Payables Management and Receivables Management - The balances calculated in the
Reconcile to GL window and spreadsheet are designed to be simple calculations from the 'distribution' tables in the sub-ledger and are not the true balances. The true AR/AP balances are calculated in the HATB reports which is a much more complex calculation. This
Reconcile to GL spreadsheet was not intended to be used a Financial report. It was designed to be used as an 'aid' to help find differences so you can reconcile the HATB report to the GL account balance. Therefore, we recommend to ignore the totals and instead, focus on the 'unmatched transaction' section to help find transactions to research that may help explain any differences between your HATB report balance and your GL account balance. For further information, see Q1 and Q2 at the bottom of
KB 866570.
Bank Reconciliation -
- If your checkbook is in the
functional currency, the Ending Balance should display the
Current Checkbook balance (adjusted back to your 'To' date in your Date Range by the transactions in the CM20200 table). The Beginning Balance should then adjust by the transactions in the CM20200 table back to the 'From' date of your Date Range to arrive at a Beginning Balance to display for the Subledger.
- If your checkbook is in an
'originating' currency, the beginning and ending balances in this window will omit the beginning balance amount since a functional currency equivalent of the beginning balance is not stored. The Ending Balance column will display the net activity for the month (from the CM20200 table), but
you will be off by the amount of your beginning balance, if your checkbook is in a non-functional currency. In the meantime, you can manually add the beginning balance to the spreadsheet, and/or use the 'unmatched' section to help find differences to research. Please vote on this product suggestion to get this functionality enhanced (ie. beginning balances in functional currency to populate the
Reconcile to GL window/spreadsheet balance fields) in a future version: