Warehouse Management |
3177490 |
TRANSFER ORDER - incorrect GL transactions for RECEIVE when taxes has FiscalValue = 3 (others - without cr/db) |
Inventory and Warehouse Management |
3197517 |
FiscalEstablishment dimension field isn't automatically filled for a Transfer order, when the user adds a new item by clicking the 'Add products' button |
Inventory and Warehouse Management |
3182267 |
NF-e: 'Document date' field when processing the return of a Transfer order (Order type = Third party return) |
Inventory and Warehouse Management |
3187062 |
Reversed movement journal marking gives stack trace error: Overflow in internal run stack |
Inventory and Warehouse Management |
3179672 |
Put-away and transfer work transactions are being considered as issues when a price difference between receipt cost and invoice cost is proportionally expensed for an item whose costing model is moving average. |
Inventory and Warehouse Management |
3175163 |
Catch weight via intercompany result in split transactions when product received with Qty higher then Nominal qty |
Inventory and Warehouse Management |
3159395 |
ReservedOrdered and ReservedPhysical reservations can corrupt data in Quarantine order scenario |
Inventory and Warehouse Management |
3179669 |
When same batch number is used for different items, wrong batch number records are updated when using Reset batch disposition code function from Batches form. |
Inventory and Warehouse Management |
3176839 |
InventDimUniquenessEnabling is returnin error "Field InventStatusId is part of the DimIdx index, so it should not be referenced in the hashKey method" if configuration for Warehouse and transportation management is disabled. |
Inventory and Warehouse Management |
3172768 |
Tag Counting Journal with Zero Lines parameter marked creates invalid Counting Journal |
Inventory and Warehouse Management |
3182913 |
Item Tracing for Batch Controlled Items gives wrong information and displays other batches |
Inventory and Warehouse Management |
3184861 |
When post invoice for SO with BOMItem, there throw error with "The expected type was str, but the encountered type was int64." |
Inventory and Warehouse Management |
3180324 |
Picking update validates batch disposition codes for current as well as first batch used to fulfill SO quantity |
Inventory and Warehouse Management |
3183584 |
Unable to view details for the counting journal in warehouse item |
Inventory and Warehouse Management |
3190415 |
Release sales order picking query execution is slow |
Inventory and Warehouse Management |
3198611 |
"Physical inventory by inventory dimension" does not show all items, if they are selected on multiple lines in the query |
Inventory and Warehouse Management |
3193625 |
Register less than nominal CW via Intercompany |
Inventory and Warehouse Management |
3191666 |
issue with no warning when changing the batch number to one which has not enough available stock |
Inventory and Warehouse Management |
3201103 |
Item counting copy function |
Inventory and Warehouse Management |
3170191 |
"Cannot create a record in On-hand inventory changes" error when validating the quality order |
Inventory and Warehouse Management |
3171107 |
Disposition code incorrectly updated when deleting a quality order |
Inventory and Warehouse Management |
3197139 |
WHS project purchase with Quality Association |
Inventory and Warehouse Management |
3195596 |
Can't end or reverse quarantine orders: Error message 'Insufficient inventory transactions with status picked. |
Inventory and Warehouse Management |
3184279 |
When using Update line | Registration to capture Inventory registration on RMA's for batch-controlled items, only a single 'Ended' quarantine order is created |
Inventory and Warehouse Management |
3177157 |
After having applied hotfix KB3153147, system triggers error at RAF |
Inventory and Warehouse Management |
3073177 |
Release to warehouse fails due to the system goes into dead loop when setting Mixing logic breaks for containerization |
Inventory and Warehouse Management |
3174536 |
Canceling remaining quantity on a short pick SO line deletes load and shipment lines |
Inventory and Warehouse Management |
3190406 |
When setup as staging there is an issue where a mixed dimension plate will still prompt for below location dimensions, thus preventing you from continuing with the pick |
Inventory and Warehouse Management |
3199842 |
The Back button for Open work list takes you to Main menu |
Inventory and Warehouse Management |
3177231 |
Only users with System Administrator privileges are able to Create Loads from the proposed loads form in Load Building Workbench |
Inventory and Warehouse Management |
3188258 |
Delivery Terms reset if changing Transportation Mode on Sales order (or Purchase order) |
Inventory and Warehouse Management |
3188828 |
Driver check-in performed on the rich client does not update the "Shipping carrier" field on the load |
Inventory and Warehouse Management |
3196519 |
User generated Route details do not show on Freight Bill after confirming Outbound shipment from a TMS Load if your Language is ES-MX |
Inventory and Warehouse Management |
3188568 |
Rate base - it is not possible to enter a value with comma as decimal separator |
Inventory and Warehouse Management |
3198837 |
Rate base form saves the data even though the error infolog is displayed |
Inventory and Warehouse Management |
3176183 |
User Grouping sales picking loses grouping record if short pick is done |
Inventory and Warehouse Management |
3170252 |
Warehouse on-hand entries cleanup is very slow when running for items allowing negative inventory |
Inventory and Warehouse Management |
3171577 |
Warehouse mobile has date format issues when workstation language does not match the system language |
Inventory and Warehouse Management |
3172601 |
"Quantity to pick for item, lot is insufficient to release load" error when releasing to warehouse after installing hotfix KB3064791 |
Inventory and Warehouse Management |
3173869 |
Work audit template fails when there are two capture data jobs in sequence |
Inventory and Warehouse Management |
3173873 |
Inventory dimension consistency check fails in updating records in the PurchLineHistory table |
Inventory and Warehouse Management |
3175437 |
Warehouse management picking ship list does not sort by sort code |
Inventory and Warehouse Management |
3177943 |
"The serial ID is not valid" error when tracking dimension group is not set to serial number control |
Inventory and Warehouse Management |
3175510 |
CU11 Known Issue - Enable multi threading when executing wave allowing multiple waves to run in parallel on the same warehouse and a single wave to run allocation in parallel |
Inventory and Warehouse Management |
3182660 |
Add ability to show item/description as a field in work list |
Inventory and Warehouse Management |
3181852 |
Print step in sales order work template does not populate license plate with Batch Number |
Inventory and Warehouse Management |
3179728 |
Unable to count up a different item in a location that does not allow mixed items |
Inventory and Warehouse Management |
3184533 |
Error "Cannot create a record in Loads created during wave processing (WHSWaveCreatedLoad). Load ID: xxx" when processing a a shipping wave |
Inventory and Warehouse Management |
3188260 |
License Plate missing from Transfer Order Overview report |
Inventory and Warehouse Management |
3197728 |
Print management condition (query) does not work for Container Contents report |
Inventory and Warehouse Management |
3198618 |
Batches with no inventory are displayed in the "Batch reservation form" for Warehouse management enabled items |
Inventory and Warehouse Management |
3196850 |
WHSASNITEM table fields updated incorrectly when sending ASN |
Inventory and Warehouse Management |
3199410 |
Performance issues with Load Planning Workbench when adding to a new load or simply cancelling out of the form |
Inventory and Warehouse Management |
3200507 |
WHS Movement menu item fails if Item Model Group option "Picking requirements" is checked |
Inventory and Warehouse Management |
3200232 |
Location Product Confirmation in Cluster Picking incorrectly populates confirmation field with a value |
Inventory and Warehouse Management |
3200515 |
Shipped shipments should not be available to add to new waves |
Inventory and Warehouse Management |
3175727 |
When using Change management with the 'Automatically create at purchase order entry' Warehouse management parameter, the Load isn't updated correctly if the PO line quantity is changed |
Inventory and Warehouse Management |
3186221 |
Adding subsequent sales lines to an existing WHS Load erroneously updates the Scheduled load shipping date |
Inventory and Warehouse Management |
3188596 |
Allowing the ability to add to an existing load with a status of "loaded", but then not able to release work. |
Inventory and Warehouse Management |
3190003 |
Re-releasing load updating wrong Load status |
Inventory and Warehouse Management |
3192268 |
Work completed percentage for load lines considers cancelled work |
Inventory and Warehouse Management |
3193919 |
Load planning filters does not show partial lines |
Inventory and Warehouse Management |
3199517 |
Load planning work bench Load lines Move to new load returns errors |
Inventory and Warehouse Management |
3187398 |
Output pallet transport issue |
Inventory and Warehouse Management |
3172673 |
Expiration date is not automatically calculated when using "Adjustment in" on the mobile device |
Inventory and Warehouse Management |
3179722 |
WMS – Cycle count Threshold Picking Loop |
Inventory and Warehouse Management |
3172223 |
"A default receive location has not been set for warehouse" error when releasing to warehouse for a transfer order |
Inventory and Warehouse Management |
3175195 |
System allows to delete sales order even there is open work |
Inventory and Warehouse Management |
3171743 |
CU11 Known Isssue - Incorrect cost price in the Committed costs form after splitting the production orderSelecting a different location directive using the located by whole LP but does not re-enable the fields in the line |
Inventory and Warehouse Management |
3181321 |
Cannot pick serial controlled items when work created per pallet |
Inventory and Warehouse Management |
3186007 |
License plates already exists in another location |
Inventory and Warehouse Management |
3191094 |
Target LP reset when short picking after skip |
Inventory and Warehouse Management |
3193873 |
Inventory UOM Decimal Precision ignored by WHS Mobile Device Inventory movement functionality leaving you in a scenario that prevents you from using the Change inventory status function |
Inventory and Warehouse Management |
3193863 |
RF Short pick impossible when inventory 0 in location |
Inventory and Warehouse Management |
3200513 |
Default production quantity not available on mobile device when RAF a production order |
Inventory and Warehouse Management |
3201094 |
Location enquire mobile device menu item displays inventory picked through a credit note |
Inventory and Warehouse Management |
3084549 |
Consolidated shipment not viewable in the original sales order "Shipment details" form after manually consolidating 2 shipments into 1 shipment |
Inventory and Warehouse Management |
3189994 |
Report "Packing list" displays wrongly calculated packed quantity and weight |
Inventory and Warehouse Management |
3186722 |
Intercompany on-hand physical reservations inconsistent with standard On-hand form based on Reservation hierarchy configuration |
Inventory and Warehouse Management |
3187060 |
Error occurs if a serial control item has the option 'vendor batch: purchase registration' activated |
Inventory and Warehouse Management |
3188015 |
All shipments - List Page filter |
Inventory and Warehouse Management |
3195619 |
Wrong "Release status" when cancelling sales order line |
Inventory and Warehouse Management |
3174579 |
Using a work audit template for sales mobile device menu item does not set the shipment to "Shipped" when completing the sales picking work if having more than one shipment on a wave |
Inventory and Warehouse Management |
3182909 |
Production wave status not updated correctly |
Inventory and Warehouse Management |
3199542 |
Container ID"s generated from automatically closing Sales picking work do not get to a 'Closed' state |
Inventory and Warehouse Management |
3172761 |
Unable to reverse WHS work for multiple SKU |
Inventory and Warehouse Management |
3170939 |
System grouped work automatically completes the put step when there is only one available piece of work |
Inventory and Warehouse Management |
3171775 |
"Quantity may not be negative" error when trying to cancel work for raw material picking with round up to unit |
Inventory and Warehouse Management |
3175220 |
The system allows to receive a non-approved purchase order by using the mobile device |
Inventory and Warehouse Management |
3175809 |
issue with cycle counting from work list |
Inventory and Warehouse Management |
3177863 |
Release to warehouse ID unnecessarily uses Number sequences values when using Automatic release of sales orders |
Inventory and Warehouse Management |
3176778 |
Users are able to enter negative quantities when cancelling work lines. This results in Load Lines with more quantity than is on the Order. |
Inventory and Warehouse Management |
3176998 |
Unit sequence group and fractions |
Inventory and Warehouse Management |
3176952 |
Unable to utilize Reduce picked quantity on a Load in WHS Processing when using Standard cost valuation |
Inventory and Warehouse Management |
3182401 |
Item & Location input twice with quantity verification |
Inventory and Warehouse Management |
3181586 |
Work linked to replenishment missing zone ID & sort code |
Inventory and Warehouse Management |
3188844 |
Locate packing quantity not working on sales work |
Inventory and Warehouse Management |
3184537 |
Cycle count work closed with open lines |
Inventory and Warehouse Management |
3186732 |
Wrong Target LP used when skipping first work line |
Inventory and Warehouse Management |
3187595 |
Demand Replenishment for Product Variant |
Inventory and Warehouse Management |
3189723 |
Releasing a sales order line without a warehouse results in load/shipment line that cannot be processed |
Inventory and Warehouse Management |
3196207 |
Cannot complete raw material picking work: "There are too many serial Ids already captured to process this work." |
Inventory and Warehouse Management |
3191116 |
Short picking skipped work lines allows a user to clear the target license plate listed on a work header. |
Inventory and Warehouse Management |
3196238 |
Movement by template ignores reservations |
Inventory and Warehouse Management |
3197701 |
Incorrect Put Location when using 'Multi-SKU' in Location directive configuration for Sales orders |
Inventory and Warehouse Management |
3194868 |
Physical dimension group assignment to Released product detail level does not populate Volume\Weight information on WHS Shipment during Release to Warehouse in UOM conversion scenarios |
Inventory and Warehouse Management |
3199047 |
Partially reserved transfer orders can be released through the Release to warehouse form |
Inventory and Warehouse Management |
3195203 |
Inventory status change on Movement by template |
Inventory and Warehouse Management |
3199110 |
Item & Location input twice with quantity verification |
Inventory and Warehouse Management |
3200142 |
Correct the data to enable the ability to complete the work which will lead in confirming the Shipments and transfer orders should be allowed to be shipped/received |
Inventory and Warehouse Management |
3197775 |
Not able to reduce picked quantity on load to a non-license plate controlled location |
Inventory and Warehouse Management |
3199124 |
Counting journals posted from approved WHS Cycle Counting work display the incorrect Worker |
Inventory and Warehouse Management |
3182878 |
IN_CDCR_Excise duty on transfer of goods from excisable location - Non excisable location. |
Inventory and Warehouse Management |
3184505 |
Users must be able to create policies which skip work creation for finished goods put-away & raw materials picking, based on specific location and products |
Inventory and Warehouse Management |
3198659 |
The "Display inventory status" checkbox needs to be added to the "Adjustment in", "Adjustment out", and "Movement" work creation menu items |
Inventory and Warehouse Management |
3198317 |
User wants to cancel the work from the RF gun |
Inventory and Warehouse Management |
3192548 |
It is possible manually to move inventory after work have been created |
Inventory and Warehouse Management |
3190562 |
Merge two license plates where both are tied to existing work in Stage and have simple WHS item(s) on them |
Inventory and Warehouse Management |
3194794 |
Need to remove work related entries from inventtrans |
Inventory and Warehouse Management |
3185433 |
On-hand form needs to have Available physical on exact dimensions summation |
Inventory and Warehouse Management |
3196872 |
Picking a batch that is less than the full work quantity causes pick work to become stuck: "The quantity is not valid". User Should be able to select a different UoM |
Inventory and Warehouse Management |
3173151 |
Need to create work exceptions with LP receiving |
Inventory and Warehouse Management |
3154682 |
Stack trace error message presented when opening Supply overview form |
Master planning |
3197191 |
Production orders are not displayed in the supply schedule form after modifying filter |
Master planning |
3201664 |
Byproduct link is lost from the planned production order when running the MRP |
Master planning |
3176866 |
Demand forecasting parameter Minimum series value does not populate correctly when sales transaction history exists for the item |
Master planning |
3187982 |
Forecast cannot be registered |
Master planning |
3198940 |
Demand forecast without customer account is not consumed by delivered sales orders |
Master planning |
3165099 |
Receipt margin from the originating company is ignored during intercompany master scheduling when generating Intercompany demand in the vendor company |
Master planning |
3166595 |
Exploding Kanban products with phantoms |
Master planning |
3175187 |
Capacity Graph Problem displays data in alphabetical order instead of chronological order |
Master planning |
3190950 |
One day of receipt margin is missing if order delays for 1 day |
Master planning |
3176997 |
Empty requested date and future dates in planned orders for a multilevel BOM structure |
Master planning |
3179014 |
Cannot change the 'from warehouse' of a planned transfer order |
Master planning |
3190002 |
Running into endless loop because reqCalcTasksBundle records for future messages generation are not updated to processingstate Ended due to deadlock on ReqProcessList table |
Master planning |
3170646 |
Estimated consumption quantity us wrong when a production order is coming from a planned order |
Master planning |
3179049 |
Master scheduling calculates incorrect futures date when planned production orders are approved in the past |
Master planning |
3191423 |
User is able to change the status of the planned order which is directly derived |
Master planning |
3195444 |
Pegged supply orders are incorrectly included in consolidated batch orders. |
Master planning |
3150599 |
"Cannot create a record in Temporary sequencing buffer (PMFSeqTmpBuffer)" error when doing sequencing generation after master scheduling |
Master planning |
3181050 |
Specified cast is not valid when running master scheduling in batch |
Master planning |
3196211 |
Error of not enough capacity could be found when running master scheduling with finite property |
Master planning |
3186723 |
Error "Production order *** could not be scheduled. Not enough capacity could be found" when you schedule the prod order |
Master planning |
3183587 |
Blind Cycle counting from the 'Display work list menu item' can cause the error "The value "ItemId" is not found in the map." |
Master planning |
3192966 |
Improve BOM level calculation performance, causing delays in MRP and firming |
Master planning |
3190607 |
Safety stock is pegging inventory to itself, causing other demand types to delay |
Master planning |
3178979 |
Ensure that planned orders are not created prior to master planning run date |
Master planning |
3174511 |
Issue margin not handled for CTP Delivery date control when item is on-hand |
Master planning |
3200229 |
Changing the Delivery Date on a Planned Purchase Order does not affect the PO line after firming |
Master planning |
3176261 |
Address components City and District are marked as Expand but still do not show as expected |
Organization Administration |
3177049 |
Project Statement does not pick up contributions from the pay statement as WIP Cost |
Payroll |
3182097 |
Gross up not calculating correct FICA and Medicare when there is a GTL earning code being used in primary pay runs |
Payroll |
3189791 |
GTL wages is no longer calculating properly after applying KB3187561 |
Payroll |
3159452 |
Master planning is not correctly calculating transport days for Intercompany demands if there are several IC relations with vendors who are having the same party id |
Procurement and Sourcing |
3177305 |
The Purchase Agreement form's more information lookup does not map to the correct Request for Quotation |
Procurement and Sourcing |
3189476 |
Non-Admin AX users are not able to see correct info/status on Compare purchase order versions form |
Procurement and Sourcing |
3097478 |
Intercompany Purchase order Credit Note has incorrect cost |
Procurement and Sourcing |
3147524 |
Using the Close field on intercompany sales order packing slip does not update the delivery remainder quantities on the related purchase order lines |
Procurement and Sourcing |
3159445 |
Un-registering Intercompany RMA does not reset ReturnStatus of Original RMA to Created, thus not allowing the IC chain to be canceled |
Procurement and Sourcing |
3166638 |
Overdelivery error when production order BOM component purchased from an intercompany vendor and using unit conversion |
Procurement and Sourcing |
3177056 |
Confirmed Delivery date on IC SO is deleted |
Procurement and Sourcing |
3185091 |
DIXF: Sales Order Line entity creates orphaned intercompany PO records |
Procurement and Sourcing |
3188224 |
Manufacturing information from Batches do not synchronize in Intercompany orders |
Procurement and Sourcing |
3192255 |
If Delivery Date is changed on PO Line on Intercompany Order, the Unit price field is incorrectly reset disregarding the established Trade agreement price |
Procurement and Sourcing |
3196481 |
When the delivery address is changed on an intercompany purchase order header and that change is replicated to the order lines, the delivery address on the lines of the intercompany sales order is not updated |
Procurement and Sourcing |
3196214 |
Delivery address is incorrect on Intercompany sales order if Original Purchase order was created from MRP |
Procurement and Sourcing |
3198571 |
When you change the Warehouse on an Intercompany sales order line, the Unit price gets reset instead of ignoring the Unit price that was established on the Sales line from the PO synchronization |
Procurement and Sourcing |
3200290 |
Intercompany Goods in Transit Totals and '..in Transit Transactions' do not include PO -> SO -> PO IC Orders |
Procurement and Sourcing |
3181317 |
Using purchase order function to Cancel delivery remainder from the Line quantity form causes intercompany orders to get out of sync. |
Procurement and Sourcing |
3163128 |
User is not getting any helpful errors when trying to cancel a product receipt for a purchase order which is using change management and which is not reconfirmed. |
Procurement and Sourcing |
3196237 |
Batch Split transaction in Product Receipt with WMS item |
Procurement and Sourcing |
3143843 |
Cannot transfer the approved purchase requisition to a PO automatically |
Procurement and Sourcing |
3175169 |
Canceling line quantity through Deliver remainder on sales order linked to direct delivery PO removes the reference information |
Procurement and Sourcing |
3182628 |
Wrong financial dimensions on PO line |
Procurement and Sourcing |
3184048 |
Changing the Purchase order in the Posting product receipt form does not repopulate the Vendor name field |
Procurement and Sourcing |
3122256 |
Quantity ordered cannot be reduced because there are not enough open inventory transactions with the ordered status appears when a PO has a FEFO item line and the ordered quantity is edited |
Procurement and Sourcing |
3188841 |
Reselecting a different PO in the Posting product receipt form incorrectly posts the original PO that was selected |
Procurement and Sourcing |
3192193 |
Automatic actions conditions in PO workflow for procurement categories |
Procurement and Sourcing |
3191396 |
Incorrect PO status after cancelling the PO with pending invoice |
Procurement and Sourcing |
3200818 |
Contact information of the vendor contact like "email" and "URL" are not copied to the PO header |
Procurement and Sourcing |
3200819 |
When converting a PR to a PO, the external item number (vendor number) of that purchased item is not populated on the PO line details |
Procurement and Sourcing |
3189995 |
cannot update the Purchase line after changing the link with Purchase agreement line |
Procurement and Sourcing |
3168321 |
Workers of Contract type cannot access Order Products in Enterprise Portal |
Procurement and Sourcing |
3752343 |
The Purchase requisition.Requester placeholder for a Purchase requisition review workflow does not return friendly name |
Procurement and Sourcing |
3200551 |
Fact Table does not refresh on initialization in Enterprise portal. |
Procurement and Sourcing |
3188898 |
Sales tax is not getting calculated on Request for quotation (RFQ) when raised from a Purchase requisition (PR) which had tax calculated |
Procurement and Sourcing |
3201385 |
Users are not able to change the product dimensions in the EP, product dimension field is disabled |
Procurement and Sourcing |
3200329 |
Attribute values in Procurement catalog fast tab Attribute filters are not refreshed according to the selected Attributes. |
Procurement and Sourcing |
3190350 |
Disabled Buttons when Navigating to a Cancelled RFQ |
Procurement and Sourcing |
3176828 |
RFQ retains the external item id/description from the former vendor |
Procurement and Sourcing |
3179405 |
Vendor financial dimensions from an accepted RFQ do not get populated on Purchase Requisition |
Procurement and Sourcing |
3196307 |
Item description/name is blank in Purchase order and product receipt reports when converting a Quote to a Purchase order and we do NOT use the doCopy |
Procurement and Sourcing |
3153366 |
Vendor account lookup shows multiple lines with the same vendor when filtering it |
Procurement and Sourcing |
3160912 |
Wrong Qty calculated in Purchase requisition if there is Purchase agreement for Product with another Unit of measure and Min Qty used |
Procurement and Sourcing |
3169843 |
Purchase requisition workflow not evaluating condition in the Sales tax group field |
Procurement and Sourcing |
3169872 |
The Add items form for PRs created in EP incorrectly selects the first item in the list to be included in the PR form |
Procurement and Sourcing |
3176804 |
Purchase requisition cannot be converted to a Purchase order in catch-weight scenarios |
Procurement and Sourcing |
3181579 |
Purchasing Policy Rule to prevent new address on purchase requisition works in the AX Client but not in Enterprise Portal |
Procurement and Sourcing |
3182974 |
Purchase requisition preview from work list shows zero when login into different company |
Procurement and Sourcing |
3182066 |
Add Items form shows incorrect Purchase requisition name and number |
Procurement and Sourcing |
3181583 |
"Unit conversion from Pcs to Km does not exist" warning when changing unit in a purchase requisition before approving it |
Procurement and Sourcing |
3200506 |
Consolidation of purchase requisitions returns error when creating purchase order: "Purchase requisition PR-xxxx, Line 1, cannot be placed on a purchase order because its consolidation status is 'Pending consolidation'. |
Procurement and Sourcing |
3200591 |
Unable to Search for purchase agreements when creating Direct Delivery Purchase Orders via the Direct Delivery form |
Procurement and Sourcing |
3179607 |
Users are able to specify non approved vendor when going through the Add an Item option on EP Order Products site |
Procurement and Sourcing |
3164148 |
Updating Cost Center for Release Product from Excel fails with error if storage or tracking dimension set |
Product Information Management |
3185099 |
AX 2012 R3 CU10 - Product Builder Compile Permissions |
Product Information Management |
3175487 |
New Item number created everyime when configuring a line with same dimensions |
Product Information Management |
3188031 |
Not possible to set resource group as costing resource on product configuration model routes |
Product Information Management |
3199802 |
Error "value is not found in the map" when configuring a model when Cache is enabled |
Product Information Management |
3187123 |
Production type field on existing released product does not populate Production type field on Record Template if Inventory transactions exist |
Product Information Management |
3193841 |
Sub-contracting purchase orders are not created correctly when change management is enabled |
Production Control |
3109265 |
Inventory dimension Location is not specified |
Production Control |
3173183 |
"The journal is not posted and the update is canceled" error if you have previously executed a rollback of the RAF operation |
Production Control |
3176176 |
Enable backflushing of unreserved batch-enabled raw materials in the FEFO sequence |
Production Control |
3200510 |
Posting error and extra transaction if the user had previously executed a rollback of a 'Report as finished' operation |
Production Control |
3198954 |
Production order is included into the WIP report when running it as on the date when it's ended |
Production Control |
3173795 |
Consolidated quantity is not updated when packed batch order quantity in consolidated batch order is changed |
Production Control |
3174102 |
Bulk orders not shown when firming and consolidating from packed item |
Production Control |
3179397 |
Production formula quantities are unexpected when using scrap, planning groups and priority |
Production Control |
3184852 |
When using Firm and consolidate for BULK and PACK planned orders, changing the quantity in the form does not validate if a BOM version exists for this quantity |
Production Control |
3201095 |
When you attempt to use Firm and consolidate for Planned orders involving BULK\PACKED items, the resulting Firm consolidated batch orders form will now show you the associated Bulk orders if you accessed form via the PACK Planned order |
Production Control |
3200457 |
When changing make qty on Firm Consolidated batch orders form the formula version is not updated based on from formula size field |
Production Control |
3182151 |
Not possible to enter start quantity when starting production jobs using scannin device |
Production Control |
3183639 |
Quantity validation error with multiple resources |
Production Control |
3181075 |
Using the Reserve license plate function on production orders that use resources groups to specify the output location throws the error: A return can only be made from the dimensions specified on the original receipt. |
Production Control |
3188005 |
Resource Group used as Resource requirement and Costing resource, however Route card posted against Resource. |
Production Control |
3162644 |
InventTrans/Marking issues after RAF and quality order from production order |
Production Control |
3181576 |
Clicking on the more button on Subcontracting work page causes stack trace error |
Production Control |
3184605 |
"Cannot select a record in Production journal table (ProdJournalTable)" error when opening the 'All' journals form from production orders containing more than 2,088 records |
Production Control |
3189504 |
On order transaction for Ended work order |
Production Control |
3191119 |
Jobs are duplicated in the Current operations form |
Production Control |
3053686 |
Batch job parameters and batch job history issues |
Production Control |
3188560 |
Form JMGResourceJobs updates jobs for no reason |
Production Control |
3187357 |
Job Registration selection is slow |
Production Control |
3131630 |
Indirect activity registration is created instead of an absence registration when the Break line is empty in the Approve form |
Production Control |
3163641 |
Incorrect absence calculation |
Production Control |
3176599 |
Deactivate past workers periodic process deactivates active workers |
Production Control |
3173611 |
Past Workers dimensions and time registration information can't be viewed |
Production Control |
3185416 |
The day cannot be calculated on approve form if break is registered and KB3165381 is installed as getting chronology error. |
Production Control |
3197695 |
Incorrect absence code assigned to system generated absence |
Production Control |
3198713 |
Electronic Timecard entry for absence registration |
Production Control |
3175193 |
WHS raw material pick staging location |
Production Control |
3184029 |
Work RAF put away not auto-processed |
Production Control |
3186989 |
RAF Location directive – disposition code |
Production Control |
3192520 |
Over pick with direct consumption fails with Financial Dimension error - "Financial dimension '' is not consistent with site '5'." |
Production Control |
3148600 |
Register report as finished by serial number WHS Mobile Device Menu incorrectly creates duplicated Serial numbers |
Production Control |
3201953 |
Production order scheduling incorrectly defaults location on Resrouce Consumption Formula lines added after the Formula is created |
Production Control |
3189153 |
RAF screen on mobile device menu does not refresh after work is completed |
Production Control |
3192554 |
Receiving the error: "This method must be passed a valid work Id" when attempting to complete production order putaway from mobile device for a project production order. |
Production Control |
3176176 |
Enable backflushing of unreserved batch-enabled raw materials in the FEFO sequence |
Production Control |
3196401 |
Retail MPOS, language text does not work |
Project Management and Accounting |
3157157 |
[Italy] AX2012R2 PA E-Invoice: "Description" field empty when created by project fee invoice |
Project Management and Accounting |
3177852 |
[Italy] AX2012 R3 Intrastat transfers wrong country/region destination from project invoice |
Project Management and Accounting |
3157943 |
Brazil/BRA: Sales order with a "payment schedule" incorrectly generates the corresponding settlements using the "Invoice amount" instead of the "Customer balance" |
Project Management and Accounting |
3185588 |
Unable to submit an intercompany expense report due to invalid dimension structure |
Project Management and Accounting |
3195740 |
Wrong Update Project date from Periodic Journal |
Project Management and Accounting |
3196342 |
Not possible to add products on first project purchase order |
Project Management and Accounting |
3091089 |
Adjusted expense transactions posted incorrectly by the opposite way in invoice journal voucher |
Project Management and Accounting |
3171584 |
Timesheet workflow is stopped with no error messages with project budget on revision |
Project Management and Accounting |
3172175 |
"An error occurred during update" error when posting a project PO with project budget on revision |
Project Management and Accounting |
3170141 |
Project budget with negatives does not behave as expected |
Project Management and Accounting |
3187866 |
Budget value is not getting consumed when using sales order in projects (after posting Packing slip and invoicing the Project) |
Project Management and Accounting |
3183704 |
Error executing code: The field with ID '0' does not exist in table 'ProjForecastCost' in Expense forecasts form |
Project Management and Accounting |
3181136 |
Incorrect Committed costs when you partially invoice a purchase order |
Project Management and Accounting |
3175637 |
Transfer WBS estimates to Item Requirements ignores Item Numbers if they are used on multiple lines only the first line with that item number is transferred |
Project Management and Accounting |
3180275 |
Wrong percentage of completion on Estimate, Straight line mehod of calculation |
Project Management and Accounting |
3162553 |
Posting an item transaction split amongst two funding sources with rounding causes pricing issues |
Project Management and Accounting |
3165474 |
Purchase Order can be finalized while existing Vendor Retention is pending. |
Project Management and Accounting |
3195415 |
Cost price of the project transaction does not match the 'Amount', the 'Sales price' or the 'Sales price amount' for project transactions in a foreign currency on a project contract with split funding rules |
Project Management and Accounting |
3187268 |
Item cannot be picked because only 0 is/are available from the inventory due to a broken link between a Purchase Order and an Item Requirement |
Project Management and Accounting |
3187834 |
WIP Reconciliation-Accounts report is showing the Ledger amount as the total of the sub-projects instead of the amounts posted for each sub project. |
Project Management and Accounting |
3175359 |
Wrong financial dimension on indirect cost |
Project Management and Accounting |
3184147 |
Indirect cost and transferring to budget register entries |
Project Management and Accounting |
3187269 |
KB3184147 does not resolve the entire scenario of indirect cost and transferring to financial budget |
Project Management and Accounting |
3201337 |
Indirect cost component sign is incorrect when creating an invoice proposal for a credit note on a negative timesheet invoice |
Project Management and Accounting |
3185686 |
Intercompany Expense Report Accrue revenue does not occur if posted at a lines level |
Project Management and Accounting |
3162575 |
Date range is not appearing in Ledger Reconciliation - WIP report |
Project Management and Accounting |
3172818 |
Ledger reconciliation – profit and loss report for project does not sum up the ledger if it is run open on the Project ID |
Project Management and Accounting |
3141037 |
Transaction missing on voucher after splitting and prebilling and reconciled against actuals |
Project Management and Accounting |
3198822 |
Wrong Invoice journal transactions created on "LedgerTransVoucher" form |
Project Management and Accounting |
3170300 |
Wrong amounts in project contract status |
Project Management and Accounting |
3166403 |
Sales Order (generated from a Project) with a 'payment schedule' doesn't generate the correct quantity of payment installments |
Project Management and Accounting |
3178570 |
Invoice proposal associated with incorrect project contract if it is changed after creating a subscription fee |
Project Management and Accounting |
3174807 |
No sales tax calculated on Invoice proposal for percent charge |
Project Management and Accounting |
3173764 |
Incorrect or missing sales tax on salex price and then WIP accrual on Projects invoices created from AP invoice journals |
Project Management and Accounting |
3188199 |
Even though an On-account transaction is in a 'Fully invoiced' state, the Financial dimensions on the On-account can be modified which incorrectly sets the Invoice status back to a 'Chargeable' state |
Project Management and Accounting |
3190313 |
We are allowe to post the same quatity received twice |
Project Management and Accounting |
3190316 |
Remaining and Percentage complete values in the Contract status form are changed |
Project Management and Accounting |
3200058 |
Sales Price is not getting updated when Unit Price is changed in a Vendor Invoice for a Purchase Order on a Project |
Project Management and Accounting |
3196089 |
We set the vendor invoice to nonbill but billable is always written to the LinePropertyID in the ProjItemTrans table when the original requisition was billable and we want want was on the actual posted vendor invoice |
Project Management and Accounting |
3189334 |
Include transactions options in the Format invoice proposal does not work if we do not save before |
Project Management and Accounting |
3165473 |
Vendor invoices with pay when paid (PSAPwpInvoiceInquiry) is not showing project invoices create from a Purchase Order that was built off of a Sales Order |
Project Management and Accounting |
3173451 |
"Pay when paid" inquiry shows all invoices whether vendor invoice is not "Pay when paid" vendor from setup |
Project Management and Accounting |
3179600 |
Invoice Name does not change on the ProjFundingSourceDetail form when you change the Invoice Address field to a new value |
Project Management and Accounting |
3184747 |
User is allowed to Exceed the Project Contract Funding Limit when using an Item on a Purchase Order and confirming it. |
Project Management and Accounting |
3195343 |
On account transaction not impacting spent amount |
Project Management and Accounting |
3199186 |
Sales price is not getting updated in project quotation |
Project Management and Accounting |
3173455 |
Vendor retention is not defaulting on vendor invoice for negative quantity |
Project Management and Accounting |
3170297 |
CU11 Known Isssue - Incorrect cost price in the Committed costs form after splitting the production order |
Project Management and Accounting |
3179601 |
Start date of tasks are not copied correctly when project created using WBS template. |
Project Management and Accounting |
3181558 |
WBS cost tracking shows total cost wrong |
Project Management and Accounting |
3180859 |
Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) activities can be deleted when the activity is on an intercompany timesheet |
Project Management and Accounting |
3196734 |
Resource entered in MS Project is not updated in the AX project task cost and revenue |
Project Management and Accounting |
3181712 |
Project stages update performance issue |
Project Management and Accounting |
3201455 |
Sales Unit on Project Requisition not set correctly in Enterprise portal |
Project Management and Accounting |
3171038 |
Dimension for vendor account is no longer available in Excel once it is moved to Actual cost |
Project Management and Accounting |
3171194 |
The status of Item requirement in the sales order line is Delivered instead of Invoiced when posting a packing slip for a non-stocked item |
Project Management and Accounting |
3173454 |
"Inventory dimension Batch number must be specified" error when posting item arrival product receipt linked to a project |
Project Management and Accounting |
3179599 |
Updating project fields on purchase order line doesn't update corresponding Project Accounting Distribution |
Project Management and Accounting |
3181457 |
Incorrect packing slip is processed against quantity that is still in Q management |
Project Management and Accounting |
3174000 |
Different inventory transactions before/after applying the hotfix KB3148529 for production orders linked to projects |
Project Management and Accounting |
3182435 |
After adjusting project item transaction of a purchase order the inventory transactions are updated incorrectly thus they are linked with wrong inventory transactions |
Project Management and Accounting |
3192147 |
Unable to process packing slip against quantity that comes from Q management and Project |
Project Management and Accounting |
3191465 |
Marking > unmarking purchase orders to sales orders of different projects does not reassign the new project ID |
Project Management and Accounting |
3190461 |
Cost Adjustments on raw material with zero cost price used for Project Production are posted to Project – cost Account when an Inventory recalculation was run |
Project Management and Accounting |
3193798 |
Project Request For Quote line does not default Sales Price Unit from the Purchase Unit |
Project Management and Accounting |
3181738 |
Project PO is not taking Dimensions from Vendor or employee |
Project Management and Accounting |
3197861 |
Only a User with system Administrator role can view the button "Transfer WBS estimates to Item Requirements" in the "Work Breakdown Structure" form |
Project Management and Accounting |
3184966 |
WBS throws stack trace error when clicking Enable Edit when another person in another session has it open and you are in a different LE |
Project Management and Accounting |
3193869 |
WIP - Sales value is being calculated after deleting an Invoice Proposal |
Project Management and Accounting |
3201795 |
Unable to view posted Beginning Balance journals for a Project from Set Up->Beginning balances |
Project Management and Accounting |
3169962 |
Incorrect financial dimensions or distribution of a timesheet posting in case of multiple funding sources |
Project Management and Accounting |
3170813 |
Can lookup project ID when entering time on a timesheet in an IC scenario when mandatory Worker/project validation is enabled |
Project Management and Accounting |
3171588 |
Wrong intercompany timesheet dimensions when copy from favorites |
Project Management and Accounting |
3176728 |
Incorrect financial dimensions when adjusting a timesheet entry |
Project Management and Accounting |
3180957 |
Timesheets created using the Timesheet service (timesheet app) use the company currency rather than the Project currency |
Project Management and Accounting |
3184390 |
Intercompany timesheet does not post to a closed period if accrue revenue is checkmarked |
Project Management and Accounting |
3199185 |
Auto population of category id in timesheet not working as expected |
Project Management and Accounting |
3197317 |
Cannot enter some projects ID's into Timesheet lines |
Project Management and Accounting |
3190151 |
Insufficient error message for Expense Report workflows if a Project revision is in process |
Project Management and Accounting |
3173165 |
Project invoice proposal in wrong currency when checking set the cost price as the sales price by default |
Project Management and Accounting |
3181556 |
Very slow opening of a project from AX in MS Project |
Project Management and Accounting |
3191253 |
Voucher imbalance error when Discount Offset Accounts is set to Accounts on Invoice Lines and the user changes the default discount amount to a new value |
Public Sector |
3200681 |
When an invoice is posted with ledger accrual and then the user does a foreign currency revaluation the voucher of the foreign currency revaluation is missing a dimension. |
Public Sector |
3200996 |
While processing Opening Transactions if we cancel the Preview Year end general ledger transaction form the previous Opening Balances are removed from GeneralJournalEntry table |
Public Sector |
3169628 |
"The transactions on voucher do not balance" error when posting a payment journal |
Public Sector |
3168554 |
"Purchase requisitions in total exceed the balance of general budget reservation" error when submitting some PRs linked to a GBR to workflow |
Public Sector |
3181952 |
Project contract committed details form records incorrect entry when confirming PO referencing GBR |
Public Sector |
3180199 |
A user is able to save and post a General budget reservation with a line that is $0 |
Public Sector |
3192114 |
Budget control account detail history wrong total balance does not consider procurement category invoices |
Public Sector |
3201956 |
Credit invoices against General Budget Reservations post backwards |
Public Sector |
3195036 |
Cannot edit a record in Project funding limit tracking (ProjFundingLimitTracking) error when removing a line from a Purchase Order after installing KB3181952 |
Public Sector |
3200679 |
Cannot post an invoice generated from a PO that is associated with a French Commitment and has been through year-end |
Public Sector |
3182542 |
ALE number Transaction number gets reused if an ALE is deleted from the details form instead of the list page |
Public Sector |
3189793 |
Cannot post an Advanced Ledger Entry to an Open Period 13 when Period 12 is on hold |
Public Sector |
3193636 |
We are allowed to enter a GL Intercompany journal which creates an out of balance fund transaction when using a fixed dimension on intercompany account |
Public Sector |
3182742 |
Attachments to RFQ bid replies can be viewed before they are unsealed from the compare replies form |
Public Sector |
3190244 |
Budget control account detail history report does not show correct values in the pre-encumbrance column. |
Public Sector |
3185485 |
Create corresponding budget register entries to reduce carry forward budget based on reservation type or fund setup where the parameter to reduce the carry forward budget is enabled |
Public Sector |
3178935 |
Retail store manager XDS issue |
Retail Headquarters |
3183921 |
Removing call center order source code does not get applied unit price to existing sales lines on the order |
Retail Headquarters |
3177206 |
Incorrect amount is shown in GL when the sales order is posted invoice with item base sales price >1 and price unit > 1 |
Retail Headquarters |
3184415 |
CDX table distribution: Link between RetailGroupMemberLine and EcoResProduct should not involve variant |
Retail Headquarters |
3194072 |
"items cannot be deleted while dependent price group item exist" error message when you delete items |
Retail Headquarters |
3162982 |
Issue with system roles with warehouse worker and store manager |
Retail Headquarters |
3170137 |
"Value is not allowed for manual entry" error message if statement is set on a ledger account for a payment method |
Retail Headquarters |
3171547 |
Cost amount not updating for customer order transaction in Retail |
Retail Headquarters |
3177494 |
The ReleaseUpdateDB60_retail::updateRetailVendTable script does not update the values correctly when coming from AX 2012 RTM to AX 2012 R3 |
Retail Headquarters |
3178923 |
Removing an item from a category hierarchy is not removing the item from the assortment |
Retail Headquarters |
3177729 |
Error message presented when you clear statement |
Retail Headquarters |
3186997 |
Incorrect quantities is shown in Available physical when return products on POS |
Retail Headquarters |
3194805 |
Unable to add products to retail catalogs because of language filtering |
Retail Headquarters |
3195341 |
The price is also changed when you change the default start amount in the functionality profile |
Retail Headquarters |
3196725 |
Add counting journal lines with retail Add products function resets existing counting journal lines |
Retail Headquarters |
3171007 |
Wrong price in sales orders with source created in call centers |
Retail Headquarters |
3175303 |
Price is not changed when changing price group on sales order header |
Retail Headquarters |
3177525 |
Trade agreement line discount not applied for sales order in another currency created from call center |
Retail Headquarters |
3177504 |
can't create record in RetailSalesAffiliation error messages when you create sales orders with affiliation setup |
Retail Headquarters |
3183708 |
Call Center SO partial invoice, bills fully the Credit Card, even if the value is covered by the gift card payment |
Retail Headquarters |
3187477 |
Gift Card Refund does not auto settle original transaction |
Retail Headquarters |
3185649 |
Error when generating a packing slip for call center orders |
Retail Headquarters |
3197318 |
Wrong payments used in RMA created in Customer service form by Options/ Generate RMA |
Retail Headquarters |
3197319 |
Call center sales order saving error when discount groups are changed in the sales order header |
Retail Headquarters |
3199913 |
Discount errors on sales order lines created in Call center |
Retail Headquarters |
3199743 |
Invalid Field/Related field combination error when clicking on the Balance button on the Credit limit form in the Call center |
Retail Headquarters |
3196430 |
Total discount is causing invoice error on retail return order |
Retail Headquarters |
3200361 |
Unable to change option for updating prices when updating the Mode of Delivery on an order header |
Retail Headquarters |
3202188 |
No Discount shown in Price details for a retail return orders |
Retail Headquarters |
3153184 |
Attempt to read illegal array index error message when you open translation editor in category hierarchy |
Retail Headquarters |
3176503 |
Cannot create a call center order manually because no delivery method can be used |
Retail Headquarters |
3193140 |
Statement posting fails when an expense account transaction with rounded amounts is included |
Retail Headquarters |
3184193 |
Wrong results of searching customer in EPOS when you use the Search everywhere option |
Retail Headquarters |
3178922 |
Orders created in Online (Storefront) cannot be recalled in POS |
Retail Headquarters |
3176027 |
Return customer order net amount is not correct if item price unit is 100 |
Retail Headquarters |
3176919 |
Transaction date must be specified error message when you post a retail statement what includes a picked up sales order with a discount |
Retail Headquarters |
3176025 |
Recall and pick up customer order total amount is not correct if item price unit is gereater than 1 |
Retail Headquarters |
3183702 |
Multiple Sales orders created for single POS transaction after RTS Timeout |
Retail Headquarters |
3190544 |
Sales tax amount does not show in the Customer Order History window in online store after the sales order has been invoiced |
Retail Headquarters |
3171550 |
Loyalty card manual adjustments are not linked to the customer account |
Retail Headquarters |
3168555 |
Remove the Channel field from the Create Sales order form |
Retail Headquarters |
3168559 |
Error while you convert a quote to sales order with loyalty configured |
Retail Headquarters |
3187456 |
RetailTransActionService::findDuplicateSalesOrder does not prevent duplicated sales orders created for one customer order in ePOS |
Retail Headquarters |
3183139 |
Cannot filter void transactions and void transaction lines among retail transaction measure groups in the retail cube |
Retail Headquarters |
3177751 |
Picking list is cancelling online store credit card partial payment |
Retail Headquarters |
3185037 |
Deadlock on InventTrans while doing statement posting |
Retail Headquarters |
3202146 |
Batch statement posting leaves unposted SO |
Retail Headquarters |
3201950 |
Physical updating quantity in the inventory unit Ea must be other than zero error message when you post a statement because of a null value in InventTransId |
Retail Headquarters |
3169063 |
Product label cannot be printed when doing TO receipt if the TO is partially shipped |
Retail Headquarters |
3199749 |
Buyer's Push Remove Line Deletes Header but doesn't refresh and lets you add more lines to the deleted buyers push |
Retail Headquarters |
3185204 |
"Cannot create a record in Periodic discount line" error message is displayed |
Retail Headquarters |
3195340 |
The pricing period defined on Saturday doesn't work on pricing simulator |
Retail Headquarters |
3203025 |
"Cannot create a record in at the head office. The record already exists" error message when you add lines to return order |
Retail Headquarters |
3189634 |
Payment: Credit card tokens from customer order are associated to the default payment service which might not be the right payment service |
Retail Headquarters |
3184665 |
MPOS : Not able to Pickup and Return Customer Order in case of Mixed Delivery (Pickup + ship) method |
Retail Headquarters |
3186700 |
Total discounts on credit note blocked by retail/call center even if the user is not call center user |
Retail Headquarters |
3183933 |
When you add a store to user to store list and making it primary store, user is getting an error |
Retail Headquarters |
3183933 |
When you add a store to user to store list and making it primary store, user is getting an error |
Retail Headquarters |
3184217 |
Store initialization data failed to load error message because of store latitude and longitude values are too big |
Retail Headquarters |
3180903 |
Cannot insert multiple records in Affiliation error message when you check customer balance in the accounts |
Retail Headquarters |
3176036 |
Unit sales price use Company currency for a Project quotation in Foreign currency |
Retail Headquarters |
3201334 |
Missing financial dimension on item transaction adjustment to new project |
Retail Headquarters |
3173163 |
Committed cost does not reflect on the project budget unless receiving the PO |
Retail Headquarters |
3196092 |
Project Intercompany vendor invoice posting is not considering quantity on WIP posted amount |
Retail Headquarters |
3188069 |
Project Contract Funding Source customers payment terms do not flow over to a Sales Order invoked from a corresponding project |
Retail Headquarters |
3178915 |
Second level tasks cannot be moved when importing WBS templates |
Retail Headquarters |
3201899 |
Sales order Line discount taken from Customer setup but not from Sales order header in Call center |
Retail Headquarters |
3191536 |
Filter by sales order's number from "show journal"->"advanced search" is not working at MPOS |
Retail Headquarters |
3176026 |
Retail pricing calculation does not take base price unit into consideration and always assume it is 1 |
Retail Headquarters |
3182776 |
Possible to return twice the same original retail transaction in different Terminals |
Retail Headquarters |
3192079 |
Process status messages is throwing timeout errors |
Retail Headquarters |
3183123 |
MPOS Reports: Date range search is not returning results if Start date equal to default End date value |
Retail Headquarters |
3189300 |
Enable checkout pricing data cache for EPOS and MPOS |
Retail Headquarters |
3187584 |
Ability to notify the cashier for safe drop based on amount or time. |
Retail Headquarters |
3171503 |
There is no register property that allows the cashier to leave the cash drawer open when closing a shift |
Retail Headquarters |
3164446 |
MPOS doesn't allow you to refund shipping charges when returning customer orders |
Retail Headquarters |
3198247 |
Add basic fields to customer table for do not call, email, text etc... privacy choices for all UI's in all channels |
Retail Headquarters |
3186971 |
Periodic discount replaced by Line discount for retail transaction in POS |
Retail Headquarters |
3202176 |
Gift Card reports show inaccurate information |
Retail Headquarters |
3201029 |
Unable to redeem and pay by loyalty card in Call Center |
Retail Headquarters |
3196680 |
POST STATEMENT: Getting error message during posting, after enabling asynccustomer creation "Cannot execute a data definition language command on Transaction" |
Retail Headquarters |
3196044 |
Incorrect discount amount in the statement vouchers after applied KB3146584 |
Retail Headquarters |
3178108 |
Validation for Missing Barcode items should not include Price-embedded or Weight-embedded barcode items |
Retail Headquarters |
3182029 |
Lack of Financial dimensions on Inter Company Gift card posting |
Retail Headquarters |
3190249 |
Return reason entered in POS for each line for Return order in AX is available only in the header |
Retail Headquarters |
3183056 |
New feature - Tax on gift card item number |
Retail Headquarters |
3167455 |
Missing Item ID in layout designer for MPOS |
Retail Headquarters |
3196720 |
Font size/style/color buttons MPOS doesn't work |
Retail Headquarters |
3171545 |
Net amount on sales order lines is wrongly calculated when you change product dimensions |
Sales and Marketing |
3182895 |
Validation failed for MCRMarginPercentStr control on PriceDiscActual form after post price/discount agreement journals. |
Sales and Marketing |
3193367 |
Credit amount mismatch in Payment journal form after settlement |
Sales and Marketing |
3176181 |
Intercompany on-hand inventory |
Sales and Marketing |
3180430 |
Broker commission for credit notes |
Sales and Marketing |
3175491 |
"Field must be filled in" error when invoicing sales order with Royalty agreement configured multiple vendors on Royalty agreement lines |
Sales and Marketing |
3183263 |
Filter on Opportunities list page is removed if the page is open from role center cue |
Sales and Marketing |
3184554 |
"Window must be called with parameters" error when opening Notes form from a Prospect |
Sales and Marketing |
3157867 |
Total discounts on credit note blocked by retail/call center even if the user is not call center user |
Sales and Marketing |
3199545 |
Item Search does not add all selected lines to a sales order |
Sales and Marketing |
3184040 |
When correcting sales order packing slip line to 0, and then correcting it again to the original quantity, you cannot match the packing line to an invoice anymore, because it is marked as Fully matched. |
Sales and Marketing |
3137389 |
Voucher transactions have wrong values after posting rebate vendor invoice after applying KB3137389 |
Sales and Marketing |
3177297 |
Deduction Payment amount in account currency instead of customer currency generates incorrect balance |
Sales and Marketing |
3179699 |
Royalty Claims are not generated at the Configuration level when Site and Warehouse are left blank |
Sales and Marketing |
3181083 |
Missing Royalty line on Price details form and no royalty claim generated if there's one same item for different vendors on Royalty agreement after installing KB3175491 |
Sales and Marketing |
3195196 |
Process Manaul Rebates is allowed when the status is set to Marked |
Sales and Marketing |
3045427 |
On hand quantity is misleading on customer self-service portal |
Sales and Marketing |
3176734 |
When using the registration function within return orders users can invoice the return order before related quarantine orders are ended |
Sales and Marketing |
3171781 |
Line is added into the sales order even when the item does not have unit conversion setup |
Sales and Marketing |
3178740 |
Transport days are not considered in the sales order requested receipt date if item Ship start date is set in future |
Sales and Marketing |
3176825 |
Auto-reservation form shows quantity in different unit for Available for reservation and Attempt to reserve fields |
Sales and Marketing |
3181031 |
Canceled SOs or canceled PO return orders can have orphaned inventory transactions |
Sales and Marketing |
3179426 |
Return orders end up with doubled charges resulting in inaccurate GL posting in a scenario where Quarantine Management is used |
Sales and Marketing |
3181580 |
Edit Return Orders in grid mode is not possible. |
Sales and Marketing |
3186286 |
The Sales Order Priority initialization is handled differently depending on how you create the sales order and is causing wrong defaults |
Sales and Marketing |
3179025 |
Clicking Down arrow in the Auto charges form to navigate in the left grid of the form changes the Account code |
Sales and Marketing |
3184006 |
When sales orders are filtered and after creating a purchase order from a new sales order the sales order displayed is not the original one. |
Sales and Marketing |
3182645 |
MCRSalesQuickQuote does not enforce min/max rules like the SalesTable does thus leading to incorrect quantities being entered by end users |
Sales and Marketing |
3187992 |
Creating an Item List does not honor the Number of Days value |
Sales and Marketing |
3193003 |
Unable to add a new delivery address to a Sales order in EP: "Cannot edit a record in Sales orders (SalesTable). An update conflict occurred |
Sales and Marketing |
3194519 |
Differences between processes for Service Items in Sales orders and Purchase orders |
Sales and Marketing |
3199313 |
Incorrect Cost and Margin Calculation |
Sales and Marketing |
3197187 |
Sales Price trade agreement price unit is ignored on Update Sales Order Lines but work fine when you manually update the Line Details |
Sales and Marketing |
3199308 |
Return order serialized stock issue |
Sales and Marketing |
3193039 |
Canceled sales line included in Total discount calculation |
Sales and Marketing |
3188878 |
Incorrect count is shown on the My quotation Cue when opened by another user. |
Sales and Marketing |
3163813 |
SO processing performance issue |
Sales and Marketing |
3196554 |
Enable reverse of ship confirm for all loads, cancel packing slip update for sales orders and product receipt for purchase orders (from the load planning workbench) |
Sales and Marketing |
3167895 |
Source data information on the Opportunity is not retrieved from Lead but always from prospect |
Service management |
3198091 |
Transfer of Prospects from Prospect Journal does not transfer Address and yields invalid warning |
Service management |
3199039 |
Pipeline analysis does not show the expected numbers |
Service management |
3189147 |
Creating an Appointment takes several minutes due to large data volume |
Service management |
3170643 |
Using "By Service Agreement" on a Service Agreement, it will create multiple Service Orders if Start Dates are different |
Service management |
3184553 |
Contact person is not updated in the Service order when changing it on Activity |
Service management |
3188032 |
worker dimensions are not retrieved to the service lines |
Service management |
3191101 |
Service object relation does not populate when creating a new line after marking and deleting a line |
Service management |
3184871 |
No Service Object relation to a Service Order if Copy agreement lines is used and the agreement has a Service Object |
Service management |
3160444 |
AIF SalesSalesOrderService.Create() fails to handle India localization data |
System Administration |
3175459 |
Item sales tax group from TMS Miscellaneous Charge does not come over to Sales order\AP invoice journal |
Transportation mangement |
3182661 |
Still date format issue in WMDP menus |
Transportation mangement |
3195956 |
Create Vendor invoice journal for Transfer Orders when freight reconcilled in TMS |
Transportation mangement |
3201798 |
Approval of a submitted Expense Report via an Outlook link results in a stuck page |
Travel and expense |
3201170 |
Attempting to add unreconciled expenses to the expense report but they will not show up with Import Only marked on the Payment Method |
Travel and expense |